

2009年畢業於中國科學院成都山地所,獲博士學位,同年留所工作,歷任助理研究員、副研究員,其中2014年~2015年在美國University of Colorado at Boulder從事合作研究,研究領域為高寒生態學、生物地球化學循環。先後主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、中科院西部行動專題等項目,在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Biology and Fertility of Soils等國際刊物發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇。


  • 中文名:魯旭陽
  • 職業:副研究員,碩導
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院成都山地所
2014.5-2015.5,Geological Sciences Department,University of Colorado at Boulder,Visiting Scholar
美國生態學會會員,中國科學院院長優秀獎,2010年入選中國科學院成都山地所青年百人團隊,擔任Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment、Science of the Total Environment、Land Degradation & Development等國際刊物審稿人。
Xiaoke Zhang,Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang. 2016. Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods Based on Rain Gauges for Annual Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau, China.Polish Journal of Environmental Studies25: in press.(Corresponding author)
X. Lu, Y. Yan, J. Sun, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Wang, G. Cheng. 2015. Short-teim grazing exclusion has no impact on soil properties and nutrients of degraded alpine grassland in Tibet, China.Solid earth6: 1195–1205.
Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Jian Sun, Xiaoke Zhang, Youchao Chen, Xiaodan Wang and Genwei Cheng. 2015. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage in alpine grassland ecosystems of Tibet: effects of grazing exclusion.Ecology and Evolution5: 4492–4504.
Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng,Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Litter chemical structure is more important than species richness in affecting soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics including gas emissions from an Alpine soil.Biology and Fertility of Soils51: 791–800.(Corresponding author)
Youchao Chen, Jian Sun, Fangting Xie, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang, Genwei Cheng,Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Non-additive effects of litter diversity on greenhouse gas emissions from alpine steppe soil in Northern Tibet.Scientific Reports5: 17664; doi: 10.1038/srep17664.(Corresponding author)
Xiaoke Zhang,Xuyang Lu*, Xiaodan Wang. 2015. Spatial-temporal NDVI variation of different alpine grassland classes and groups in Northern Tibet from 2000 to 2013.Mountain Research and Development35: 254–263.(Corresponding author)
Yan Yan,Xuyang Lu*. 2015. Is grazing exclusion effective in restoring vegetation in degraded alpine grasslands in Tibet, China?PeerJ3:e1020; DOI : 10.7717/peerj.1020(Corresponding author)
Yanjiang Cai, Xiaodan Wang, Linlin Tian, Hui Zhao,Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan. 2014. The impact of excretal returns from yak and Tibetan sheep dung on nitrous oxide emissions in an alpine steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Soil Biology & Biochemistry76: 90-99.
Jihui Fan, Xiaoke Zhang,Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang. 2014. Leaf litter decomposition in three subalpine forests along an Elevation gradient in Tibet.Polish Journal of Environmental Studies23: 1137-1146.
Xuyang Lu,Jihui Fan, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang. 2013. Responses of soil CO2fluxes to short-term experimental warming in alpine steppe ecosystem, Northern Tibet.Plos One8: e59054.
Xuyang Lu, Jihui Fan, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang. 2013. Comparison of Soil Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities among Three Alpine Grassland Types in Northern Tibet.Polish journal of Environmental Studies22: 437–443.
Yanjiang Cai, Xiaodan Wang, Weixin Ding, Linlin Tian, Hui Zhao,Xuyang Lu. 2013. Potential short-term effects of yak and Tibetan sheep dung on greenhouse gas emissions in two alpine grassland soils under laboratory conditions.Biology and Fertility of Soils49: 1212-1226.
Jianbo Wu, Jiangtao Hong, Xiaodan Wang, Jian Sun,Xuyang Lu, Jihui Fan, Yanjiang Cai. 2013. Biomass partitioning and its relationship with the environmental factors at the alpine steppe in Northern Tibet.Plos One8: e81986.
Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang,Xuyang Lu, Jihui Fan. 2013. Seasonal variations in alpine grassland biomass and nutrient accumulation under different grazing systems in Xainza, Tibet.Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment11: 2273-2278.
Cao Yingzi, Wang Xiaodan,Lu Xuyang, Yan Yan, Fan Jihui. 2013. Soil organic carbon and nutrients along an alpine grassland transect across Northern Tibet.Journal of Mountain Science10: 564–573.
Xuyang Lu, Yan Yan, Jihui Fan, Xiaodan Wang. 2012. Gross nitrification and denitrification in alpine grassland ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau.Arctic,Antarctic, and Alpine Research44: 188–196.
Jihui Fan, Yingzi Cao, Yan Yan,Xuyang Lu, Xiaodan Wang. 2012. Freezing–thawing cycles effect on the water soluble organic carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass of alpine grassland soil in Northern Tibet.African Journal of Microbiology Research6: 562–567.
Lu Xuyang, Yan Yan, Fan Jihui, Cao Yingzi, Wang Xiaodan. 2011. Dynamics of above- and below-ground biomass and C, N, P accumulation in the alpine steppe of Northern Tibet.Journal of Mountain Science8: 838–844.
Xuyang Lu, Jihui Fan, Yan Yan, Xiaodan Wang. 2011. Soil water soluble organic carbon under three alpine grassland types in Northern Tibet, China.African Journal of Agricultural Research6: 2066–2071.
Huo Changfu, Cheng Genwei,Lu Xuyang, Fan Jihui. 2010. Simulating the effects of climate change on forest dynamics in Gongga Mountain, Southwest China.Journal of Forest Research15: 176-185.
Xuyang Lu, Genwei Cheng. 2009. Climate change effects on soil carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions inAbies fabriforest of subalpine, Southwest China.Soil Biology & Biochemistry41: 1015–1021.
Lu Xuyang, Cheng Genwei, Xiao Feipeng, Fan Jihui. 2008. Modeling effects of temperature and precipitation on carbon characteristics and GHGs emissions inAbies fabriforest of subalpine.Journal of Environmental Sciences20: 339–346.
Lu Xuyang, Cheng Genwei, Xiao Feipeng, Huo Changfu. 2008. Simulating carbon sequesteration and GHGs emissions inAbies fabriforest on Gongga Mountains using a biogeochemical process model Forest-DNDC.Journal of Mountain Science5: 249–256.


