



  • 中文名:黃建 
  • 出生日期:1978年1月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:東京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:林學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學




針對與棗樹品質、產量等重要性狀相關,從生理和分子層次開展回響的套用基礎研究。目前主要開展的研究有:①從生理和轉錄水平,研究酸棗和棗果實成熟過程中,糖、酸積累的差異的生理及分子機制。②從授粉生物學,雜交親和性方面開展研究棗樹種仁率低的生物學現象。 ③建立和完善棗樹的農桿菌介導的基因轉化技術④毛葉棗的性狀評價和品種分子鑑定體系研究。
① 針對新疆等棗區土壤鹽鹼化現狀,開展菌根提高棗樹抗鹽鹼的生理和分子機制研究。②鑑定和套用一些極端環境偏好菌株,證實菌根菌在礦區森林恢復中具有套用潛力。




1.完成了棗樹品種的一致性、穩定性和特異性測試方面(第2完成人),已作為林業行業標準發布(LY/T 1860-2011)。
3. 完成棗樹‘駿棗’品種的全基因組測序工作,為從分子層次研究棗樹的生物學特性提供重要的基因資源。 並從基因組選擇的角度,發現棗樹馴化過程中糖和酸代謝通路中的關鍵基因受到了廣發選擇,豐富了果樹糖酸風味馴化的研究思路。
4. 從分子生態學角度研究了外生菌根群落對重金屬污染的適應機制。闡明了礦區菌根群落結構與礦區土壤污染、植被狀態呈顯著相關,鑑定了一些礦區及乾旱區環境偏好菌株,並在礦區廢棄地進行了試驗研究,證實外生菌根菌在礦區森林恢復中具有套用潛力,在此基礎上,利用轉錄組學研究了菌根對重金屬脅迫的回響機制。
5. 研究了溫帶森林主要樹種的外生菌根群落多樣性。結合單根尖微量DNA提取技術和Sanger測序技術,鑑定了馬尾松、油松、遼東櫟、冷杉、太白紅杉等樹種菌根多種,在Genbank中提交序列達到1000個。


1.Chen R, Chen G, Huang J*. 2017. Shot-gun proteome and transcriptome mapping of the jujube floral organ and identification of a pollen-specific S-locus F-box gene. Peer J 5:e3588, IF=2.1
2.Huang J, Zhang C, Zhao X, Fei Z, Wan K, Zhang Z, Pang X, Yin X, Bai Y, Sun X, Gao L, Li R, Zhang J, Li X. 2016.The jujube genome provides insights into genome evolution and the domestication of sweetness/acidity taste in fruit trees. PLOS genetics. 2016.12.01,12(12) IF=6.661
3.Huang J, Yang X, Zhang C, Yin X, Li X. 2015. Development of chloroplast microsatellite markers and analysis of chloroplast diversity in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and wild jujube (Ziziphus acidojujuba Mill.). PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0134519. IF=3.234
4.Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Lian CL. 2015. Soil propagule banks of ectomycorrhizal fungi along forest development stages after mining. Microbial ecology, 69, 768-777. IF=3.118
5.Zhang Z, Wei T, Zhong Y, Li X*, Huang J*. 2016. Construction of a high-density genetic map of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. using genotyping by sequencing technology. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12, 76. IF=2.132
6.Qisheng Han, Jian Huang*, Dongfeng Long, Xiaobing Wang, Jianjun Liu*.2017 Diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Larix chinensis across the alpine treeline ecotone of Taibai Mountain. Mycorrhiza. IF=3.252
7.Wang Xiaobing, Liu Jianjun*,Long Dongfeng, Han Qisheng, Huang Jian*. 2017. The ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Quercus liaotungensis in different habitats across northern China. Mycorrhiza. IF=3.252
8.Qi Yulin,Zhao Nanxing,Liu Jianjun,Huang Jian *. 2016. Biochemical Responses of Ten Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Isolates to Manganese. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 2016.12.,227(12). IF=1.551
9.Long D, Liu J*, Han Q, Wang X, Huang J*. 2016. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Populus simonii and Pinus tabuliformis in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau, China. Scientific Reports, 6, 24336. IF=5.578
10.Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Wang J, Xue S, Peng K, Shen Z, Lian CL. 2014. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) and white oak (Quercus fabri) in a manganese mining region in Hunan Province, China. Fungal Ecology, 9, 1-10. IF=2.992
11.Huang J, Nara K, Lian CL, Zong K, Peng K, Xue S, Shen Z. 2012.Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) in Pb-Zn mine sites of central south China. Mycorrhiza, 22, 589-602. IF=2.955
12.趙南星,韓啟晟,黃建*.白皮松天然林外生菌根土壤繁殖體庫研究. 套用生態學報。2017. DOI: 10.13287/j.1001-9332.201712.000
13.Zhang C, Huang J, Li X*. Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Metabolic Mechanism of L-Ascorbic Acid in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016; 7:122. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00122.
14.Zong K, Huang J, Nara K, Chen Y, Shen Z, Lian CL. 2015. Inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi contributes to the survival of tree seedlings in a copper mine tailing. Journal of Forest Research, 20, 493-500.
15.Zhang C, Huang J, Li X. 2015. Identification of appropriate reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Scientia Horticulturae, 197, 166-169.
16.Zhang C, Huang J, Yin X, Wang C, Lian CL, Li XL. 2015. Genetic diversity and population structure of sour jujube, Ziziphus acidojujuba. Tree Genetics & Genomics, 11, 809. IF=2.132
17.耿榮,耿增超,黃建,和文祥,侯琳,佘雕,韓其晟,龍東風. 秦嶺辛家山林區銳齒櫟外生菌根真菌多樣性[J]. 菌物學報,2016,(07):833-847.
18.朱琳,黃建,陳天陽,周永斌. 文冠果人工林根際土壤真菌和根系內生真菌群落多樣性. 東北林業大學學報,2015,(05):105-111.
19.耿榮,耿增超,黃建,和文祥,侯琳,佘雕,趙軍,尚傑. 秦嶺辛家山林區雲杉外生菌根真菌多樣性[J]. 微生物學報,2015,(07):905-915.
20.黃建,馬鋒旺,樊軍鋒,等. 棗樹離體葉片不定芽再生體系建立的研究.西北植物學報. 2006,26(5):942-948.


