2017/12— 至今 陝西師範大學,學前教育專業,講師,副教授
2014/09—2017/08 香港中文大學,哲學博士,教育心理學專業
2011/09—2014/07 北京大學,教育學碩士,套用心理學專業
2007/09—2011/07 南開大學,理學學士,套用心理學專業
1. 主譯. 快樂童年的秘密:讓孩子和父母更幸福的15堂課(作者:史蒂夫·比達爾夫),機械工業出版社,2016。
2. 參編《情緒與行為障礙兒童的發展與教育》(李聞戈編著), 2017,北京大學出版社。
3. 主譯.《不缺席的媽媽》,機械工業出版社,2018。
主要論文成果: (*通訊作者)
1. Ma, Y.*, You, Y., Yang, H., Wang, F., Cheng, X., & Li, J. (2022). Psychometric characteristics of the mindfulness in teaching scale in Chinese preschool teachers. Current Psychology,41,5011-5019.
2. Cheng, X., Zhang, H., Cao, J., & Ma, Y.*. (2022). The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Programs on Psychological Distress and Burnout in Kindergarten Teachers: A Pilot Study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50, 1197-1207.
3. 馬穎*,田凱利.(2022)家長式領導的不同類型對鄉村幼兒教師心理資本和職業倦怠的影響:基於潛在剖面分析.陝西學前師範學院學報,38(12),1-8.
4. Ma, Y.*, Wang, F., & Cheng, X. (2021). Kindergarten Teachers’ Mindfulness in Teaching and Burnout: The Mediating Role of Emotional Labor. Mindfulness, 12(3), 722-729.
5. Ma, Y.*, & Siu, A. F. Y. (2020). Dispositional mindfulness and mental health in Hong Kong college students: The mediating roles of decentering and self‐acceptance. Australian Journal of Psychology. 72(2), 156-164.
6. 馬穎*,王穎 (2019). 兒童家長的正念特質與養育勝任感之間的關係. 中國心理衛生雜誌,1, 58-63.
7. Ma, Y., She, Z., Siu, A. F. Y., Zeng, X., & Liu, X. (2018). Effectiveness of online Mindfulness-based interventions on psychological distress and the mediating role of emotion regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
8. Ma, Y., Siu, A., & Tse, W. S. (2018). The role of high parental expectations in adolescents’ academic performance and depression in Hong Kong. Journal of Family Issues, 39(9), 2505-2522.
9. Ma, Y., & Siu, A. F. (2016). A Qualitative Exploration of an Eight-Week Mindful Parenting Program for Parents. Journal of Asian Pacific Counseling, 6, 87-100.
10. Siu, A. F., Ma, Y., & Chui, F. W. (2016). Maternal Mindfulness and Child Social Behavior: the Mediating Role of the Mother-Child Relationship. Mindfulness, 7, 577-583.
1. 2021年陝西師範大學第五屆課堂教學創新大賽二等獎
2. 2020年陝西師範大學“第十三屆青年教師教學基本功大賽”二等獎