- 書名:高級英語進階
- 作者:龔質彬編輯
- 出版社:中圖文庫
- 出版時間:1934年
- 頁數:76 頁
- ISBN:ERC0010079063
Lesson1.Work Is Noble
Lesson2.What to do in Spring
Lesson3.How the Gow Works
Lesion4.Without Work Without Eating
Lesson5.What to do in Summer
Lesson6.How the Horse works
Lesson7.Summary Rimes
Lesson8.What to do in Autumn
Lesson9.How the Bee Works
Lesson10. What to do in Winter
Lesson11. Good Work Gives Good Result
Lesson12.It's Hard to Serve a Lion
Lesson13.The Need of CO-operatlon
Lesson14.It's a Shame to Fight
Lesson15.How to Resist the Fieree Wolf
Lesson16. A Song for Mutual Help
Lesson17.We Three Are Like One
Lesson18.Helps for the Farmer
Lesson19.In the Same Boat
Lesson20.Summary Rilues
Lesson21.The Union Spirit
(1)The Need to Unite
(2)How to Unite
(3)Family Spirit for National Spirit
Lesson22.Progress and Freedom
(1)Progress Follows Freedom
(2)Phases of Progress
(3)The Rule of Freedom
(4)How Freedom of Thought Was Won
(5)How Liberty of the Press Was Won
Lesson23.The King and the Spider
(1)The Defeated King
(2)The Spider's Web
(3)A Thoughtful King
(4)Victory at Last
Lesson24. Mr. Diligence and Mr. Laziness
(1)The Nature of Mr. Diligence
(2)How Mr. Diligence Makes Friends
(3)The Nature of Mr. Laziness
(4)When the Two Meet
Lesson25.Plan for Something Better
(1)How Mr. Chien Planned to Read
(2)How He Learned to Read
(3)Chien Became Famous
Lesson26.The Race Between Hare and Tortoise
(1)Fast Hare and Slow Tortoise
(2)How Hare Slights Tortoise
(3)The Race
(4)Hare as a Loser