- 中文名:黃林沖
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:中南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士/博士研究生
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:地下工程
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:隨機場-有限元-離散元並發耦合的岩土材料多尺度破壞過程建模與實驗驗證
- 國家自然科學基金面上項目:爆破荷載作用下岩土參數隨機場三維建模與多尺度動態回響
- 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:多孔岩土材料固相變形與流體擴散耦合的多尺度自適應建模方法研究
- 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目(NSFC-FWO):珊瑚礁材料多尺度隨機場建模與耦合最佳化方法研究
- 基礎加強計畫重點基礎研究項目子課題:深部***對**建設影響研究
- 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目:基於FEM/DEM/LBM耦合算法的多孔介質污染物遷移多尺度研究
- 廣東省自然科學基金:考慮隨機變異性的南方軟土材料多尺度本構框架及程式實現
- 廣東省科技計畫項目:廣東地區海上風電機組災害監測技術與雲計算平台
- 廣州市科技計畫項目產學研協同創新重大專項:基於BIM平台的複雜環境下城市大型地下空間綠色建造技術創新與實踐
- 深圳市科技計畫項目可持續發展科技專項:城市生命線運行綜合監測關鍵技術研究與套用示範
- Signed distance field enhanced fully resolved CFD-DEM for simulation of granular flows involving multiphase fluids and irregularly shaped particles. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023.
- Development of an LSTM-based model for predicting the long-term settlement of land reclamation and a GUI-based tool. Acta Geotechnica, 2023.
- A coupled thermal-elastic-plastic-damage model for concrete subjected to dynamic loading, International Journal of Plasticity, 2022.
- Machine-learning-enabled discrete element method: Contact detection and resolution of irregular-shaped particles. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022.
- A dynamic bounding surface plasticity damage model for rocks subjected to high strain rates and confinements. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2022.
- Signed distance field framework for unified DEM modeling of granular media with arbitrary particle shapes. Computational Mechanics, 2022.
- A systematic 3D simulation method for geomaterials with block inclusions from image recognition to fracturing modeling.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022.
- Implementation of Johnson-Holmquist-Beissel model in four-dimensional lattice spring model and its application in projectile penetration, International Journal of Impact Engineering,2022.
- A finite-discrete element based appoach for modelling the hydraulic fracturing of rocks with irregular inclusions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022.
- Evaluating the hydromechanical responses of seabed-pipelines with rotated anisotropic heterogeneous seabed properties. Ocean Engineering, 2021.
- A systematic framework for the 3D finite-discrete modelling of binary mixtures considering irregular block shapes and cohesive block-matrix interfaces, Powder Technology, 2021.
- A polybezier-basedparticle model for the DEM modeling of granular media. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021.
- Experimental study onthe velocity-dependent frictional resistance of a rough rock fracture exposedto normal load vibrations. Acta Geotechnica,2021.
- An anisotropic boundingsurface plasticity model for saturated porous media. International ournalof Geomechanics, 2021.
- A new multi-function servo control dynamic shear apparatus for geomechanics. Measurement, 2021.
- Spherical cavity expansion in porous rockconsidering plasticity and damage. International Journal For Numerical and Analytical Methods In Geomechanics, 2021.
- Frictional behavior of granular materialsexposed to dynamic normal load. Engineering Geology, 2021.
- 施工期同步注漿影響下盾構隧道管片縱向上浮特徵分析與套用. 岩土工程學報, 2021.
- Revisiting the GJK and shape erosion methodfor contact resolution in DEM. Powder Technology, 2021.
- Numerical study on the frequency response ofoffshore monopile foundation to seismic excitation. Computers And Geotechnics, 2021.
- An extension of the Fourier series-based particle model to the GJK-based contact detection and resolution framework for DEM. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2021.
- Dynamic Properties of Thermal Shock Treated Sandstone Subjected to Coupled Dynamic and Static Loads. Minerals, 2021.
- The flexural stiffness of segment joints in large-diameter tunnel under various loading conditions. Structural Concrete, 2020.
- A semianalyticalHertzian frictional contact model in 2D. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020.
- Feasibility of using microwave curing to enhance the compressive strength of mixed recycled aggregate powder based geopolymer. Construction & Building Materials, 2020.
- Analysis of ground collapse caused by shield tunnelling and the evaluation of the reinforcement effect on a sand stratum. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020.
- Fourier series-baseddiscrete element method for computational mechanics of irregular-shaped particle. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020.
- Soil-water inrushinduced shield tunnel lining damage and its stabilization: a case study. Tunnellingand Underground Space Technology, 2020.
- On optimizing siteinvestigation program using centroidal Voronoi tessellation and random fieldtheory. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020.
- Experimental study ofnon-linear fluid flow though rough fracture based on fractal theory and 3Dprinting technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020.
- 多孔隙介質力學行為與流固耦合數值方法,科學出版社,2023.
- 城市盾構隧道施工過程管片力學特性研究,廣東科技出版社,2021.
- 工程製圖. 廣州 : 中山大學出版社, 2022.1
- 工程地質與水文地質. 廣州 : 中山大學出版社, 2021.12
- 線下一流課程:工程製圖與CAD
- 線上線下混合式一流課程:計算機輔助設計
- 一種豎井盾構施工方法及豎井盾構機,CN 201910249135.4
- 隧道環向變截面擴挖方法, CN 201811052177.0
- 盾構隧道壁後注漿輔助機構, CN 201821315162.4
- 環向擴挖盾構機構, CN 201821474273.X
- 一種固定測斜儀及其測斜方法,CN 201810762634.9
- 一種蛇形盔甲錨桿及其施工方法,CN 201910978854.X
- 小孔擴張試驗裝置及其試驗方法, CN 201910535486.1
- 一種測斜儀及其測斜方法,CN 201810762797.7
- 一種異形樁及其施工方法, CN 201811442670.3
- 一種聯絡通道的盾構施工方法, CN 201910249125.0
- 一種頂管隧道的等效抗彎剛度確定方法、裝置及設備,CN 202010041260.9
- 過江隧道襯砌管片的微生物防滲注漿裝置及方法,CN 202010227917.0
- 一種深部岩體分區裂化監測裝置和方法, CN 202010418096.9
- 隧道初期支護結構及施工方法,CN 202010452930.6
- 真三軸岩石滲流試驗載入裝置及試驗系統,CN 202010311567.6
- 一種隧道耗能支護結構及施工方法,CN 202110086646.6
- 一種顆粒材料的顆粒狀態分析方法、裝置及設備,CN 201910664313.X
- 可模擬穿越既有構築物的隧道非開挖施工試驗裝置及方法,CN 202010578792.6
- 一種深部岩體分區裂化監測裝置和方法,CN 202010418096.9
- 管片接頭抗彎剛度測量方法、系統、設備及存儲介質,CN 202010041260.9
- 測量岩石節理面剪下過程中裂隙變化的實驗方法及其系統,CN 202010311480.9
- 高鐵路基變形自適應控制系統及方法,CN 202110159825.8
- 基於沃羅諾伊圖的鑽孔布置方案的設計方法和最佳化方法. CN 201911335204.X
- 一種深海環境高速侵徹試驗裝置和方法, CN202110884763.7
- 太空環境超高速撞擊試驗裝置及方法, CN202110783885.7
- 教育部寶鋼優秀教師獎
- 廣東省科技進步獎一等獎
- 深圳市科技進步獎一等獎
- 廣東省科學技術獎二等獎
- 中國專利優秀獎
- 中國產學研創新成果獎二等獎
- 國際隧道協會WG19工作小組(ITA-WG19)
- 中國土木工程學會隧道及地下工程分會理事
- 中國公路建設行業協會第四屆專家委員會委員
- 教育部萬名優秀創新創業導師人才庫首批入庫導師
- 廣東省教育廳教育評價改革專家
- 廣東省力學學會常務理事、青年工作委員會主任
- 廣東省安全生產委員會第四屆專家組專家