



  • 中文名:馬韞韜
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:土壤學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學



1996.09-2000.07 中國農業大學 計算機及套用數學系 本科 理學學士
2000.09-2006.12 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 土壤學 碩博連讀 農學博士


2007.02-2009.02 中國科學院自動化研究所信息化 博士後
2009.02-至今 中國農業大學土地學院 講師、副教授、教授
其中:2004.12-2005.02 法國國家計算機科學與控制研究所(INRIA) 訪問學者
2007.03-2008.04 荷蘭Wageningen大學 博士後
2008.01 巴黎中央大學(ECP) 訪問學者
2016.03-2017.03 加州大學戴維斯分校 訪問學者
2019.01-至今 農業人工智慧與作物表型內蒙古自治區工程研究中心 副主任 首席科學家


作物學會智慧農業專委會委員(首批,2022- 至今)
農業建模與仿真專委員會委員(首批,2019- 至今)


1. 植物功能-結構-環境互作的系統仿真與數字孿生
2. 植物(三維)表型研究與套用研發
3. 人工智慧及其農業算法套用
4. 多源感測器的融合及數字農業套用
5. 數字農業




1. 科技部重點專項 "大田環境作物信息感測器與表型平台創製" (2021YFD2000001)
2. 省、市、自治區科技項目"基於營養診斷的減肥減藥黑土地保護性耕作新模式" (2021.1-2023.12)
3. 省、市、自治區科技項目"現代化農牧場智慧農業綜合服務平台研究與套用" (2021.1-2023.12)
4. 省、市、自治區科技項目"基於機器學習的馬鈴薯氮素實時管理技術研發與套用" (2020.6-2023.05)
5. 省、市、自治區科技項目"甜菜精準農業服務體系的套用、示範與推廣" (2020.01-2022.12)
6. 省、市、自治區科技項目"內蒙古地區主要農作物人工智慧關鍵技術研究與產品套用示範" (2019.01-2022.10)
7. 省、市、自治區科技項目"農業人工智慧與作物表型內蒙古自治區工程研究中心" (2019.01-2024.11)
8. 雲南省菸草公司科技計畫項目"2017YN07雲南煙用有機肥養分資源利用研究" (2017.07-2019.12.31)
9. 國家重點研發計畫"物種多樣性和遺傳多樣性間套作地上和地下作物功能與結構模型" (2016.01-2020.12)
10. 國家科技計畫課題"作物生長三維形態快速獲取與重構技術" (2013.01-2015.12)
11. 大北農教育基金"根際過程對土壤磷活化作用時空變異的定量分析與3D建模" (2015.01-2017.09)
12. 國土資源部公益性行業科研專項"內蒙古宜耕沙地調查和評價關鍵技術研究"(2014-2016)
13. 國家自然科學基金-國際(地區)合作與交流項目"間套作增產和提高資源利用效率的機理" (2013.01-2017.12.31)
14. 國家自然科學基金項目"間作系統潛在生產力差異的3D模型解析" (2011.01-2013.12)
15. 教育部博士點基金新教師課題"玉米理想株型的3D虛擬研究" (2011.01-2013.12)
16. 教育部歸國留學人員基金項目"基於三維光分布模型的玉米大豆條帶間作模式下的植株生產力的差異解析" (2010.10-2012.12)
17. 中國農業大學科研啟動經費"高產基因型小麥空間結構定量化及光分布的差異解析" (2009.07-2011.06)


1. Xiao SF, Chai HH, Wang Q, Shao K, Meng L, Wang RL, Li BG, Ma YT*.Estimating economic benefit of sugar beet based on three-dimensional computer vision: a case study in Inner Mongolia, China.European Journal of Agronomy.2021.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2021.126378
2. Li SW, van der Werf W, Zhu JQ, Guo Y, Li BG, Ma YT*, Evers JB.Estimating the contribution of plant traits to light partitioning in simultaneous maize/soybean intercropping.Journal of Experimental Botany.2021, 72(10) , doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab077 .
3. Shu MY, Shen MY, Zuo JY, Yin PF, …, Ma YT*.The Application of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imaging to Estimate Crop Traits in Maize Inbred Lines.Plant Phenomics.2021.https://doi.org/10.34133/2021/9890745
4. Shu MY, Zuo JY, Shen MY, Yin PF, …, Ma YT*.Improving the estimation accuracy of SPAD values for maize leaves by removing UAV hyperspectral image backgrounds.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2021.https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2021.1931539
5. Hui F, Xie ZW, Li HG, Guo Y, Li BG, Liu YL, Ma YT*.Image-based root phenotyping for field-grown crops: An example under maize/soybean intercropping.Journal of Integrative Agriculture.2021, 20(0): 2-15
6. 束美艷, 李世林, 魏家璽, 車熒璞, 李保國, 馬韞韜*.基於無人機平台的柑橘樹冠信息提取.農業工程學報, 2021, 37(1): 68-76.
7. 束美艷, 陳向陽, 王喜慶*, 馬韞韜*.基於高光譜數據的玉米葉面積指數和生物量評估.智慧農業.2021(3): 29-39.
8. 車熒璞, 王慶, 李世林, 李保國, 馬韞韜*.基於超解析度重建和多模態數據融合的玉米表型性狀監測.農業工程學報, 2021, 37(20): 169-178.
9. 王慶, 車熒璞, 柴宏紅, 邵科, 於超, 李保國, 馬韞韜*.基於無人機影像的冠層光譜和結構特徵監測甜菜長勢.農業工程學報, 2021, 37(20): 90-98.
1. Xiao SF, Chai HH, Shao K, Shen MY, Wang Q, Wang RL, Sui Y and Ma YT*. 2020. Image-Based Dynamic Quantification of Aboveground Structure of Sugar Beet in Field. Remote Sensing, 12: 269-285
2. Liu YL, Cen CJ, Che YP, Ke R, Ma Yand Ma YT*. 2020. Detection of Maize Tassels from UAV RGB Imagery with Faster R-CNN. Remote Sensing, 12: 338-350
3. Zhu BL, LiuFS, XieZW, GuoY, LiBG, MaYT*. 2020. Quantification of light interception within image-based 3D reconstruction of sole and intercropped canopies over the entire growth season. Annals of Botany, mcaa046, https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcaa046 online
4. CheYP, Wang Q, Xie ZW, Zhou L, Li SW, Hui F, Wang XQ, LiBG, Ma YT*. Estimation of maize plant height andleaf area index dynamic using unmanned aerial vehicle with oblique and nadir photography. Annals of Botany, online
5. 柴宏紅,邵科,於超,邵金旺,王瑞利,隨洋,白凱,劉雲玲,馬韞韜*。甜菜根三維表型參數提取與根型判別.農業工程學報,2020,online
6. Li SW, Evers JB, van der Werf W, Wang RL, Xu ZL, Guo Y, Li BG1, Ma YT*. Plant architectural responses in simultaneous maize/soybean strip intercropping do not lead to a yield advantage. Annals of Applied Biology, accepted.
1. Chai HH, Shao K, Hui F, Wang RL , Ma YT*. Revealing the relationship between biomass, sugar content and image-based phenotyping in beetroot. 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium(IPPS 2019). Oral
1. Ma YT*, Chen YJ, Hu PC, Guo Y et al. 2018. Coupling individual kernel filling process with source-sink interactions into GREENLAB-MAIZE. Annals of Botany, 121(5): 961-973.
2. Hui F, Hu PC, Guo Y, Li BG, Zhu JY, Ma YT*. 2018. Image-based dynamic quantification and high-accuracy 3D evaluation for of canopy structure of plant populations. Annals of Botany, 121(5): 1079-1088.
3. Zhu BL, Che YP, Hui F, Ma YT*. 2018. Three-Dimensional Quantification of Field Grown Crops by ground and aerial photography. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA18). Nov 4-8, in Hefei, Anhui province, China(EI)
4. Hui F, Guo Y, Ma YT *. 2018. Quantification of differences in root system architecture under maize/soybean interspecific interactions. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA18). Nov 4-8, in Hefei, Anhui province, China(EI).
5.朱冰琳, 劉扶桑, 朱晉宇,郭焱, 馬韞韜*. 基於機器視覺的大田植株生長動態的三維定量化研究. 農業機械學報, 2018 (05):1-10.
1.惠放, 馬韞韜, 朱晉宇,蔣衛傑. 2016. 利用多視角圖像法分析番茄幼苗根構型對氮水平的回響. 植物營養與肥料學報, 22(5): 1418-1424.
2.徐照麗, 孫艷, 吳茜,惠放, 郭焱, 楊宇虹,馬韞韜*. 2016. 菸草功能-結構模型GreenLab-Tobacco的構建.中國菸草學報, 22(3): 52-59.
3. Li SW, Xu YF, Qiu C, Zhu JQ, Evers JB, Guo Y, Li BG, Ma YT*. 2016. Modelling the architectural responses of individual plants in maize/soybean intercropping system. International conferences on FSPMA, Oral.
4. Cao BS, Hua S, Ma YT, Sun CQ, Chen Y, Li BG*. 2016. Evaluation of ORYZA 2000 model for three rice cultivars with contrasting plant achitecture under two regions in china. International conference on functional-structural plant growth modeling, simulation, visualization and application(FSPMA), Poster.
5. Hui F, Hu PC, Guo Y, Zhu JY and Ma YT*. 2016. Dynamic capture of three-dimensional plant architecture based on multi-view photographed image sequences. International conferences on FSPMA, Poster.
1.朱晉宇, 惠放, 李苗,馬韞韜, 余宏軍, 蔣為傑. 2015. 氮水平對盆栽沙培番茄苗期根系三維構型與氮素利用的影響. 農業工程學報, (23): 131-137.
2.胡鵬程, 郭焱, 李保國,朱晉宇, 馬韞韜. 2015. 基於多視角立體視覺的植株三維重建與精度評估. 農業工程學報, 31 (11): 209-214.
3. Ren ST, L XH, Li BG, Zhu JY, Ma YT*. 2015. Simulation and analysis of light availability difference for inter-rows of subordinate crop within strip-intercropping system. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, S2: 246-255.
5. Chen YJ, Li SW, Hoogenboom G, Guo Y, Li BG, Ma YT*. 2015. Simulation of maize kernel growth using source-sink approach with priority function. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, S2: 152-158.
1. Chen YJ, Hoogenboom G, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y. 2013. Maize kernel growth at different floret positions of the ear. Field crop research, 149: 177-186.
1. Ma YT*, Wubs A M, Mathieu A, Heuvelink E, Zhu JY, Hu BG, Courne`de P H and de Reffye P. 2011. Simulation of fruit-set and trophic competition and optimization of yield advantages in six Capsicum cultivars using functional-structural plant modelling. Annals of Botany, 107: 793-803.
2.鄭邦友, 馬韞韜, 李保國,郭焱, 鄧啟雲. 2011. 基於三維模型評估全球變暗效應對水稻光合生產的影響. 中國科學, 41(3): 386-393.
3. Zheng BY, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y, Deng QY. 2011. Assessment of the influence of global dimming on the photosynthetic production of rice based on three-dimensional modeling. Science China Earth Sciences, 54, 290-297.
1.馬韞韜,朱晉宇, 胡包鋼, Heuvelink E, de Reffye P. 2010. 生態學報, 30(24): 7072-7078.
2.Qi R, Ma YT, Hu BG, de reffye P, COURNèDE PH. 2010. Optimization of source-sink dynamics in plant growth for ideotype breeding: a case study on maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71(1): 96-105.
3. Ma YT, Wang CY, Zheng BY, Buck-Sorlin, GH, Li, BG, Wang, ZL. 2010. Assessment of light capture and carbon gain of two wheat canopies with 3-D modelling. In: Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2011) pp1312–1317. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, IEEE.
4. Ma YT, Liu J, Zheng BY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2010. Assessment of light capture and carbon gain for maize/soybean intercropping with 3-D modelling. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 12-17, Nov, Davis USA. (Oral presentation).
5. Chen Y, Guo Y, Ma YT*. A source-sink model on individual kernel growth for field grown maize. 2010. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 12-17, Nov, Davis USA. (Oral presentation).
1. Wubs AM, Ma YT*, Hemerik L, Heuvelink E. 2009. Fruit set and yield patterns in six Capsicum cultivars. Hort Science, 44(5): 1296-1301. (Corresponding author).
2. Wubs AM, Ma YT, Heuvelink E, Marcelis LFM. 2009. Genetic differences in fruit-set patterns are determined by differences in fruit sink strength and a source: sink threshold for fruit set. Annals of Botany, 104: 957-964.
3.鄭邦友, 石利娟, 馬韞韜,鄧啟雲, 李保國, 郭焱. 2009. 水稻冠層的原位三維數位化及虛擬層切法. 中國農業科學, 42(4): 1181-1189.
4. Ma YT, Mathieu A, Wubs AM, Heuvelink E, Zhu JY, Hu BG, Cournède PH, de Reffye P. 2009. Parameter Estimation and Growth Variation Analysis in Six Capsicum Cultivars with the Functional - Structural Model GreenLab. In: BG Li, M Jaeger and Y Guo (eds.). The third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA09), 183-190.
5. Zheng BY, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y, Deng QY. 2009. Assessment of the effects of leaf angle combinations on potential photosynthesis capacity of rice with 3-D models using high performance computing. The third synposium on Plant Growth Modeling and Applications, 9-13, Nov, Beijing, China (Oral).
1. Ma YT, Wen MP, Guo Y, Li BG, Cournede PH. 2008. de Reffye P. Parameter optimization and field validation of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for maize at different population densities. Annals of Botany, 101: 1185-1194.
2. Zheng BY, Shi LJ, Ma YT, Deng QY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2008. Comparison of architecture among different cultivars of hybrid rice using spatial light model based on 3D digitizing. Functional Plant Biology, 35(9/10): 900-910.
3. Wang XP, Guo Y, Wang XY, Ma YT, and Li BG. 2008. Estimating photosynthetically active radiation distribution in maize canopies by a three-dimensional incident radiation model. Functional Plant Biology, 35(9/10): 867-875.
1. Ma YT, Li BG, Zhan ZG, Guo Y, Luquet D, de Reffye P, Dingkuhn M. 2007. Parameter stability of the functional-structural plant model GREENLAB as affected by variation within populations, among seasons and among growth stages. Annals of Botany, 99: 61-73.
2. Zheng BY, Shi LJ, Ma YT, Deng QY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2007. Canopy architecture quantification and spatial direct light interception modeling of hybrid rice. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 37. 4-9, Nov, Napier, New Zealand (Oral).
3.馬韞韜, 文美平, 李保國,王錫平, 郭焱. 2007. 器官尺度的玉米冠層直射光分布快速計算模型. 農業工程學報, 23(10): 151-155.
1. Guo Y, Ma Y, Zhan ZG, Li BG, Dingkuhn M, Luquet D, de Reffye P.2006. Parameter optimization and field validation of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for maize. Annals of Botany, 97: 217-230.
2.馬韞韜, 郭焱, 展志崗,李保國, Philippe de Reffye. 2006. 玉米生長虛擬模型GREENLAB-Maize的評估. 作物學報, 32(7): 956-963.
3.馬韞韜, 郭焱, 李保國. 2006. 套用三維數位化儀對玉米植株葉片方位分布的研究. 作物學報, 32(6): 791-798.
4. Wang XP, Guo Y, Li BG, Wang XY, Ma YT. 2006. Evaluating a three dimensional model of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation in maize canopies. International Journal of Biometeorology, 50: 349-357.
5. Ma YT, Wen MP, Li BG, Guo Y, Cournede PH, de Reffye P. 2006. Calibration of GREENLAB model for maize with sparse experimental data. In: Thierry Fourcaud and Xiaopeng Zhang (eds.). The second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). IEEE computer society, 188-193.
1.馬韞韜, 郭焱, 李保國,展志崗, Philippe de Reffye. 2005. 基於GreenLab理論的玉米生長虛擬模型: 參數提取與模擬. 數字農業技術與標準研討會文集(國家農業信息化工程技術研究中心編), 365-374. 3.19-20, 北京.
2.王錫平, 郭焱, 李保國,馬韞韜. 2005. 玉米冠層內太陽直接輻射三維空間分布的模擬. 生態學報, 25 (1): 7-12.
3.馬韞韜, 郭焱, 李保國. 2003. 數字農作物的研究. 首屆全國博士生學術論壇, 10.17-19, 清華大學,北京.
4.高祥照, 胡克林, 郭焱,李保國, 馬韞韜, 杜森,王運華. 2002. 土壤養分與作物產量的空間變異特徵與精確施肥. 中國農業科學, 35(6): 660-666.
1.馬韞韜, 周龍, 王喜慶, 柴宏紅.植物葉片胺基酸含量檢測方法及裝置.ZL2020102244364
2.馬韞韜, 董奇宙, 劉雲玲.一種麥穗計數方法、裝置及自行走小車.ZL2020109180236
3.馬韞韜, 柴宏紅, 王瑞利, 邵科, 隨洋.農作物根果表型參數的提取與根果表型判別方法及系統。ZL202010084914.6
1. 田間作物表型參數提取軟體V1.0.2021SRBJ1128
2. 作物長勢監測及產量預測軟體V1.0.2021SRBJ1130
3. 基於無人機調查的煙田氮精準預測軟體V1.0.2019SRBJ0831.
6.菸草器官3D建模與可視化軟體V1.0.2012 SRBJ1474.


