



  • 軟體名稱:黑森林鐵路
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:31.04MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
DB Regio酒店 - 黑森林鐵路 獲取更的旅程上的黑色森林鐵路與全新的語音導覽。現在,你可以坐下來,聽著一切有了解德國最美麗綿延的軌道,以及沿途的景點。該應用程式還具有歷史和現今的圖像以及離線映射套用GPS定位跟蹤。音頻指南(選擇德語,英語或法語的語言版本)最初致力於奧芬堡和多瑙埃興根之間的路由部分,其餘按照2012/2013。 黑森林鐵路APP,DB Regio酒店VBSüdbaden的祝你一路平安“。 一目了然 - 在這裡你可以期望: ·音頻指南奧芬堡 - 多瑙埃興根 ·大量的圖像的黑森林鐵路 ·德語,英語和法語版本 ·離線映射套用GPS定位跟蹤 ·在2012年和2013年延長音頻指南 DB Regio – Black Forest Railway Get even more out of a journey on the Black Forest Railway with the new audio guide. Now you can sit back and listen up for everything there is to know about one of Germany's most beautiful stretches of track, as well as the sights along the way. The app also features historical and present-day images as well as an offline mapping application with GPS location tracking. The audio guide (choose from German, English or French language versions) is initially dedicated to the section of the route between Offenburg and Donaueschingen, with the rest to follow in 2012/2013. DB Regio VB Südbaden wishes you 'Bon Voyage' with the Black Forest Railway App. At a glance – Here's what you can expect: · Audio guide Offenburg - Donaueschingen · Plenty of images of the Black Forest Railway · German, English and French versions · Offline mapping application with GPS location tracking · Extension of the audio guide in 2012 and 2013


