


  • 中文名:馬迎賓
  • 出生日期:1984年11月
  • 畢業院校:南開大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:圖論,組合博弈論
  • 任職院校:河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院
  • 職稱:副教授


2008-2011年,在河南師範大學數學與信息科學學院攻讀碩士研究生,研究方向機率論與數理統計,獲理學碩士學位; 2011-2014年,在南開大學組合數學中心攻讀博士研究生,研究方向圖論與組合最最佳化,獲理學博士學位; 2014.6,南開大學博士畢業,到河南師範大學任教。





(1) 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,“關於傳遞圖的全彩虹連通數的研究”
(2) 國家自然科學基金天元基金項目,“關於點傳遞圖的彩虹連通數的研究”
(3) 河南省高等學校重點科研項目,“特殊圖類的全彩虹連通數及其算法複雜性”
(4) 河南師範大學人才引進資助基金 ,“關於圖的彩虹頂點連通數若干問題的研究”
(5) 國家自然科學基金,“圖的自同構群和對稱性”
(6) 國家自然科學基金,“具有時滯和遺失的容錯搜尋問題的最優方法”
(7) 國家自然科學基金,“強度大於2的混合正交表的構造及其套用”
(8) 國家自然科學基金,“共軛類長與循環子群的共軛置換性”
(9) 國家自然科學基金,“壓縮感知中正交匹配追蹤算法的理論研究”


(1) Yingbin Ma, Kairui Nie, Fengxia Jin, Cui Wang, Total rainbow connection numbers of some special graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation
(2) Yingbin Ma, Kairui Nie, (Strong) Proper Connection in Some Digraphs, IEEE Access
(3) Yingbin Ma, Kairui Nie, Rainbow Vertex Connection Numbers and
Total Rainbow Connection Numbers of Middle and Total Graphs, Ars Combinatorica, In press. (SCI)
(4) Hengzhe Li, Xueliang Li, Yingbin Ma, The vertex-rainbow connection number of some graph operations, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, In press. (SCI)
(5) Yingbin. Ma, Jingmin. Zhao, Yuan. Lai, Cui. Wang, The total rainbow 2-connection numbers of cubic graphs, Utilitas Mathematica
(6) Hengzhe Li, Baoyindureng Wu, Jixiang Meng, Yingbin Ma, Steiner tree packing number and tree connectivity. Discrete Mathematics
(7) Lily. Chen, Yingbin, Ma , Yongtang, Shi*, Yan, Zhao, On the [1,2]-domination number of generalized Petersen graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation
(8) Haifeng, Li*, Yingbin, Ma , Yuli, Fu, An improve d RIP-based performance guarantee for sparse signal recovery via simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit, Signal Processing
(9) Yingbin. Ma*, Zaiping. Lu, Rainbow connection numbers of Cayley graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
(10) Yingbin. Ma*, Zaiping. Lu, Rainbow connection numbers of Cayley digraphs on abelian groups,Applied Mathematics and Computation
(11) Yingbin. Ma*, Lily. Chen, Hengzhe. Li, Graphs with small total rainbow connection number, Frontiers of Mathematics in China
(12) Yingbin. Ma*, Lily. Chen, Hengzhe. Li, Haifeng. Li, The Proper (Vertex) Connection Numbers of Cubic Graphs , Utilitas Mathematica
(13) Hengzhe Li, Yingbin Ma, Rainbow connection number and graph operations, Discrete Appllied Mathematics
(14) Zaiping. Lu, Yingbin. Ma*, The rainbow vertex connectivities of small cubic graphs, Ars Combinatorica
(15) Hengzhe. Li*, Yingbin. Ma, Weihua. Yang, Yifei. Wang, The generalized 3-connectivity of graph products, Applied Mathematics and Computation
(16) Qingqiong. Cai, Yingbin. Ma*, Jiangli. Song, Rainbow connection numbers of ladders and Mobius ladders, Ars Combinatorica
(17) Yingbin. Ma*, Total Rainbow Connection Number and Complementary Graph, Results in Mathematics
(18) Yingbin. Ma*, Lily. Chen, Hengzhe. Li, Haifeng. Li, The Total Rainbow Connection Numbers of Cubic Graphs, Utliltas Mathematica
(19) Lily. Chen*, Bofeng. Feng*, Yingbin. Ma*,Hardness results for total rainbow connection of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
(20) Yingbin. Ma*, Haifeng. Li, On Edge-hamiltonian Proterty of Bi-Cayley Graphs, Annals of Applied Mathematics
(21) Zaiping. Lu, Yingbin. Ma*, Graphs with Vertex Rainbow Connection Number Two, Science China Mathematics
(22) Zaiping. Lu, Yingbin. Ma*, Rainbow 2-Connection Numbers of Cayley Graphs, Information Processing Letters
(23) Haifeng, Li,Yingbin, Ma,Wenan, Liu,Yuli, Fu,Improved analysis of greedy block coordinate descent under RIP,Electronics Letters


(1) 2015年6月獲河南師範大學“研究生科技創新優秀指導教師”稱號
(2) 2017年5月獲河南師範大學“工會積極分子”稱號
(3) 2017年12月,在第十四屆“華為杯”中國研究生數學建模競賽中,指導研究參賽並獲得全國二等獎
(4) 2018年6月獲河南師範大學“優秀共產黨員”稱號
(5) 2018年7月獲“第3期師大好人”稱號
(6) 2018年11月獲新鄉市“文明教師”稱號
(7) 2019年4月獲河南師範大學“招生宣傳工作先進個人”稱號
(8) 2019年9月獲河南師範大學“三育人”先進個人稱號


