- 中文名:鯨類保護生物學學科組
- 創立時間:1978年
1.Huang SL, Mei ZG, Hao YJ, Zheng JS, Wang K, Wang D*.(2016). Saving the Yangtze finless porpoise: Time is rapidly running out.Biological Conservation, online..2016.05.021.(SCI)
2.Pine MK*, Wang K*, Wang D*.(2016). Fine-scale habitat use in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins,Sousa chinensis, may be more influenced by fish rather than vessels in the Pearl River Estuary, China.Marine Mammal Science, in press, DOI: 10.1111/mms.12366.(SCI)
3.Pine MK*, Wang K*, Wang D*.(2016).Monitoring rising ambient sound levels from vessels and impacts on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) occurrences.Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 27, 070003. DOI: 10.1121/2.0000252.
4.Wang ZT, Au WWL, Rendell L, Wang KX*, Wu HP, Wu YP, Liu JC, Duan GQ, Cao HJ, Wang D*. (2016). Apparent source levels and active communication space of whistles of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River Estuary and Beibu Gulf, China.PeerJ, 4: e1695. (SCI)
5.Pine MK*, Jeffs AG,Wang D, Radford CA.(2016). The potential for vessel noise to mask biologically important sounds within ecologically significant embayments.Ocean & Coastal Management, 127: 63e73. (SCI)
6.Ruan R, Wan XL, Zheng Y, Zheng JS*, Wang D*. (2016). Assembly and characterization of the MHC class I region of the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis).Immunogenetics, 68: 77-82. (SCI)
7.Ruan R, Ruan J, Wan XL, Zheng Y, Chen MM, Zheng JS*, Wang D*. (2016). Organization and characteristics of the major histocompatibility complex classⅡregion in the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis).Scientific Reports, 6: 22471. (SCI)
8.Chen MM, Zheng Y, Hao YJ, Mei ZG, Wang KX, Zhao QZ, Zheng JS*, Wang D*. (2016). Parentage-based group composition and dispersal pattern studies of the Yangtze finless porpoise population in Poyang Lake.International Journal of Molecular Sciences,17: 1268. (SCI)
9.Ma HJ, Stewart K*, Lougheed S, Zheng JS, Wang YX, Zhao JF. (2016).Characterization, optimization, and validation of environmental DNA (eDNA) markers to detect an endangered aquatic mammal.Conservation Genetics Resources, 8(4): 561-568. (SCI)
10.Wan XL, Ruan R, McLaughlin RW, Hao YJ, Zheng JS*, Wang D*. (2016). Fecal bacterial composition of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoises living under captive and semi-natural conditions.Current Microbiology, 72: 306-314. (SCI)
11.Wan XL,McLaughlinRW, Zhou JY, Hao YJ, Zheng JS*, Wang D*. (2016). Isolation of culturable aerobic bacteria and evidence ofKerstersia gyiorumfrom the blowhole of captive Yangtze finless porpoises.Antonie van LeeuwenhoekJournal of Microbiology, 109(8): 1167-1175. (SCI)
12.Yu XY, Hao YJ*, Kot B, Wang Ding.(2016).Effect of photoperiod extension on the testicular sonographic appearance and sexual behavior of captive Yangtze finless porpoise(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis).Zoological Studies,55:24.(SCI)
13.Li SH*, Lin ML, Xu X, Xing LR, Zhang PJ, Gozlan RE, Huang SL, Wang D. (2016). First record of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) southwest of Hainan Island, China.Marine Biodiversity Records, 9: 3.
1.Fang L, Li SH, Wang KX, Wang ZT, Shi WJ, Wang D*.(2015). Echolocation signals of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Sanniang Bay, China.J. Acoust. Soc. Am.138 (3): 1346-1352. (SCI)
2.Fang L, Wang D, Li YT, Cheng ZL, Pine MK., Wang KX*, Li SH*.(2015). The source parameters of echolocation clicks from captive and free-ranging Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis).PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0129143. (SCI)
3.Dong L, Wang D*, Wang K, Li S, Mei Z, Wang S, Akamatsu T, Kimura S. (2015).Yangtze finless porpoises along the main channel of Poyang Lake, China: implications for conservation.Marine Mammal Science,31(2):612-628.(SCI)
4.Wang ZT, Akamatsu T, Mei ZG, Dong LJ, Imaizumi T, Wang KX, Wang D*.(2015).Frequent and prolonged nocturnal occupation of port areas by Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis): forced choice for feeding?Integrative Zoology,10, 122-132.(SCI)
5.Wang ZT, Nachtigall PE., Akamatsu T, Wang KX*, Wu YP, Liu JC, Duan GQ, Cao HJ, Wang D*.(2015). Passive acoustic monitoring the diel, lunar, seasonal and tidal patterns in the biosonar activity of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River estuary, China.PLoS ONE, 10(11): e0141807. (SCI)
6.Wei C, Wang ZT, Song ZC, Wang KX, Wang D*, Au W, Zhang Y*.(2015). Acoustic property reconstruction of a neonate Yangtze finless porpoise’s (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) head assed on CT imaging.Plos One, 10(4): e0121442.(SCI)
7.Li SH*, Wu HP, Xu YH, Peng CW, Fang L, Lin ML, Xing LR, Zhang PJ. (2015). Mid- to high-frequency noise from high-speed boats and its potential impacts on humpback dolphins.J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138 (2): 942-952.(SCI)
8.Platto S*, Wang D, Wang KX. (2015). Variation in the emission rate of sounds in a captive group of false killer whalesPseudorca crassidensduring feedings: possible food anticipatory vocal activity?Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(6):1865-97. (SCI)
9.Ruan R, Guo AH, Hao YJ, Zheng JS*,Wang D*. (2015).De Novoassembly and characterization of narrow-ridged finless porpoise renal transcriptome and identification of candidate genes involved in osmoregulation.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16: 2220-2238.(SCI)
10.Wang JZ, Yu XY, Hu B, Zheng JS, Xiao WH, Hao YJ, Liu WH*, Wang D*. (2015). Physicochemical evolution and molecular adaptation of the cetacean osmoregulation-related gene UT-A2 and implications for functional studies.Scientific Reports, 5(8795): 1-17. (SCI)
11.Bi JL, Hu B, Zheng JS, Wang JZ, Xiao WH*, Wang D*. (2015). Characterization of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha gene in the sperm whale, beluga whale, and Yangtze finless porpoise.Marine Biology, 162: 1201-1213.(SCI)
12.Zeng XY, Jin JH, Hao YJ*, Wang D*. (2015). Topographical distribution of blubber in finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri): a result from adapting to living in coastal waters.Zoological Studies, 54: 32. (SCI)
13.敖亮,馮平,鄭勁松,於黎,趙華斌*. (2015).海洋哺乳動物信息素嗅覺的分子進化.中國科學:生命科學, 45(2): 175-182.
14.時文靜,王志陶,方亮,董黎君,王士勇,王丁,王克雄*. (2015).打樁水下噪聲對長江江豚影響初探.水生生物學報, 39(2): 399-407.
15.李青青,熊遠輝,王克雄*,王丁. (2015).長江新螺段江豚保護水域水質的時空變化.水生態學報, 36(1): 1-8.
16.張長群,鄭楊, Platto Sara,郝玉江*,王丁. (2015).人工飼養長江江豚的同性性行為和自慰行為.獸類學報, 35(3): 241-252.
1.Kimura S, Akamatsu T, Dong LJ, Wang KX, Wang D, Shibata Y, Arai N. (2014). Acoustic capture-recapture method for towed acoustic surveys of echolocating porpoise.J. Acoust. Soc. Am.135(6): 3364-3370.(SCI)
2.Kimura S, Akamatsu T, Fang L, Wang ZT, Wang KX*, Wang D, Yoda K. (2014).Apparent source level of free-ranging humpback dolphin,Sousa chinensis, in the South China Sea.Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S0025315414000071.(SCI)
3.Mooney TA*,Li SH, Ketten DR,Wang KX,Wang D.(2014).Hearing pathways in the Yangtze finless porpoise,Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis.Journal of Experimental Biology,217: 444-452.(SCI)
4.Wang ZT, Akamatsu T, Wang KX*, Wang D*.(2014). The diel rhythms of biosonar behavior in the Yangtze finless porpoise(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) in the port of the Yangtze River: the correlation between prey availability and boat traffic.PLOS ONE, 9(5): e97907.(SCI)
5.Wang ZT, Wu YP, Duan GQ, Cao HJ, Liu JC, Wang KX*, Wang D*. (2014). Assessing the underwater acoustics of the world’s largest vibration hammer (OCTA-KONG) and its potential effects on the Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin (Sousa chinensis).PLOS ONE, 9(10): e110590. (SCI)
6.Zhang Y, Gao XW, Zhang S, Cao WW, Tang LG, Wang D, Li Y. (2014). A biomimetic projector with high subwavelength directivity based on dolphin biosonar.Applied Physics Letters, 105, 12302.(SCI)
7.Mei ZG, Zhang XQ, Huang SL, Zhao XJ, Hao YJ, Zhang L, Qian ZY, Zheng JS, Wang K*, Wang D*. (2014). The Yangtze finless porpoise: on an accelerating path to extinction.Biological Conservation, 172: 117-123. (SCI)
8.Chen MM,Zheng JS*,Wu M, Ruan R, Zhao QZ, Wang D*. (2014). Genetic diversity and population structure of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) as revealed by mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15: 11307-11323.(SCI)
9.Feng P, Zheng JS, Rossiter S, Wang D, Zhao HB*. (2014).Massive losses of taste receptor genes in toothed and baleen whales.Genome Biology and Evolution, 6: 1254-1265.(SCI)
10.Guo AH, Hao YJ*, Wang JZ, Zhao QZ, Wang D*. (2014). Concentrations of osmotically related constituents in plasma and urine of finless porpoise(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis): implications for osmoregulatory strategies for marine mammals living in freshwater.Zoological Studies, 53: 10. (SCI)
11.Wu CX*, Huang XL, Witter J, Spongberg A, Wang KX, Wang D, Liu JT. (2014). Occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and associated environmental risks in the central and lower Yangtze River, China.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 106: 19-26.(SCI)
12.陳敏敏,鄭勁松*,龔成,趙慶中,王丁*. (2014).天鵝洲遷地保護江豚種群近親繁殖狀況評估.動物學雜誌, 49(3): 305-316.
1.Kimura S*,Akamatsu T,Wang D,Li S,Wang K,Yoda K. (2013).Variation in the production rate of biosonar signals in freshwaterporpoises.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,133(5): 3128-3134.(SCI)
2.Li SH*, Wang D, Wang KX, Hoffmann-Kuhnt M, Fernando N, Taylor E, Lin WZ, Chen JL, Ng T. (2013).Possible age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) and corresponding change in echolocation parameters in a stranded Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin.Journal of Experimental Biology, 216: 4144-4153.(SCI)
3.Wang ZT, Fang L, Shi WJ, Wang KX*, Wang D. (2013).Whistle characteristics of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Sanniang Bay, China.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133: 2479-2489.(SCI)
4.Turvey ST*, Risley CL, Moore JE, Barrett LA, Hao YJ, Zhao XJ, Zhou KY, Wang D*. (2013). Can local ecological knowledge be used to assess status and extinction drivers in a threatened freshwater cetacean?Biological Conservation, 157: 352-360. (SCI)
5.Zhao X, Wang D*, Turvey ST, Taylor B, Akamatsu T. (2013). Distribution patterns of Yangtze finless porpoises in the Yangtze River: implications for reserve management.Animal Conservation, 16: 509-518. (SCI)
6.Zhang XQ, Xian YJ, Wang M, Wang D*. (2013). Behaviour and habitat selection of Yangtze finless porpoises in Dongting Lake, China, and the adjacent waters: impact of human activity.PakistanJ. Zool., 45(3): 635-642.(SCI)
7.McLaughlin RW, Zheng JS*, Ruan R, Wang CQ, Zhao QZ, Wang D. (2013). Isolation ofRobinsoniella peoriensisfrom the fecal material of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise,Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis.Anaerobe, 20: 79-81. (SCI)
1.Kimura S, Akamatsu T, Li SH, Dong LJ, Wang D,Wang KX*,Arai N. (2012).Seasonal changes in the local distribution of Yangtze finless porpoises related to fish presence.Marine Mammal Science, 28(2): 308-324.(SCI)
2.Li SH*, Nachtigall PE, Breese M, Supin AY.(2012). Hearing sensation levels of emitted biosonar clicks in an echolocating Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.PLoS ONE, 7(1): e29793.(SCI)
3.Li SH*, Wang D*, Wang KX, Elizabeth A.T, Emilie C, Shi WJ, Wang ZT, Fang L, Chen YF, Kong FM. (2012).Evoked-potential audiogram of an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis).The Journal of Experimental Biology, 215(17): 3055-3063.(SCI)
4.Huang SL, Hao YJ*, Mei ZG, Turvey ST, Wang D*. (2012). Common pattern of population decline for freshwater cetacean species in deteriorating habitats.Freshwater Biology, 57(6): 1266-1276. (SCI)
5.Mei ZG, Huang SL, Hao YJ*, Turvey ST, Gong WM, Wang D*. (2012). Accelerating population decline of Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis).Biological Conservation, 153: 192-200. (SCI)
6.Turvey ST*, Risley CL, Barrett LA, Hao YJ, Wang D. (2012). River dolphins can act as population trend indicators in degraded freshwater systems.PLoS ONE,7(5): e37902.(SCI)
7.Nie W, Wang J, Su W, Wang D, Tanomtong, Perelman PL, Graphodatsky AS, Yang F. (2012). Chromosomal rearrangements and karyotype evolution in carnivores revealed by chromosome painting.Heredity, 108(1): 17-27. (SCI)
8.McLaughlin RW, Chen MM, Zheng JS*, Zhao QZ, Wang D.(2012). Analysis of the bacterial diversity in the fecal material of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise.Molecular Biology Reports, 39(5): 5669-5676. (SCI)
9.Pei C, Lei XY, Yuan XP, Wang D, Zhao QZ, Zhang QY*.(2012).Herpes-like virus infection in Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides): pathology, ultrastructure and molecular analysis.Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(1): 235-237. (SCI)
10.Xian YJ, Wang KX, Jiang WH, Zheng BY, Wang D*.(2012).The development of spatial positions between mother and calf of Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) maintained in captive and semi-natural environments.Aquatic Mammals, 38(2): 127-135.
11.董首悅,董黎君,李松海,木村里子,赤松友成,王克雄,王丁*. (2012).江西鄱陽湖湖口水域船舶通行對長江江豚發聲行為的影響.水生生物學報, 36(2): 246-254.
12.王京真,於學穎,郭愛環,郝玉江*,王丁*. (2012).鯨豚類的滲透壓調節研究進展.獸類學報, 32(2): 156-167.
13.周釗,鄭勁松*,陳敏敏,趙慶中,王丁*.(2012)天鵝洲遷地保護江豚群體的遺傳評估與發展預測.水生生物學報, 36(3): 403-411.
1.Dong LJ, Wang D*,Wang KX,Li SH, Dong SY, Zhao XJ, Akamatsu T, Kimura S. (2011). Passive acoustic survey of Yangtze finless porpoises using a cargo ship as a moving platform.J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(4): 2285-2292. (SCI)
2.Mooney TA, Li SH, Ketten DR, Wang KX, Wang D. (2011). Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis).J Comp Physiol A, 197: 1149-1158.(SCI)
3.Popov VV,Supin AY,Wang D,Wang KX,Dong LJ, Wang SY. (2011). Noise-induced temporary threshold shift and recovery in Yangtze finless porpoisesNeophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis.J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130 (1): 574-584. (SCI)
4.Sakai M, Wang D*, Wang KX, Li SH, Akamatsu T.(2011).Do porpoises choose their associates? A new method for analyzing social relationships among cetaceans.PLOS ONE, 6(12): e28836.(SCI)
5.Wang JZ, Su WW, Nie WH, Wang JH, Xiao WH, Wang D*.(2011).Establishment and characterization of fibroblast cell lines from the skin of the Yangtze finless porpoise.In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal, 47: 618-630.(SCI)
6.McLaughlin RW, Zheng JS*, Chen MM, Zhao QZ, Wang D.(2011).Detection ofHelicobacterin the fecal material of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise,Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis.Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 95: 241-245.(SCI)
7.Wang KX,Wang D*. (2011). Variations in independent areas of activity of captive Yangtze finless porpoises,Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis, during the acclimation period after wild capture.J Ethol, 29: 343-349. (SCI)
8.Xian YJ, Wang KX, Xiao JQ, Wang D*. (2011). Suckling behavior and its development in two Yangtze finless porpoise calves in captivity.Zoo Biology, 30: 1-6. (SCI)
9.Yu L, Jin W, Zhang X, Wang D, Zheng JS, Yang G, Xu SX, Cho S, Zhang YP*. (2011). Evidence for positive selection on the leptin gene in Cetacea and Pinnipedia.PLOS ONE, 6(10): e26579.(SCI)
10.Zhang PJ, Sun N, Yao ZP, Zhang XF*. (2011). Historic and current records of aquarium cetaceans in China.Zoo Biology, 30: 1-14. (SCI)
11.Zhao XJ, Sun ZY, Chen YB, Wang D, Gao Y. The Conservation Measures on Rare and Endemic Fish during the Construction of Cascaded Hydropower Projects in Jinsha River. In Anton J. Schleiss & Robert M. Boes Eds, Dams and Reservoirs under changing challenges. 2011, 807-812. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, London, ISBN 978-0-415-68267-1.
12.Zhao XJ, Wang D, Sun ZY, Chen YB, Gao Y. The Conservation of river cetaceans in the Yangtze River. 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection (ISWREP), Xi’an, China.ISBN:978-1-61284-339-1. 2011, 1059-1061. (EI)
13.郝玉江,王克雄,韓家波,鄭勁松,先義傑,姚志平,鹿志創,李海燕,張先鋒*. (2011).中國海獸研究概述.獸類學報, 31(1): 20-36.
14.梅志剛,郝玉江,鄭勁松,王克雄,李松海,王丁*. (2011).長江江豚種群衰退機理研究進展.生命科學, 23(5): 519-524.
15.熊遠輝,張新橋*.(2011).長江湖北新螺江段長江江豚數量、分布和活動的研究.長江流域資源與環境, 20(2): 143-149.
16.趙修江,王丁*. (2011).截線抽樣法在中國水域鯨豚考察中的套用及局限性與改進建議.獸類學報, 31(2): 179-184.
17.趙修江,王丁*. (2011).長江八里江江段的長江江豚種群數量與分布.長江流域資源與環境, 20(12): 1432-1439.
1.Akamatsu T*, Wang D, Wang K, Li S, Dong S.(2010).Scanning sonar of rolling porpoises during prey capture dives.Journal of Experimental Biology,213: 146-152.(SCI)
2.Kimura S, Akamatsu T, Li SH, Dong SY, Dong LJ, Wang KX*, Wang D, Arai N. 2010. Density estimation of Yangtze finless porpoises using passive acoustic sensors and automated click train detection.J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,128(3): 1435-1445. (SCI)
3.Li SH, Akamatsu T, Dong LJ, Wang KX, Wang D*, Kimura S. 2010. Widespread passive acoustic detection of Yangtze finless porpoise using miniature stereo acoustic data-loggers: a review.J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,128(3): 1476-1482. (SCI)
4.Li SH, Dong SY, Kimura S, Akamatsu T, Wang KX, Wang D*. Detection of Yangtze finless porpoises in the Poyang Lake mouth area via passive acoustic data-loggers. In: Biology, Evolution and Conservation of River Dolphins within South America and Asia. Joseph Mark Shostell, and Manuel Ruiz-Garcia eds. 2010. NOVA Science Publishers Inc. pp 343-355.
5.Samuel TT*, Leigh AB, Hao YJ, Zhang L, Zhang XQ, Wang XY, Huang YD, Zhou KY, Tom H, Wang D*. (2010). Rapidly shifting baselines in Yangtze fishing communities and local memory of extinct species.Conservation Biology, 24(3): 778-787. (SCI)