

黨朝輝,男,陝西合陽人,長聘副教授,博士生導師,中國指揮與控制學會空天安全專委會常務委員,Space: Science and Technology國際航天期刊青年編委,Mathematics國際數學期刊客座編輯,全國優博論文獲得者。從事的研究領域有:(1)航天飛行動力學;(2)智慧型控制;(3)博弈論;(4)人工智慧;(5)空間機器人。截至2023年7月,已在Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics等國際著名航天期刊上發表第一作者/通信作者SCI論文30餘篇,申請發明專利110餘項,出版學術專著2部。獲陝西省自然科學一等獎(排名第三)等省部級獎項2項。作為項目負責人主持國家自然科學基金面上項目課題近20項。


  • 中文名:黨朝輝
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:陝西合陽
  • 畢業院校國防科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:航空宇航科學-飛行器設計,控制科學與工程-導航、制導與控制
  • 主要成就:全國優博論文獲得者
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


1、工作經歷 Work Experience
2、教育經歷 Education Experience
3、社會兼職 Social Appointments
(5)Space: Science and Technology國際航天期刊,青年編委








黨朝輝老師的課題組名稱為SWARM-X,英文全稱為:Space Wireless Artificial Robots Multitude-eXplorer,即:空間無線連線的智慧型機器人集群探索者,簡稱:“空間智慧型集群探索”實驗室。SWARM-X實驗室主要研究各種各樣的集群現象(蜂群、魚群、羊群、鳥群、狼群、蟻群……),並從中抽象數學理論,最終套用於空天任務(在軌服務、編隊飛行、集群飛行、博弈對抗等)。實驗室綜合運用博弈論、人工智慧、航天動力學、機器人學、認知學、仿生學等多學科知識,開展廣泛的理論研究、仿真研究及實驗研究。
實驗室在太空飛行器軌道動力學、空間智慧型博弈控制兩個方向取得了一流的科研成果。其中,動力學方面來自於黨朝輝老師早期的科研成果,具體表現在四個基礎軌道動力學方程的求解上:①具有50餘年歷史的Tschauner-Hempel(簡稱TH)方程解析解(Dang,2017)。②具有60餘年歷史的衛星軌道動力學“主問題”——J2攝動軌道動力學拓撲分類(Dang,et al., 2019)。③具有200餘年歷史的高斯行星運動方程二階以上任意階次解析解(Dang, et al., 2020)。④具有300餘年歷史的克卜勒方程超越函式高精度神經網路解析解(Zheng, Luo, and Dang, 2022)。目前,實驗室正在探索將人工智慧方法引入經典軌道動力學領域,以期獲得對航天動力學的智慧型化革新,從而引領“智慧型軌道動力學”的新方向。
另一方面,在智慧型博弈領域,團隊首創了“軌道博弈”的概念、方法與體系,建立了基於學習的軌道博弈決策與控制理論,建立了面向博弈的對手建模與意圖識別理論,提出了:①軌道追逃博弈的PRD-MADDPG智慧型學習算法(Zhao and Dang, 2023)。②脈衝軌道攔截與反攔截博弈策略(Han and Dang,2023)。③二追一攔截與反攔截博弈策略(Han and Dang,2023)。④J2攝動下的長時間追逃博弈模型與方法(Han and Dang,2023)。⑤軌道博弈運動行為的建模與智慧型識別方法(Sun and Dang,2023)。


[36] Qinbo Sun, Zhaohui Dang*, Deep neural network for non-cooperative space target intention recognition, Aerospace Science and Technology, Accepted, 2023.
[35] Hongyu Han, Zhaohui Dang*, Orbital blocking game near Earth-Moon L1 libration point, Space: Science and Technology, Accepted, 2023.
[34] Wenyuan Xie, Liran Zhao, Zhaohui Dang*, Game Tree Search-based Impulsive Orbital Pursuit-Evasion Game with Limited Actions, Space: Science and Technology, Accepted, 2023.
[33] Zhuojun Hou, Qinbo Sun, Zhaohui Dang*, Relative Orbit Design of CubeSats for On-orbit Visual Inspection of China Space Station, Advances in Space Research, Accepted, 2023.
[32] Hongyu Han, Zhaohui Dang*, Models and Strategies for J2 Perturbed Orbital Pursuit-Evasion Game, Space: Science and Technology, Accepted, 2023.
[31] Chenglei Yue, Bohan Jiao, Zhaohui Dang*, et. al., A Review on DFAC (II): A Review on DFAC (Ⅱ) Perturbation and Noises Analysis, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Accepted, 2023.
[30] Bohan Jiao, Qifan Liu, Zhaohui Dang*, et. al., A Review on DFAC (I):System Configuration and Dynamics Modeling, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Accepted, 2023.
[29] Bohan Jiao, Qinbo Sun, Hongyu Han, Zhaohui Dang*, A parametric design method of nanosatellite close-range formation for on-orbit target inspection, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, DOI:10.1016/j.cja.2023.06.003, Accepted, May 2023.
[28] Maozhang Zheng, Jianjun Luo, Zhaohui Dang*, Optimal Impulsive Rendezvous for Highly Elliptical Orbits Using Linear Primer Vector Theor, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Accepted, June 2023.
[27] Hao Zhou, Bohan Jiao, Zhaohui Dang*, Yulin Zhang, and Jianping Yuan,Parametric Formation Control of Multiple Nano Satellites for Cooperative Observation of China Space Station, Astrodynamics, Accepted, July, 2023.
[26] Hongyu Han, Zhaohui Dang*, Optimal delta-V-based strategies in orbital pursuit-evasion games, Advances in Space Research, Volume 72, Issue 2, p. 243-256. July 2023.
[25] Liran Zhao, Yulin Zhang, Zhaohui Dang*, PRD-MADDPG: An efficient learning-based algorithm for orbital pursuit-evasion game with impulsive maneuvers, Advances in Space Research,Volume 72, Issue 2, 15 July 2023, Pages 211-230
[24] Hongqian Zhao, Honghua Dai, Zhaohui Dang*, Optimal guidance for lunar soft landing with dynamic low-resolution image sequences, Advances in Space Research, 69 (2022) 4013–4025
[23] Maozhang Zheng, Jianjun Luo, Zhaohui Dang*, Feedforward Neural Network Based Time-Varying State-Transition-Matrix of Tschauner-Hempel Equations, Advances in Space Research 69 (2022) 1000–1011
[22] Dandan Zheng , Jianjun Luo , Zeyang Yin and Zhaohui Dang*, Finite-time velocity-free prescribed performance control for Halo orbit autonomous rendezvou, Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering,2021, Vol. 235(2) : 205–218
[21] Kaikai Dong, Jianjun Luo, Zhaohui Dang*, Liwa Wei, Tube based robut feedback model predictive control for autonomous rendezvous and docking with a tumbling target, Advances in Space Research 65 (2020) 1158–1181.
[20] Zhaohui Dang, Zhengxu Pan, Hao Zhou, Hao Zhang*, Bounded relative motions near Keplerian orbits in spherical coordinates, Advances in Space Research 66 (2020) 2654–2666.
[19] Zhaohui Dang*, HaoZhou, Zhengxu Pan, Shengyong Tang, A general method for N-order integral-form Gauss’s variational equations under impulsive control, Aerospace Science and Technology, 106(2020)106075
[18] Zhaohui Dang, Jianjun Luo, Peng Shi and Hao Zhang*, General Characteristics of the Motion on J2-Perturbed Equatorial Orbits, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, Vol. 42, No. 10, October 2019
[17] Zhaohui Dang, Zhang Hao* . Linearized relative motion equations through orbital element differences for general Keplerian orbits. Astrodynamics, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 201–215, 2018.
[16] Zhaohui Dang* , Solutions of Tschauner–Hempel Equations, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, Vol.40, No.11, pp.2953-2957, 2017.
[15] Zhaohui Dang* , New State Transition Matrix for Relative Motion on an Arbitrary Keplerian Orbit, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.40, No.11, pp.2953-2957, 2017.
[14] Yulin Zhang, Zhaohui Dang*, Li Fan, and Zhaokui Wang, A Rapid Method for Calculating Maximal and Minimal Inter-Satellite Distances, Advances in Space Research, 59, 2017, 401-412.
[13] Zhaohui Dang* , Li Fan, Zhaokui Wang, and Yulin Zhang, On the maximal and minimal distances of flying-around satellite formation, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol.89 ,No.6 , pp.845-852, 2017
[12] Zhaohui Dang*, Taibo Li, Zhaokui Wang, and Yulin Zhang, “Bounds on Maximal and Minimal Distances For Coplanar Satellite Relative Motion Under Given Initial Conditions,” Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.46,pp.204-209, 2015.
[11] Zhaohui Dang* , Zhaokui Wang, and Yulin Zhang,Improved initialization conditions and single impulsive maneuvers for -invariant relative orbits[J]. Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, 2015.
[10] Zhaohui Dang*; Yulin Zhang, Control Design and Analysis of an Inner-Formation Flying System, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51, No. 3, PP.1621-1634, 2015
[9] Zhaohui Dang*, Zhaokui Wang, Yulin Zhang, Modeling and Analysis of Relative Hovering Control for Spacecraft, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.37, No.4, pp.1091-1102, 2014.
[8] Zhaohui Dang* , Zhaokui Wang, Yulin Zhang, Modeling and Analysis of the Bounds of Periodical Satellite Relative Motion, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.37, No.6, pp.1984-1998, 2014.
[7] Zhaohui Dang* , Optimal Network Topology of Relative Navigation and Communication For Navigation Sharing in Fractionated Spacecraft Cluster, Advances in Space Research, vol. 52, no. 6, 15 September 2013, pp. 1047–1062.
[6] Zhaohui Dang*, Yulin Zhang, Optimization of communication network topology for navigation sharing among distributed satellites, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 51, No.1, pp.143-152, 2013.
[5] Zhaohui Dang*, Modeling and controller design of inner-formation flying system with two proof-masses, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol.30, No.1, pp.8-17, 2013.
[4] Zhaohui Dang* , Yulin Zhang, Formation Control Using μ-synthesis For Inner-Formation Gravity Measurement Satellite System, Advances in Space Research, 49(10), (2012), 1487-1505.
[3] Zhaohui Dang* , Shengyong Tang, Junhua Xiang, Yulin Zhang, Rotational and Translational Integrated Control for Inner-Formation Gravity Measurement Satellite System, Acta Astronautica, 75 (2012) 136–153.
[2] Zhaohui Dang*, Yulin Zhang, Relative Position and Attitude Estimation For Inner-Formation Gravity Measurement Satellite System, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 69, No.7-8, (2011) 514–525.
[1] Zhaohui Dang*, Yulin Zhang, The principle of solar radiation for controlling a spherical proof mass in an inner-formation satellite, Acta Astronautica, Vol.69, No.9-10, (2011) 860-868.


