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  • 中文名:黃偉
  • 國籍中國


2007-2011年中國科學院武漢植物園生態學 博士
2004-2007年西北農林科技大學生態學 碩士
2000-2004年西北農林科技大學植物保護 學士


1. 生物入侵對生物多樣性的影響和作用機制
2. 脆弱生態系統對生物入侵的回響和反饋




1. 自然科學基金-優秀青年科學基金,生物入侵和生態安全,2019-2021
2. 武漢植物園-人才項目,生物入侵對生物多樣性形成和維持格局的影響和作用機制,2018-2020
3. 歐盟-瑪麗居里個人項目,Associational resistance and neighbor recognition of in common dandelion roots,2016-2017
4. 自然科學基金-面上項目,植物防禦演化對地上和地下昆蟲互作關係的影響及其內在機制,2015-2018
5. 中國科學院-青年創新促進會,入侵植物轉錄組學研究,2013-2016
6. 自然科學基金-青年項目,烏桕化學防禦策略適應性進化的代謝組學研究,2013-2015
7. 國際合作項目-美國農業部,葛藤天敵昆蟲群落結構及抗性演化,2011-2013


  • Huang W, Siemann E, Ding J. 2018. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of above- and belowground herbivores and invasive plants. In: Aboveground-belowground Community Ecology (eds. Ohgushi T, Wurst S, Johnson SN). Springer,271-291.
  1. Wang Y, Ismail M, Huang W, Wang Y, Ding J. 2018. Population dynamics and overwintering of a biological control beetle, Agasicleshy grophila, on a nontarget plant Alternantherasessilis, along a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Pest Science, Online.
  2. Xiao L, Herve MR, Carrillo J, Ding J*, Huang W. 2018. Latitudinal trends in growth, reproduction and defense of an invasive plant. Biological Invasions, Online.
  3. Huang W, Zwimpfer E, Hervé MR, Bont Z, Erb M. 2018. Neighborhood effects determine plant-herbivore interactions below ground. Journal of Ecology, 106: 347-356.
  4. Huang W, Robert CAM, Hervé MR, Hu L, Bont Z, Erb M. 2017. A mechanism for sequence specificity in plant-mediated interactions between herbivores. New Phytologist, 214: 169-179.
  5. Bont Z, Arce C, Huber M, Huang W, Mestrot A, Sturrock CJ,Erb M. 2017. A herbivore tag-and-trace system reveals contact- and density-dependent repellence of a root toxin. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43: 295-306.
  6. Li X, Guo W, Siemann E, Wen Y, Huang W, Ding J. 2016. Plant genotypes affect above ground and below ground herbivore interactions by changing chemical defense.Oecologia, 182, 1107-1115.
  7. Huang W, Ding J. 2016. Effects of generalist herbivory on resistance and resource allocation by the invasive plant,Phytolaccaamericana. Insect science, 23:191-199.
  8. Huang W, Siemann E, Carrillo J, Ding J. 2015. Belowground herbivory limits induction of extrafloral nectar by above ground herbivores. Annals of Botany, 115: 841-846.
  9. Huang W, Siemann E, Xiao L, Yang X, Ding J. 2014. Species-specific defence responses facilitate conspecifics and inhibit heterospecifics in above-belowground herbivore interactions. Nature Communications, 5: 4851.
  10. Yang XF, Huang W, Tian B, Ding J. 2014. Differences in growth and herbivory damage of native and invasive kudzu (Peurariamontana var.lobata) populations grown in the native range. Plant Ecology, 215: 339-346.
  11. Huang W, Siemann E, Yang X, Wheeler GS, Ding J. 2013. Facilitation and inhibition: changes in plant nitrogen and secondary metabolites mediate interactions between above-ground and below-ground herbivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 280: 20131318.
  12. Huang W, Carrillo J, Ding J, Siemann E. 2012. Invader partitions ecological and evolutionary responses to above- and belowground herbivory.Ecology,93: 2343-2352.
  13. Huang W, Carrillo J, Ding J, Siemann E. 2012. Interactive effects of herbivory and competition intensity determine invasive plant performance. Oecologia, 170: 373-382.
  14. Huang W, Wheeler GS, Purcell MF, Ding J. 2011. The host range and impact of Bikashacollaris (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a promising candidate agent for biological control of Chinese tallow, Triadicasebifera (Euphorbiaceae) in the United States. Biological Control, 56: 230-238.
  15. Wang Y, Huang W, Siemann E, Zou J, Wheeler G, Carrillo J, Ding J. 2011. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of host plants: biocontrol agents reach high densities but exert weak control. Ecological Applications, 21: 729-738.
  16. Huang W, Siemann E, Wheeler GS, Zou J, Carrillo J, Ding J. 2010. Resource allocation to defence and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology, 98: 1157-1167.


