


  • 書名:高中英文選(第一冊)
  • 作者:蘇州中學教員英文研究會
  • 出版社:中圖文庫
  • 出版時間:1932年
  • 頁數:307 頁
  • ISBN:ERC0010078448




One Niche the Highest-Elihu Burritt
Ax-grinding-Benjamin Franklin
Moses at the Fair Oliver Goldsmith
Cinderella-Charles Perrault
A Trick for Doing Good-Benjamin Franklin
Whang, the Miller-Oliver Goldsmith
A Grain as Big as a Hen's Egg-Leo Tolsioi
A Little Soldier of the Air-Edna V.Riddleberger
The Two Robbers-John Aikin
The Fish I didn't Catch-John Greenlea f Whither
Choice of Companions-William Makepeace Thayer
Rumpelstiltskin I-Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm
Rumpelstiltskin II-Jakob & Welhelm Grimm
A Vision of War-Robert Green Ingersoll
Too Dear for the Whistle-Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Samuel Johnson-Nathaniel Hawthorne
Courage in the Use of Talent-Sydney Smith
Little Daff ydowndilly I-Nathaniel Hawthorne
Little Daffydowndilly II-Nathaniel Hawthorne
On Reading-Noah Porter
The Spires o f Oxford-Winifred M. Letts
The Noblest Deed of All
The Skylark's Spurs I-Jean Ingelow
The Skylark's Spurs II-Jean Ingelow
Tanglewood Porch-Nathaniel Hawthorne
Instinct and Reason-Jane Taylor
The Hand-George Wilson
True Hospitality-Sir Arthur Helps
Adventure with a Lion-David Livingstone
The Barmecide Banquet I -From the Arabian Nights
The Barmecide Banquet II-From the Arabian Nights
The Escape of Queen Mary-Sir Walter Scott
The Origin of Rivers-John Tyndall
Home, Sweet Home-John Howard Payne
Blue Beard I-Charles Perrault
Blue Beard II-Charles Perrault
The Adventure of the Mason-Washington Irving
Both Sides of the Shield-Francis Beaumont
A Rainy Sunday in an Inn-Washington Irving
The Siege of Arcot I-Thomas B.Macaulay
The Siege of Arcot II-Thomas B.Macaulay
Character and Reputation-Henry W Beecher
Liberty and Restraint John Ruskin
Peter the Great & the Deserter (Scene I)
Peter the Great & the Deserter (Scene II)
The March of the Marseillais Felix Gras
Casabianca-Felicia D. Hemans
Nature and Science-Thomas Henry Huxley
A Letter to Lord Chesterfield-Samuel Johnson
Kindness to Animals-L.Huxley
What is a Book-John Ruskin
The Battle of Bennockburn I-Sir Walter Scott
The Battle of Bannockburn II-Sir Walter Scott
The Ship on Fire-Charles Mackay
Speech before the Virginia Convention-Patrick Henry
Defense of American Rights-Edmund Burke
The Last Lesson I-Alphonse Daudet
The Last Lesson II-Alphonse Daudet


