

《高等院校英語課程"十二五"規劃系列教材:新編綜合英語7(學生用書)》中高級階段共4冊,本冊為第3冊,供師範院校英語專業四年級上學期使用。本冊由12個單元組成。每個單元包含2篇課文(Reading1&Reading2)與5大板塊(Schema Building,Information Surfing,Text Under standing,Language Building&Teacher Awareness)。各板塊的安排如下:Schema Building——激活已知,調動興趣。;Information Surfing——信息分享,鍛鍊交際能力;Text Unders tanding——分層理解,提升認知能力;Language Building——綜合訓練;Teacher Awareness——教學訓練。鑒於學生在第八學期要參加專業八級考試的情況,本冊專門增加了Capacity Development板塊,按國家、文學、語言學等分類,介紹各國的歷史文化及語言文學常識,以選擇題的形式出現,旨在幫助學生鞏固人文知識。


  • 書名:高等院校英語課程"十二五"規劃系列教材:
  • 作者:張慶宗 胡德香
  • 出版日期:2012年5月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787562249283
  • 外文名:Integrated Skills of English a New Course Book 7(Student's Book)
  • 出版社:華中師範大學出版社
  • 頁數:210頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:華中師範大學出版社




Unit 1 Public Speaking
Reading 1 The Bird in Our Hand Is It Living or Dead?
Reading 2 Art.Truth & Politics
Unit 2 Advertising
Reading 1 Advertising and Good Society
Reading 2 Privacy vs.Profits
Unit 3 Marriage and Happiness
Reading 1 The Quiet Side of Being a Soldier's Other Half
Reading 2 Amoretti LXXV:One Day I Wrote Her Name
Unit 4 Sexes
Reading 1 When Roles Reverse:The Rise of the Stay-at-home Husband
Reading 2 Is This Woman Too Hot to Be a Banker
Unit 5 Disaster Relief
Reading 1 Collateral Damage:The Children of Iraq
Reading 2 After the Quake:Psychological Treatment Following the Disaster
Unit 6 Learning Psychology
Reading 1 Are Social Networks Messing with Your Head?
Reading 2 He Said.She Said
Unit 7 Philosophy and Life
Reading 1 Law and Civil Disobedience
Reading 2 Is Ethics Relative?
Unit 8 Movies and Subtitling
Reading 1 The Bible as Cultural Objects in Cinema
Reading 2 The Sociological Turn of Adaptation Studies:The Example of Film Noir
Unit 9 Cultural Integration
Reading 1 The Dinner
Reading 2 What Is the Cross-Cultural Communication?
Unit 10 Innovation and Education
Reading 1 Intellectual Force Behind Web 2.0
Reading 2 The Debate Within the Classroom
Unit 11 Law and Politics
Reading 1 A Changing Landscape
Reading 2 The Forgotten
Unit 12 Social Welfare
Reading 1 Critical Realignments,Development Strategies,and the Origin and Evolution of Welfare Systems
Reading 2 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

