高立軍,博士,教授,博導。1987年本科畢業於北京大學化學系,1994年獲得加拿大渥太華大學博士學位。從1989年出國留學至2005年回國,在加拿大學習8年,在美國工作8年。曾從師於世界著名電化學家,“超級電容之父”B.E. Conway教授。專長為電化學, 如鋰電池,超級電容,氫能源, 燃料電池等新能源領域。曾於世界最大石油公司埃克森美孚公司工作。
- 中文名:高立軍
- 職業:博士,教授,博導
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 性別:男
高立軍,博士,教授,博導。1987年本科畢業於北京大學化學系,1994年獲得加拿大渥太華大學博士學位。從1989年出國留學至2005年回國,在加拿大學習8年,在美國工作8年。曾從師於世界著名電化學家,“超級電容之父”B.E. Conway教授。專長為電化學, 如鋰電池,超級電容,氫能源, 燃料電池等新能源領域。曾於世界最大石油公司埃克森美孚公司工作。具有國際視野,了解國際新能源電池的發展動態。國內超級電容和動力鋰電池專家之一。有鋰電池和超級電容企業生產經驗。2005年任南昌大學化學系特聘教授。2010年任蘇州大學能源學院特聘教授。
1992 加拿大安大略省研究生獎學金
1992 美國電化學會Joseph Richards Fellowship獎勵(每年一名)
5. 國家863電動汽車關鍵技術及系統集成重大項目子課題,“動力電池及關鍵材料共性技術及評價體系研究”
1. Jiaxiang Tang and Lijun Gao*, “Electrochemical performance of Li4Ti5O12/C anode material prepared with a stearic acid carbon source”,Phys. Scr. 85 (2012), 045802.
2. JiangfengNi, Haibo Wang, Lijun Gao*, L. Lu,*, “A high-performance LiCoPO4/C core/shell compositefor Li-ion batteries”,Electrochim. Acta, 70 (2012), 349-354.
3. G.W. Xie, J.F. Ni, X.F. Liao, L. Gao*, “Filter paper templated synthesis of chain-structured Li4Ti5O12/C composite for Li-ion batteries”, Mater. Lett. 78 (2012), 177-179.
4. J.F. Ni, L.X. Yang, H.B. Wang, L. Gao*, “A high performance hybrid supercapacitor with Li4Ti5O12-C nano-composite prepared by in-situ and ex-situ carbon modification”, J. Solid State Electrochem.,(2012),
5. T. Li, L. Gao*, “A high capacity graphene nano-sheet material with capacitive characteristics for the anode of lithium-ion batteries”,J. Solid State Electrochem., 16 (2012)557-561.
6. X.F. Liao, J. Yu, L. Gao*, “Electrochemical study on lithium iron phosphate/hard carbon lithium-ion batteries”, J.Solid State Electrochem., 16 (2012), 423-428.
7. J.F. Ni, L. Gao*, “Effect of copper doping on LiMnPO4 prepared via hydrothermal route”, J.Power Sources196 (2011), 6498-6501.
8. S.Zhao, F.Wu, L.Yang, L.Gao*, A.F. Burke,“A measurement method for determination of dc internal resistance of batteries and supercapacitors”, Electrochem. Comm., 12 (2010),242-245.
9. Z. Yang, W. Li, S. Yu, N. Zhang, N. Gu, R. Zhang, L. Gao*, “A Novel room temperature molten salt electrolyte based on LiBOB and Oxazolidinone for electrochemical capacitors”, Z. Phys. Chem. 223(2009), 1437-1449.
10. L.Yang, L.Gao*, “Synthesis and characterization of Li4Ti5O12/C composite as negative electrode material of Li-ion battery”, J. Alloys Comp., 485 (2009), 93-97.
11. N. Yu, L. Gao*, S. Zhao, Z. Wang, “Electrodeposited PbO2 thin film as positive electrode in PbO2/AC hybrid capacitor”, Electrochim. Acta., 54 (2009), 3835-3841.
12. N. Yu, L. Gao*, “Electrodeposited PbO2 thin film on Ti electrode for application in hybrid supercapacitor”, Electrochem. Comm., 11 (2009), 220-222.
13. L. Gao*, A. Peng, Z. Wang, H. Zhang, Z. Shi, Z. Gu, G. Cao and B. Ding, “Growth of aligned carbon nanotube arrays on metallic substrate and its application to supercapacitors”, Solid State Comm., 146, (2008), 380-383.
14. D. Zhou and L. Gao*, “Effect of Electrochemical preparation methods on structure and properties of PbO2 anodic layer”, Electrochim. Acta, 35/4 (2007), 2060-2064.
15. L. Gao, P. Ma, K.M. Novogradecz and P.R. Norton, "Characterization of permalloy thin films electrodeposited on Si(111) surfaces", J. Appl. Phys., 81(11), 7595 (1997).
16. L. Gao, S.Y. Qian and B.E. Conway, "Arsenic poisoning effects on cathodic polarization and H adsorption at Pt and steel electrodes in KF·2HF melts", J. Appl. Electrochem., 26, 803 (1996).
17. L. Gao and B.E. Conway, "Poison effects of arsenic species on H adsorption and kinetic behavior of the H2 evolution reaction at Pt in KOH solution", J. Electroanal. Chem., 395, 261 (1995).
18. L. Gao, G.W. Anderson, P.R. Norton, Z-H. Lu, J.P. McCaffrey and M.J. Graham, "Electrodeposition and characterization of magnetic Ni-Fe thin films on n-InP(100) surfaces", J. Appl. Phys., 78(9), 5795 (1995).
19. L. Gao, G.W. Anderson, P.R. Norton, Z-H. Lu and M.J. Graham, "Surface topography and composition of InP(100) after various sulphur treatments", J. Vac. Sci. Tech., B, 13(5), 2053 (1995).
20. L. Gao, S.Y. Qian and B.E. Conway, "Electrolyte wetting effects in the comparative polarization behavior of the H2 evolution reaction at Ni-Mo-Cd electrodes in KF·2HF and KOH·2H2O melts", J. Appl. Electrochem., 25(1), 6 (1995).
21. L. Gao, J.A. Bardwell, Z.H. Lu, M.J. Graham and P.R. Norton, "Anodic passivation of p-InP(100) in (NH4)2Sx solution", J. Electrochem. Soc., 142(1), L14 (1995).
22. L. Gao and B.E. Conway, "Absorption and adsorption of H in the H2 evolution reaction, and the effects of co-adsorbed poisons", Electrochim. Acta, 39, 1681 (1994).
23. L. Bai, L. Gao and B.E. Conway, "The problem of in-situ real-area determination in the evaluation of performance rough or porous, gas-evolving electrocatalysts; Part II: Unfolding of the electrochemically accessible surface of rough or porous electrodes: a case-study with an electrodeposited porous Pt electrode", J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.,89, 243 (1993).
24. L. Bai, L. Gao and B.E. Conway, "The problem of in-situ real-area determination in evaluation of performance of rough or porous, gas-evolving electrocatalysts; Part I: Basis for distinction between capacitance of the double-layer and the pseudo-capacitance due to adsorbed H in the H2 evolution reaction at Pt", J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans.,89, 235 (1993).
25. L. Gao, "Determination of effective surface area of porous, gas-evolving electrocatalysts from potential-relaxation transients", J. Electrochem. Soc., Interface,Vol.2, No.3, 58 (1993).
26. P. Gu, L. Bai, L. Gao, R. Brousseau and B. E. Conway, "Problems in the determination of adsorption behavior of intermediates in Faradaic reactions: distinction between double-layer and adsorption capacitance of electrocatalysts determined from fast potential-relaxation transients", Electrochim. Acta, 37, 2145 (1992).
27. S. M. Cai, L. Gao, L. Su, J. Zhang, L. Chen and A. Fujishima, "Phenomena of weak electroluminescence of iron and other metal electrodes and their application potentiality in electrochemical research", Electrochim. Acta, 36, 1591 (1991).