



  • 書名:高職高專"十二五"規劃教材:綜合英語教程BOOK1
  • 作者:吳麥仙 董淑琴
  • 出版日期:2013年10月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 外文名:Comprehensive English Course
  • 出版社:西安電子科技大學出版社
  • 頁數:175頁
  • 開本:16




Unit One College Life
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A What to Expect from College Life
Text B Why College
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Two Friendship
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A True Friendship
Text B Friendship in Different Cultures
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Three Holidays
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Happy New Year
Text B Christmas Tradition
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six.Translation Skills
Unit Four Family
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Father Dearest
Text B My Mother and I
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Five Personality
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Personality Plus
Text B The Power of Personality
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Six Health
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A The Truth about Fitness Myths
Text B Subhealthy State
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Seven Culture
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Unhappy Customers ≠ Brand Terrorists
Text B V for Victory
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Eight Entertainment
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Why Are We Addicted to Soaps?
Text B Hollywood
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Nine Computer
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A Trouble with the Computer Game
Text B The Safe—surfing Contract——My Agreement about Using the Internet
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills
Unit Ten Public Relationship
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Reading
Before You Read
Text A An Effective Way of Dealing with Public Relationship
Text B Build a Great Working Relationship with Your Boss
Part Four: Grammar
Part Five: Practical Writing
Part Six: Translation Skills



There are many stories about Nicholas saving his people from famine, sparing the lives of those innocently accused, and much more.He did many kind and generous deeds in secret, expecting nothing in return.Within a century of his death, he was celebrated as a saint.Today he is venerated(崇拜) in the East as a wonder, or miracle worker, and in the West as a patron of a great variety of persons-children, mariners, bankers, scholars, orphans, laborers, travelers, merchants, judges, paupers, marriageable maidens, students, children, sailors, victims of judicial mistakes, captives, even thieves and murderers.He is known as the friend and protector of all in trouble or need.Sailors, claiming St.Nicholas as a patron(庇護人), carried stories of his favor and protection far and wide.St.Nicholas chapels were built in many seaports.As his popularity spread during the Middle Ages, he became the patron saint of Apulia (Italy), Sicily, Greece, and Lorraine(France), as well as many cities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Belgium, and the Netherlands.Following his baptism in Constantinople, Vladimir I of Russia brought St.Nicholas' stories and devotion to St.Nicholas in his homeland, where Nicholas became the most beloved saint.Nicholas was so widely revered that more than 2,000 churches were named for him in some countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, England, etc.
3.Legends about Santa Claus
There are many legends about Santa Claus and his kindness and love.The following two stories are selected just for class use.
One story speaks of a poor man with three daughters.In those days a young woman's father had to offer the prospective(未來的) son-in-law a dowry(嫁妝).The larger the dowry, the better the chance that a young woman would find a good husband.Without a dowry, however, a woman was unlikely to marry.This poor man's daughters, without dowries, were therefore destined to be sold into slavery.Mysteriously, on three different occasions, a bag of gold appeared in their home-provided the needed dowries.The bags of gold, tossed through an open window, are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry.This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas.Sometimes the story is told with gold balls instead of bags of gold.That is why three gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the symbols for St.Nicholas is a gift-giver.

