- 中文名:馬紹爾語
- 地位:馬紹爾群島的官方語言
- 面積: 750,000 平方英里
- 島嶼: 1,225 個
- 珊瑚礁群:870 個
- 人口:13,000 人
Hello, goodbye, love - Yokwe
Thank you very much - Kommol tata
You're welcome - Kin jouj
How are you? - Ejet am mour?
It's good - Emman
It's bad, tastes bad - Enana
Yes - Aaet
No - Jaab
Eat - Mona
Tastes good - Enno
Does it taste good? - Enno ke?
What? - Ta?
What's this? - Ta eo?
Who? - Won?
When? - Naat?
I or me - Na
You, you are - Kwe
Man, men - Emmaan
Woman, women - Kora
Children - Ajri
Coconut tree/ripe coconut (green) - Ni
Mature coconut (brown) - Waini
Ocean - Lojet/lometo
Lagoon - Lomalo/malo
Beach - Iar
Beer - Pia
Boat, canoe, car - Wa
Swim - Tutu
Scuba dive,snorkel- Tuloke
Fish - Iik
Reef, coral -WOD
Sightsee - Alwoj
North - Ean
South - Rak
East - Reeaar
West - Ralik
Purchase, buy - Wia
Handicrafts - Amimono
Dollar - Tala
How much does it cost? - Jete onean?
It's cheap - Edik onean
It's expensive - Elap onean
What is your name? - Etam?
My name is John - Eta in John
Where is the Bank? -EWIBank eo?
Come here - Itok
Go away - Etal
What time is it? - Jete awa kiio?
Excuse me, I'm sorry - Jolok bod
Good looking woman - Likatu
Good looking man - Lakatu
Hello, goodbye, love - Yokwe
Thank you very much - Kommol tata
You're welcome - Kin jouj
How are you? - Ejet am mour?
It's good - Emman
It's bad, tastes bad - Enana
Yes - Aaet
No - Jaab
Eat - Mona
Tastes good - Enno
Does it taste good? - Enno ke?
What? - Ta?
What's this? - Ta eo?
Who? - Won?
When? - Naat?
I or me - Na
You, you are - Kwe
Man, men - Emmaan
Woman, women - Kora
Children - Ajri
Coconut tree/ripe coconut (green) - Ni
Mature coconut (brown) - Waini
Ocean - Lojet/lometo
Lagoon - Lomalo/malo
Beach - Iar
Beer - Pia
Boat, canoe, car - Wa
Swim - Tutu
Scuba dive,snorkel- Tuloke
Fish - Iik
Reef, coral -WOD
Sightsee - Alwoj
North - Ean
South - Rak
East - Reeaar
West - Ralik
Purchase, buy - Wia
Handicrafts - Amimono
Dollar - Tala
How much does it cost? - Jete onean?
It's cheap - Edik onean
It's expensive - Elap onean
What is your name? - Etam?
My name is John - Eta in John
Where is the Bank? -EWIBank eo?
Come here - Itok
Go away - Etal
What time is it? - Jete awa kiio?
Excuse me, I'm sorry - Jolok bod
Good looking woman - Likatu
Good looking man - Lakatu
馬紹爾群島是和美國結為自由聯盟的主權共和國。 29 個珊瑚環礁和 5 個島嶼組成兩條平行的巨型島鏈,舒展在 750,000 平方英里的中部太平洋上。這些島嶼面積為 70 平方英里,分布在北緯 4 - 19 度,東經 160 - 175 度之間。馬紹爾群島總共約有 1,225 個島嶼和 870 個珊瑚礁群,生長著 800 多種魚類和 160 種珊瑚。群島中有 24 個島嶼和珊瑚礁島上有人居住,這裡有 4 個主要的中心城市:首都馬朱羅,有 30,000 人;坐落在夸賈林環島的依拜葉,有 13,000 人;還有賈魯特和沃托。
由 33 名議員組成的立法機構選出總統。從議會中,總統任命 10 名內閣成員。每四年選舉一次。內閣行使權利為議會負責。 12 人的首領理事會負責傳統和風俗習慣事宜。馬紹爾語是馬紹爾群島的官方語言,雖然英語為人們廣泛使用。又因第二次世界大戰期間遭日本占領,一些老人可以使用日語。
馬紹爾的熟練和非熟練型勞力充足,且最低工資率很有競爭力。非本地公民不能在馬紹爾群島購買土地。土地租用期限一般可達 50 年,並可以續租。《按揭和登記法》保護了出租人和承租人的利益。租金要和土地所有人磋商決定。關於建立土地開發登記處的立法正在審議之中。 馬紹爾對外國投資者借貸沒有限制,也無限制資金返還的法律規定。然而,政府鼓勵外國投資者擴大投資,並從中獲利。
短語 | 馬紹爾語 |
Hello (General greeting) | Io̧kwe (sg) Io̧kwe io̧kwe Io̧kwe kom̧ (pl) Io̧kwe aolep (hello everyone) |
Hello(on phone) | |
How are you? | Em̧m̧an mour? Ej et mour |
Reply to 'How are you?' | Em̧m̧an (I'm fine) Elukkuun em̧m̧an (I'm doing great) Ebwe (I'm so-so) Elukkuun nana (I'm not doing so well) Ak kwe? (And you?) |
Etam̧? | |
My name is ... | Eta in ... |
Where are you from? | Kwōj itok jān ia? |
I'm from ... | Ij itok jān ... |
Good morning (Morning greeting) | Morning! |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) | Io̧kwe in raelep |
Good evening (Evening greeting) | Io̧kwe in jota |
Good night! | |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) | Io̧kwe (sg) Io̧kwe kom̧ (pl) Io̧kwe aolep (goodbye everyone) Bar lo eok (see you later- sg) Bar lo kom̧ (see you later- pl) |
Good luck! | Jeraam̧m̧an n̄an kwe |
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) | |
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal | |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey | |
Aet | |
Jab | |
Bōlen | |
Ijab jeļā Ijeje In̄ak | |
I understand | Imeļeļe |
I don't understand | Ijab meļeļe |
Please speak more slowly | Karum̧wij am̧ kōnono Karum̧wijļo̧k am̧ kōnono |
Please say that again | Bar ba mok |
Please write it down | |
Do you speak English? | Kwo jela ke kajin pālle? |
Do you speakMarshallese? | Kwōjeļā ke kajin m̧ajeļ? |
Yes, a little (reply to 'Do you speak ...?') | Aet, jidik |
Speak to me inMarshallese | |
How do you say ... inMarshallese? | Etan ... ilo kajin m̧ajeļ? |
Jo̧lo̧k bōd Jo̧lo̧k aō bōd | |
How much is this? | Ewi jon̄an? |
Jo̧lo̧k bōd Jo̧lo̧k aō bōd | |
Jouj | |
Kom̧m̧ool (sg) Kwe emmal (pl) Kom̧m̧ooltata (Thank you very much) | |
Reply to thank you | Jouj Kōn jouj |
Where's the toilet? | Ewi em jirikrik in? |
This gentleman will pay for everything | |
This lady will pay for everything | |
Would you like to dance with me? | |
Do you come here often? | |
Ij io̧kwe eok | |
Go away! | |
Leave me alone! | |
Fire! | |
Call the police! | |
Christmas and New Year greetings | Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin Jeramman ilo iio in ekaal |
Easter greetings | |
Birthday greetings | Jeramon ilo rainin am |
One language is never enough | Joun kajin ejar bwe |
My hovercraft is full of eels Why this phrase? |