

《高職英語實用教程下冊》是2018年人民郵電出版社出版的圖書。作者是魏炫璇、王娟、鮑秀娟。本書包括Adapting to the Workplace、Business Meeting、Market Research、Presentation、Business Trip、Exhibition、Order 、After-sales Service等8個單元的內容,每個單元都有Listening、Speaking、Follow the movie、Reading等方面的訓練。


  • 中文名:高職英語實用教程下冊
  • 作者:魏炫璇 、王娟 、鮑秀娟
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • ISBN:9787115476678


本書包括Adapting to the Workplace、Business Meeting、Market Research、Presentation、Business Trip、Exhibition、Order 、After-sales Service等8個單元的內容,每個單元都有Listening、Speaking、Follow the movie、Reading等方面的訓練。


Unit One Adapting to the Workplace
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION Ⅲ Expressing English
Unit Two Business Meeting
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION Ⅲ Expressing English
Unit Three Market Research
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English
Unit Four F Presentation
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English
Unit Five Business Trip
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English
Unit Six Exhibition
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English
Unit Seven Order
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English
Unit Eight After-sales Service
SECTION Ⅰ Experiencing English
Part One: Listening
Part Two: Speaking
Part Three: Follow the Movie
SECTION Ⅱ Embracing English
SECTION III Expressing English




