- 中文名:馬黎萍
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:基於環境生物學、微生物技術與生物信息學交叉學科研究
- 任職院校:華東師範大學生態與環境科學學院
- 職稱:華東師範大學研究員,教授
2012-2016 香港大學 環境工程 博士(師從張彤教授)
2010-2012 南京大學 環境科學 碩士(師從張徐祥教授)
2006-2010 南備邀煮京大學 環境科學 學士
2006-2010 南京大學 管理學 第二學士
2019年1月至今 華東師範大學 研究員、驗滲朵特聘教授(東方學者)
2016年1月-2019年1月 香港大學 博士後
Microbiome, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Chemosphere 等期刊審稿人
1. 新興環境污染物抗生素抗性基因在環境中的賦存與歸趨;
2. 水處理工藝對新興污充狼染物的去除效率研究仔充漏;
3. 飲用水管網微生物及其健康效應評價;
4. 微生物功能基因挖掘與資料庫開發。
1. 國家重點研發計畫“固廢資源化”子課題(2020-2023),負責;
2. 上海市高校特聘教授頌棕您棕(東方學者)(2019-2022),負責;
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(2020-2022),負責;
4. 上海市浦江人才計畫A類(2019-2021),負責;
5. 華東師範大學基礎創新科研項目(2019-2020),負責;
6. 華東師範大學紫江青年學者啟動項目(2019-2025),負責;
7. 國家重點研發計畫“深夜請精套淵生物資源專項”(2018-2021),參與。
目前已在TheISME Journal,Microbiome,Environmental Science & Technology,Water Research,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Bioinformatics等SCI期刊上發表論文20餘篇,其中JCR一區17篇、ESI高被引論文3篇,平均影響因子6.5,谷歌引用次數 1293 次,燥戒巴h指數17,i10指數18。
[24]Q Zhang, EG Xu, JN Li, QQ Chen,L Ma, EY Zeng, HH Shi* (2020)A Review of Microplastics in Table salt, Drinking Water, and Air: Direct Human Exposure.Environmental Science & Technology, in press.
[23] J Liang, G Mao, X Yin,L Ma, L Liu, Y Bai*, T Zhang, J Qu (2020) Identification and quantification of bacterial genomes carrying antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factor genes for aquatic microbiological risk assessment.Water Research, 160:115160.
[22]X Yin, Y Deng,L Ma, Y Wang, YL Chan, T Zhang* (2019) Exploration of the antibiotic resistome in a wastewater treatment plant by a nine-year longitudinal metagenomic study.Environment International, 133:105270.
[21]JM Tiedje, F Wang*, CM Manaia, M Virta, HJ Sheng,L Ma, T Zhang, E Topp (2019) Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Human-Impacted Environment: A One Health Perspective.Pedosphere,29(3):273-282.
[20]L Ma, B Li, T Zhang* (2019) New Insights into Antimicrobial Resistome in Drinking Water and Management Perspectives: A Metagenomic based Study of Small-sized Microbes.Water Research, 152:191-201.
[19] XT Jiang, L Ye, B Li, F Ju,L Ma, Tong Zhang*. (2018) Temporal dynamics of activated sludge bacterial communities in two diversity variant full-scale sewage treatment plants.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,102:9379-9388.
[18] AN Zhang, LG Li,L Ma, MR Gillings, JM Tiedje, Tong Zhang* (2018) Conserved Phylogenetic Distribution of Class 1 Integrons Revealed by Assessing the Bacterial Genome Collection.Microbiome, 6:130.
[17] WG Xiong, YL Wang, TX Sun,L Ma, QL Zeng, XT Jiang, AD Li, ZL Zeng*, T Zhang* (2018) Antibiotic-mediated changes in the faecal microbiome of broiler chickens defines the incidence of antibiotic resistance genes.Microbiome, 6:34.
[16]L Ma, B Li, XT Jiang, YL Wang, Y Xia, AD Li, Tong Zhang* (2017) Catalogue of Antibiotic Resistome and Host-tracking in Drinking Water Deciphered by a Large Scale Survey.Microbiome, 5:154.
[15]L Ma, AD Li, XL Yin, T Zhang* (2017) The prevalence of integrons as the carrier of antibiotic resistance genes in natural and man-made Environments.Environmental Science & Technology, 51(10): 5721-5728.
[14] AD Li,L Ma, YP Mao, XT Jiang, T Zhang* (2017) Cultivation-dependent and high-throughput sequencing approaches studying theco-occurrenceofantibiotic resistancegenes inmunicipal sewage system.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,101: 8197-8207.
[13] YL Wang,L Ma, YP Mao, XT Jiang, Y Xia, K Yu, B Li, T Zhang* (2017) Comammox in two drinking water systems.Water Research,116: 332-341.
[12]L Ma, Y Xia, B Li, Y Yang, LG Li, JM Tiedje*, T Zhang* (2016) Metagenomic Assembly Reveals Hosts of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and the Shared Resistome in Pig, Chicken and Human Feces.Environmental Science & Technology, 50:420-427.
[11] Y Yang, XT Jiang, BL Cai,L Ma, B Li, AN Zhang, JR Cole, JM Tiedje*, T Zhang*(2016) ARGs-OAP: Online Analysis Pipeline for Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection from Metagenomic Data Using an Integrated Structured ARG-database.Bioinformatics,32: 2346-2351.
[10] KQ Xiao, LG Li,L Ma, SY Zhang, P Bao, T Zhang*, YG Zhu* (2016) Metagenomic analysis revealed highly diverse microbial arsenic metabolism genes in paddy soils with low-arsenic contents.Environmental Pollution, 211:1-8.
[9] KQ Xiao, B Li,L Ma, P Bao, X Zhou, T Zhang*, YG Zhu* (2016) Metagenomic profiles of antibiotic resistance genes in paddy soils from South China.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92:1-6.
[8] F Ju, B Li,L Ma, Y Wang, D Huang, T Zhang* (2015) Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Human Bacterial Pathogens: Co-occurrence, Removal, and Enrichment in Municipal Sewage Sludge Digesters.Water Research, 91:1-10.
[7] B Li, Y Yang,L Ma, F Ju, F Guo, JM Tiedje, T Zhang* (2015) Metagenomic and network analysis reveal wide distribution and co-occurrence of environmental antibiotic resistance genes.The ISME Journal, 9:2490-2502.
[6]L Ma, B Li, T Zhang* (2014) Abundant rifampin resistance genes and significant correlations of antibiotic resistance genes and plasmids in various environments revealed by metagenomic analysis.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98:5195-5204.
[5]L Ma, XX Zhang*, F Zhao, B Wu, S Cheng, L Yang (2013) Sewage treatment plant serves as a hot-spot reservoir of integrons and gene cassettes.Journal of Environmental Biology, 34:391-399.
[4] Y Chao,L Ma, Y Yang, F Ju, XX Zhang, WM Wu, T Zhang* (2013) Metagenomic analysis reveals significant changes of microbial compositions and protective functions during drinking water treatment.Scientific reports, 3.
[3]L Ma, XX Zhang*, S Cheng, Z Zhang, P Shi, B Liu, B Wu, Y Zhang (2011) Occurrence, abundance and elimination of class 1 integrons in one municipal sewage treatment plant.Ecotoxicology, 20:968-973.
[2] Z Zhang,L Ma, XX Zhang*, W Li, Y Zhang, B Wu, L Yang, S Cheng (2010) Genomic expression profiles in liver of mice exposed to purified terephthalic acid manufacturing wastewater.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181:1121-1126.
[1] XX Zhang*, Z Zhang,L Ma, N Liu, B Wu, Y Zhang, AM Li, SP Cheng (2010) Influences of hydraulic loading rate on SVOCs removal and microbial community structure in drinking water treatment biofilters.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178:652-657.
1. 上海市高校特聘教授(東方學者),2019
2. 上海市浦江人才計畫A類,2019
[22]X Yin, Y Deng,L Ma, Y Wang, YL Chan, T Zhang* (2019) Exploration of the antibiotic resistome in a wastewater treatment plant by a nine-year longitudinal metagenomic study.Environment International, 133:105270.
[21]JM Tiedje, F Wang*, CM Manaia, M Virta, HJ Sheng,L Ma, T Zhang, E Topp (2019) Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Human-Impacted Environment: A One Health Perspective.Pedosphere,29(3):273-282.
[20]L Ma, B Li, T Zhang* (2019) New Insights into Antimicrobial Resistome in Drinking Water and Management Perspectives: A Metagenomic based Study of Small-sized Microbes.Water Research, 152:191-201.
[19] XT Jiang, L Ye, B Li, F Ju,L Ma, Tong Zhang*. (2018) Temporal dynamics of activated sludge bacterial communities in two diversity variant full-scale sewage treatment plants.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,102:9379-9388.
[18] AN Zhang, LG Li,L Ma, MR Gillings, JM Tiedje, Tong Zhang* (2018) Conserved Phylogenetic Distribution of Class 1 Integrons Revealed by Assessing the Bacterial Genome Collection.Microbiome, 6:130.
[17] WG Xiong, YL Wang, TX Sun,L Ma, QL Zeng, XT Jiang, AD Li, ZL Zeng*, T Zhang* (2018) Antibiotic-mediated changes in the faecal microbiome of broiler chickens defines the incidence of antibiotic resistance genes.Microbiome, 6:34.
[16]L Ma, B Li, XT Jiang, YL Wang, Y Xia, AD Li, Tong Zhang* (2017) Catalogue of Antibiotic Resistome and Host-tracking in Drinking Water Deciphered by a Large Scale Survey.Microbiome, 5:154.
[15]L Ma, AD Li, XL Yin, T Zhang* (2017) The prevalence of integrons as the carrier of antibiotic resistance genes in natural and man-made Environments.Environmental Science & Technology, 51(10): 5721-5728.
[14] AD Li,L Ma, YP Mao, XT Jiang, T Zhang* (2017) Cultivation-dependent and high-throughput sequencing approaches studying theco-occurrenceofantibiotic resistancegenes inmunicipal sewage system.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,101: 8197-8207.
[13] YL Wang,L Ma, YP Mao, XT Jiang, Y Xia, K Yu, B Li, T Zhang* (2017) Comammox in two drinking water systems.Water Research,116: 332-341.
[12]L Ma, Y Xia, B Li, Y Yang, LG Li, JM Tiedje*, T Zhang* (2016) Metagenomic Assembly Reveals Hosts of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and the Shared Resistome in Pig, Chicken and Human Feces.Environmental Science & Technology, 50:420-427.
[11] Y Yang, XT Jiang, BL Cai,L Ma, B Li, AN Zhang, JR Cole, JM Tiedje*, T Zhang*(2016) ARGs-OAP: Online Analysis Pipeline for Antibiotic Resistance Genes Detection from Metagenomic Data Using an Integrated Structured ARG-database.Bioinformatics,32: 2346-2351.
[10] KQ Xiao, LG Li,L Ma, SY Zhang, P Bao, T Zhang*, YG Zhu* (2016) Metagenomic analysis revealed highly diverse microbial arsenic metabolism genes in paddy soils with low-arsenic contents.Environmental Pollution, 211:1-8.
[9] KQ Xiao, B Li,L Ma, P Bao, X Zhou, T Zhang*, YG Zhu* (2016) Metagenomic profiles of antibiotic resistance genes in paddy soils from South China.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92:1-6.
[8] F Ju, B Li,L Ma, Y Wang, D Huang, T Zhang* (2015) Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Human Bacterial Pathogens: Co-occurrence, Removal, and Enrichment in Municipal Sewage Sludge Digesters.Water Research, 91:1-10.
[7] B Li, Y Yang,L Ma, F Ju, F Guo, JM Tiedje, T Zhang* (2015) Metagenomic and network analysis reveal wide distribution and co-occurrence of environmental antibiotic resistance genes.The ISME Journal, 9:2490-2502.
[6]L Ma, B Li, T Zhang* (2014) Abundant rifampin resistance genes and significant correlations of antibiotic resistance genes and plasmids in various environments revealed by metagenomic analysis.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98:5195-5204.
[5]L Ma, XX Zhang*, F Zhao, B Wu, S Cheng, L Yang (2013) Sewage treatment plant serves as a hot-spot reservoir of integrons and gene cassettes.Journal of Environmental Biology, 34:391-399.
[4] Y Chao,L Ma, Y Yang, F Ju, XX Zhang, WM Wu, T Zhang* (2013) Metagenomic analysis reveals significant changes of microbial compositions and protective functions during drinking water treatment.Scientific reports, 3.
[3]L Ma, XX Zhang*, S Cheng, Z Zhang, P Shi, B Liu, B Wu, Y Zhang (2011) Occurrence, abundance and elimination of class 1 integrons in one municipal sewage treatment plant.Ecotoxicology, 20:968-973.
[2] Z Zhang,L Ma, XX Zhang*, W Li, Y Zhang, B Wu, L Yang, S Cheng (2010) Genomic expression profiles in liver of mice exposed to purified terephthalic acid manufacturing wastewater.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 181:1121-1126.
[1] XX Zhang*, Z Zhang,L Ma, N Liu, B Wu, Y Zhang, AM Li, SP Cheng (2010) Influences of hydraulic loading rate on SVOCs removal and microbial community structure in drinking water treatment biofilters.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178:652-657.
1. 上海市高校特聘教授(東方學者),2019
2. 上海市浦江人才計畫A類,2019