- 中文名:魏高峽
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:副研究員
- 畢業院校:北京體育大學
1993~1997 中國地質大學英語語言文學學士
1998~2001 西安體育學院,獲教育學碩士學位(運動心理學方向)
2002~2005 北京體育大學,獲教育學博士學位(運動心理學方向)
2006~2009 中國科學院心理研究所博士後
2009~至今 中國科學院心理研究所
2016~2017 哈佛醫學院麻省總醫院 訪問科學家
2017 博士生導師
Zhang Y, Zhao L, Bi W, Wang Y,Wei G*, Evan A, Jiang T. Effects of Long-term Diving Training on Cortical Gyrification. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 28243 [通訊作者,SCI, IF = 5.2; in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES 7/63, Q1].
Wei, G*., Li, Y.F., Yue, X.L., Ma, X., Chang, Y.K., Yi, L.L., Li, J.C. Tai Chi Chuan modulates heart rate variability during abdominal breathing in elderly adults. Psych Journal. 2016, 5(1):69-77[第一作者兼通訊作者,CSCD].
Chu, C. H., Aldermanb, B. L.,Wei, G, Chan, K. H., & Chang, Y. K. Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Motor Response Inhibition: An ERP Study Using the Stop-Signal Task. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2015,4(1): 73-81[三作,SSCI, IF=1.23]
Chang, Y. K., Wang, C. H., Chu, C. H., Wang, C. C., Song, T. F. &Wei, G. Effect of acute exercise and cardiovascular fitness on cognitive function: An event-related cortical desynchronization study. Psychophysiology. 2015, 52(3):342-51[合作,SSCI, IF=3.18; Ranking inPsychology, Experimental:15/83]
Li L, Men W, Chang YK, Fan MX, Ji L*,Wei, G*. Acute Aerobic Exercise Increases Cortical Activity during Working Memory: A Functional MRI Study in Female College Students. PLoS One. 2014 9(6): e99222 [並列通訊作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Jiang L, Xu T, He Y, Hou XH, Wang J, Cao XY,Wei, G, Yang Z, He Y, Zuo XN*. Toward neurobiological characterization of functional homogeneity in the human cortex: Regional variation, morphological association and functional covariance network organization.Brain Struct. Funct. 2014[合作,SCI, IF = 7.8; Ranking in ANATOMY & MOPHOLOGY: 1/21].
Wei, G, Dong, H, Yang, Z., Luo, J.*, Zuo, X.* (2014). Tai Chi Chuan Optimizes the Functional Organization of the Intrinsic Human Brain Architecture in Old Adults.Front. Aging Neurosci. 8: 74. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00074 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 5.2; Ranking in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY: 5/47].
Wei, G, Xu T, Fan F, Dong H, Jiang L, Li H, Yang Z, Luo J, Zuo X, 2013. Can Taichi reshape the brain? A brain morphometry study, PLoS ONE, 8 (4):e61038 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Zhang Y,Wei, G*, Zhuo J, Li Y, Ye W, Jiang T, 2013.Regional inflation of the thalamus and globuspallidus in diving players. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise,45(6):1077-1082 [通訊作者,SCI, IF = 4.43; Ranking in SPORT SCIENCES: 4/84].
Wei, G, Zhang Y, Jiang T, Luo J, 2011. Increased Cortical Thickness in Sports Experts: A Comparison of Diving Players with the Controls, PLoS ONE, 6 (2): 1-6 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Wei, G, Luo J, 2010. Sport expert’s motor imagery: functional imaging of professional motor skills and simple motor skills. Brain Research, 1341:52-62 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 2.728; Ranking in NEUROSCIENCES: 126/252].
Wei, G, Luo J, Li Y, 2009. Brain Structure in Sport Experts on MR Imaging Studied with Voxel-Based Morphometry, Progress in natural science, 19(10): 1397-1402 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 1.099; Ranking in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 146/241].
Ren J, Huang Z, Luo J,Wei, G, Ying X, Ding Z, Wu Y, Luo F, 2011. Meditation promotes insightful problem-solving by keeping people in a mindful and alert conscious state. Science China, life sciences, 54(1):1-5[合作,SCI, IF = 1.345].
Wu L, Knoblich G,Wei, G, Luo J, 2009. How perceptual processes help to generate new meaning: an EEG study of chunk decomposition in Chinese characters. Brain Research, 1296: 104-112 [二作,SCI, IF = 2.728; Ranking in NEUROSCIENCES: 126/252].
Chu, C. H., Aldermanb, B. L.,Wei, G, Chan, K. H., & Chang, Y. K. Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Motor Response Inhibition: An ERP Study Using the Stop-Signal Task. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2015,4(1): 73-81[三作,SSCI, IF=1.23]
Chang, Y. K., Wang, C. H., Chu, C. H., Wang, C. C., Song, T. F. &Wei, G. Effect of acute exercise and cardiovascular fitness on cognitive function: An event-related cortical desynchronization study. Psychophysiology. 2015, 52(3):342-51[合作,SSCI, IF=3.18; Ranking inPsychology, Experimental:15/83]
Li L, Men W, Chang YK, Fan MX, Ji L*,Wei, G*. Acute Aerobic Exercise Increases Cortical Activity during Working Memory: A Functional MRI Study in Female College Students. PLoS One. 2014 9(6): e99222 [並列通訊作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Jiang L, Xu T, He Y, Hou XH, Wang J, Cao XY,Wei, G, Yang Z, He Y, Zuo XN*. Toward neurobiological characterization of functional homogeneity in the human cortex: Regional variation, morphological association and functional covariance network organization.Brain Struct. Funct. 2014[合作,SCI, IF = 7.8; Ranking in ANATOMY & MOPHOLOGY: 1/21].
Wei, G, Dong, H, Yang, Z., Luo, J.*, Zuo, X.* (2014). Tai Chi Chuan Optimizes the Functional Organization of the Intrinsic Human Brain Architecture in Old Adults.Front. Aging Neurosci. 8: 74. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00074 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 5.2; Ranking in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY: 5/47].
Wei, G, Xu T, Fan F, Dong H, Jiang L, Li H, Yang Z, Luo J, Zuo X, 2013. Can Taichi reshape the brain? A brain morphometry study, PLoS ONE, 8 (4):e61038 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Zhang Y,Wei, G*, Zhuo J, Li Y, Ye W, Jiang T, 2013.Regional inflation of the thalamus and globuspallidus in diving players. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise,45(6):1077-1082 [通訊作者,SCI, IF = 4.43; Ranking in SPORT SCIENCES: 4/84].
Wei, G, Zhang Y, Jiang T, Luo J, 2011. Increased Cortical Thickness in Sports Experts: A Comparison of Diving Players with the Controls, PLoS ONE, 6 (2): 1-6 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 4.092; Ranking in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 7/56].
Wei, G, Luo J, 2010. Sport expert’s motor imagery: functional imaging of professional motor skills and simple motor skills. Brain Research, 1341:52-62 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 2.728; Ranking in NEUROSCIENCES: 126/252].
Wei, G, Luo J, Li Y, 2009. Brain Structure in Sport Experts on MR Imaging Studied with Voxel-Based Morphometry, Progress in natural science, 19(10): 1397-1402 [第一作者,SCI, IF = 1.099; Ranking in MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY: 146/241].
Ren J, Huang Z, Luo J,Wei, G, Ying X, Ding Z, Wu Y, Luo F, 2011. Meditation promotes insightful problem-solving by keeping people in a mindful and alert conscious state. Science China, life sciences, 54(1):1-5[合作,SCI, IF = 1.345].
Wu L, Knoblich G,Wei, G, Luo J, 2009. How perceptual processes help to generate new meaning: an EEG study of chunk decomposition in Chinese characters. Brain Research, 1296: 104-112 [二作,SCI, IF = 2.728; Ranking in NEUROSCIENCES: 126/252].
魏高峽,李佑發.21世紀中國運動心理學的新方向:運動認知神經科學研究. 體育科學
魏高峽,羅勁. 運動員大腦結構可塑性的一項MRI 研究. 自然科學進展
魏高峽. 老年人的生活滿意度與體育鍛鍊的相關研究. 中國體育科技
魏高峽. 對賽前心理狀態相關研究的思考. 體育學刊
魏高峽,梁承謀,李佑發,沃建中. 我國優秀游泳運動員賽前心理狀態的腦功能特徵研究.體育科學
魏高峽,李佑發,孫曉敏.概化理論在運動成績主觀評定中的套用前景. 北京體育大學學報
魏高峽,李佑發. 表象訓練效果及套用研究述評. 北京體育大學學報
梁承謀, 程勇民, 付全, 劉改成, 於晶, 魏高峽. BTL-SW-V1.2操作思維測試系統的開發與檢驗——摔跤、羽毛球、擊劍不同水平運動員操作思維之比較. 體育學刊
主持國家自然科學基金面上項目 有氧運動改善負性情緒的腦成像追蹤研究