- 中文名:黃康有
- 出生日期:1979年
- 畢業院校:中山大學
- 職業:教師
- 性別:男
- 職稱:副教授
主要從事東亞表土孢粉數據的建設,研究華南亞熱帶陸地生態系統在末次冰期以來的演變及其氣候變化的回響;華南海洋和陸地高分辨孢粉和微體古生物分析;熱帶-亞熱帶第四紀時期的海平面變化、環境變化及其在時間、空間上的演變規律和模式;第四紀氣候變化的定量研究;東亞季風演化;南海古環境變遷及海陸對比;人類及生物演化與環境的關係及人類活動對環境的影響。目前主持省部級以上縱向科研項目8項,包括國際合作項目、國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家自然科學基金青年項目、教育部高等學校博士點基金、廣東省自然科學基金、廣東高校優秀青年創新人才培育項目、中國高校青年培育項目。目前已經發表30 多篇學術論文,並出版英文專著1部。2007年獲得中國古生物孢粉學會優秀論文獎,2008年獲中山大學優秀博士後稱號,入選廣東省“千百十人才培養工程 ”第八批校級培養對象。
1. 國家自然科學基金委—貝爾蒙特論壇(Belmont Forum)國際(地區)合作與交流項目:《過去氣候條件下山地生態系弱點的警醒:探討極端環境下生態系統的脆弱性》,國家自然科學基金委資助“末次盛冰期以來亞熱帶植物避難所及長柄水青岡地理遷移路線的研究”(主持:2016-2019)
2. 國家自然科學基金項目“華南山地植物避難所末次冰期以來的植被演替與氣候回響”(主持:2015—2018)
3. 國家自然科學基金項目“華南亞熱帶高山沼澤全新世高解析度孢粉分析及定量古環境重建”(主持:2011—2013)
4. 廣東省自然科學基金項目“珠江三角洲三水盆地高解析度孢粉分析與古氣候重建”(主持:2011—2012)
5. 教育部高校博士點基金“中國亞熱帶地區大圍山高山沼澤高解析度孢粉分析與古氣候重建”(主持:2011—2013)
7. 中國高校青年教師培育項目“華南地區全新世以來水松古森林消亡與海陸變遷耦合研究”(主持:2011—2013)
8. 井岡山申遺項目:中國井岡山地區孢粉分析與古植被演變研究(主持:2011—2012)
9. 中山大學重大項目培育和新興交叉學科培育計畫項目“全新世環境自然變率背景下的華南地區氣候變化與災害成因及其影響”(參加:2011—2013)
10. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“紅樹植物在潮間帶極端環境下的適應性演化過程與機制”(參加:2012—2016)
11. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“東亞大陸孢粉散布空間格局及末次冰期以來典型植被帶對氣候變化的回響”(參加:2004—2007)
12. 國家自然科學基金項目“海南島長昌盆地始新世古植被及古氣候定量研究”(參加:2006—2009)
13. 國家自然科學基金“印度-西太平洋海岸潮間帶幾種紅樹植物系統地理格局的比較及其形成機制”(參加:2008—2011)
1. Kangyou Huang, Zhuo Zheng, Rachid Cheddadi. Atlas of plants distributions and related climate in China. Guangzhou: Chira Review Academic Publishers Press, 2008.04(專著)
2.Man Ching Cheung, Yongqiang Zong(通信作者), Zhuo Zheng,Kangyou Huang, Jonathan C. Aitchison. A stable mid-late Holocene monsoon climate of the central Tibetan Plateau indicated by a pollen record. Quaternary International, 2014, 333,40-48(SCI)
3.Zhuo Zheng, Jinhui Wei,Kangyou Huang*(通信作者), Qinghai Xu, Houyuan Lu, Pavel Tarasov, Chuanxiu Luo, Celia Beaudouin, Yun Deng, Anding Pan, Yanwei Zheng, Yunli Luo, Takeshi Nakagawa, Chunhai Li, Shixiong Yang, Huanhuan Peng and Rachid Cheddadi. East Asian pollen database: modern pollen distribution and its quantitative relationship with vegetation and climate. Journal of Biogeography, 2014(41),1819–1832.(SCI)
4.Kangyou Huang*(通信作者), Zhuo Zheng,Wenbo Liao, Linglong Cao, Yanwei Zheng, Hua Zhang, Guangqi Zhu, Zhong Zhang, Rachid Cheddadi. Reconstructing late Holocene vegetation and fire histories in monsoonal region of southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014, 393, 102–110.(SCI)
5. Bishan Chen, Zhuo Zheng,Kangyou Huang*(通信作者), Yanwei Zheng, Guifang Zhang, Qinghua Zhang, Xulei Huang. Radionuclide dating of recent sediment and the validation of pollen-environment reconstruction in a small watershed reservoir in southeasternChina. Catena, 2014, 115, 29–38.(SCI)
6.Wenjun Zhou, Xiaoan Liu, Qingqing Xu,Kangyou Huang*(通信作者)& Jianhua Jin*. New coryphoid fossil palm leaves (Arecaceae: Coryphoideae) from the Eocene Changchang Basin of Hainan Island,South China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2013, 56(9): 1493–1501.(SCI)
7.Zhuo Zheng*,Kangyou Huang†(共同第一作者), Yun Deng, Linglong Cao, Shaohua Yu, Jean-Pierre Suc, Serge Berne & François Guichard. A ~200 ka pollen record from Okinawa Trough: Paleoenvironment reconstruction of glacial-interglacial cycles. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2013, 56(10): 1731–1747.(SCI)
8.黃康有(通信作者),魏金輝,陳碧珊,張華,鄭卓,曹玲瓏,鄭艷偉.最佳類比法的孢粉-古氣候定量重建研究進展.第四紀研究, 2013, 33(6): 1069-1079.
9. 李傑,鄭卓, Rachid Cheddadi,楊士雄,黃康有.神農架大九湖四萬年以來的植被與氣候變化.地理學報, 2013, 68(1): 69-81.
10.楊士雄,鄭卓,陳碧珊,李傑,黃康有.大戟科現代植物花粉形態.植物學報, 2013, 48 (5): 550–560.
11.Yongqiang Zong*(通信作者), Zhuo Zheng,Kangyou Huang, Yiying Sun, Ning Wang, Min Tang, Guangqing Huang. Changes in sea level, water salinity and wetland habitat linked to the late agricultural development in thePearl Riverdelta plain of China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013, 70: 145-157.(SCI)
12.Jie Li, Zhuo Zheng,Kangyou Huang, Shixiong Yang, Brian Chase, Verushka Valsecchi, Matthieu Carré, Rachid Cheddadi*(通信作者). Vegetation changes during the past 40,000 years inCentral Chinafrom a long fossil record. Quaternary International, 2013, 310: 221-226.(SCI)
13.Jingxian Xu, Zhuo Zheng,Kangyou Huang, Yuanfu Yue, Jie Li, Brian M. Chase, Marine-Pierre Ledru, Matthieu Carré, Rachid Cheddadi*(通信作者). Impacts of human activities on ecosystems during the past 1300 years in Pingnan area ofFujian Province,China. Quaternary International, 2013, 286: 29-35.(SCI)
14.Yuanfu Yue, Zhuo Zheng*(通信作者),Kangyou Huang, Manuel Chevalier, Brian M. Chase, Matthieu Carré, Marie-Pierre Ledru, Rachid Cheddadi. A continuous record of vegetation and climate change over the past 50,000 years in theFujianProvinceof eastern subtropicalChina. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012, 365–366: 115–123.(SCI)
15.Yongqiang Zong*(通信作者),Kangyou Huang, Fengling Yu, Zhuo Zheng, Adam Switzer, Guangqing Huang, Ning Wang, Min Tang. The role of sea-level rise, monsoonal discharge and the palaeo-landscape in the early Holocene evolution of the Pearl River delta, southernChina. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2012, 54: 77-88.(SCI)
16.Shixiong Yang, Zhuo Zheng *(通信作者),Kangyou Huang, Yongqiang Zong, Jianhua Wang, Qinghai Xu, Barry V Rolett, Jie Li. Modern pollen assemblages from cultivated rice fields and rice pollen morphology: Application to a study of ancient land use and agriculture in the Pearl RiverDelta,China. The Holocene, 2012, 22: 1394-1404.(SCI)
17.Hai-cheng Wei(通信作者), Hai-zhou Ma, Zhuo Zheng, An-ding Pan,Kang-you Huang. Modern pollen assemblages of surface samples and their relationships to vegetation and climate in the northeasternQinghai-Tibetan Plateau,China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2011, 163: 237–246.(SCI)
18.Zhuo Zheng, Shixiong Yang(通信作者), Yun Deng,Kangyou Huang, Jinhui Wei, Serne Berne, Jean-Pierre Suc. Pollen record of the past 60 ka BP in the Middle Okinawa Trough: Terrestrial provenance and reconstruction of the paleoenvironment. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011, 307: 285–300.(SCI)
19.莫丹,管東生,黃康有,劉淑雯, M. R. Peart.廣州城區生態安全島典型植物群落結構及物種多樣性.生態學報, 2011, 31( 6) : 1515-1524.
20.莫丹,管東生,劉淑雯,黃康有,梁雅丹.廣州城區生態安全島森林生物量、葉片滯塵和物種多樣性研究.環境科學學報, 2011, 31 ( 3) : 666-672.
21.Kangyou Huang,Zhuo Zheng, Louis François, Dongsheng Guan & Rachid Cheddadi*(通信作者). Plants Bioclimatic Affinity Groups inChina: Observed vs. Simulated Ranges. The Open Ecology Journal, 2010, 3, 24-42.
22.Chuanxiu Luo, Zhuo Zheng(通信作者), Pavel Tarasov, Takeshi Nakagawa, Anding Pan, Qinghai Xu, Houyuan Lu,Kangyou Huang. A potential of pollen-based climate reconstruction using a modern pollen–climate dataset from arid northern and westernChina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2010, 160:111–125.(SCI)
23.YanWei Zheng, Zhuo Zheng, Pavel Tarasov, LeXiang Qian,KangYou Huang, JinHui Wei, ChuanXiu Luo, QingHai Xu, HouYuan Lu, YunLi Luo. Palynological and satellite-based MODIS observations of modern vegetational gradients inChina. Quaternary International, 2010, 218, 190–201.(SCI)
24.魏海成,馬海州,鄭卓,潘安定,黃康有,王志英,翟俊.青藏高原東北部表土花粉組合與植被和氣候的關係.海洋地質與第四紀地質, 2010, 30(4): 187-192.
25.楊士雄,鄭卓,黃康有,王建華,王曉靜,許清海,李傑.亞熱帶稻作區表土孢粉研究及其考古學套用木.第四紀研究, 2010, 30(2): 262-272.
26.黃康有,鄭卓, L. Francois,管東生, R. Cheddadi,鄭艷偉,魏金輝,許清海.基於生物氣候因子聚類的植物群組劃分及其中國生物群區模擬.第四紀研究, 2009, 29(2): 199-210.
27. R. Cheddadi1, B. Fady, L. Francois, L. Hajar, J.-P. Suc,K. Huang, M. Demarteau, G. G. Vendramin and E. Ortu. Putative glacial refugia of Cedrus atlantica deduced from Quaternary pollen records and modern genetic diversity. Journal of Biogeography, 2009, 36, 1361–1371.