- 中文名:馬湘蒙
- 出生地:內蒙古奈曼旗
- 畢業院校:美國中佛羅里達大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:飲用水水質
- 任職院校:廣西大學資源環境與材料學院
1.Ma, Xiangmeng, Darren A. Lytle, and Woo Hyoung Lee. "Microelectrode investigation on the corrosion initiation at lead-brass galvanic interfaces in chlorinated drinking water." Langmuir (2019).IF:3.683 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02168
2. Ma, X., Armas, S., Soliman, M., Lytle, D.A., Torres, K., Tetard, L., Lee, WH., In situ monitoring of Pb2+ leaching from the galvanic joint surface in a prepared chlorinated drinking water, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (4), 2126-2133. (IF: 6.653)DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b05526
3. Ma, X., Lee, W.H., Darren, A.L., In situ 2D maps of pH shifts across brass– lead galvanic joints using microelectrodes, Measurement Science and Technology, 2016, 28 (2), 025101. (IF:1.685) DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/28/2/025101
4. Wang, X., Ma, X., Church, J., Jung, S., Son, Y., Lee, W. H., & Cho, H. J. ZnO nanoflakes as a template for in-situ electrodeposition of nanostructured cobalt electrodes as amperometric phosphate sensors. Materials Letters, 2017, 192, 107-110. (IF: 2.687) DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2016.12.047
5. Lee, W. H., Guo, X., Guo, D., Campiglia, A., Ma, X., Church, J. (2015). In Situ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Sensor, Wastewater Treatment: Occurrence and Fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), (Ed. Amy J. Forsgren), CRC Press/Taylor & Francis. (書籍編輯)
1. Ma, X., Alam, R., Ribeiro, F., Sidorkiewicz, V., Lytle, D.A., and Lee, W.H., Effects of sodium silicate on surface chemistry of fresh copper-lead galvanic joints in a prepared chlorinated water, 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando, FL, March. 31–Apr. 4, 2019.
2. Ma, X., Church, J, Lytle, D.A., Lee, W.H. In Situ Microelectrode Investigation on the Effect of Phosphate, Chloride, and Sulfate on Galvanic Corrosion, American Water Work Association, Water Quality Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2018.
3. Ma, X., Soliman, M., Lytle, D.A., Tetard, L., Lee, W.H. 2D Surface Investigation on the Impact of pH, Orthophosphate and Alkalinity on Galvanic Corrosion Using Microelectrodes, American Water Work Association, Water Quality Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2017.
4. Ma, X., Lee, W.H., Darren, A.L., In-Situ 2D Spatial Imaging of pH Changes at Brass-Lead Galvanic Joints Using Microelectrodes, Proceedings, American Water Work Association, AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, 2016.
5. Ma, X., Church, J., Park, Y.J., Lee, W.H., Wahman, D. G, and Pressman, J. G., Long-term Spatiotemporal Imaging of Chemical Profiles in Brass and Cement in a Simulated Chlorinated and Chloraminated Water System, Proceedings, American Water Work Association, Water Quality Technology Conference and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 15-19, 2015