2023--至今 哈爾濱工業大學環境學院 教授
2014--2022 哈爾濱工業大學環境學院 副教授
2011--2012 澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學 訪問學者
2008--2012 哈爾濱工業大學環境科學與工程博士後流動站 博士後
2008--2013 哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院 講師
2005--2008 哈爾濱工業大學 市政工程 博士
2003--2005 哈爾濱工業大學 市政工程 碩士
1999--2003 哈爾濱工業大學 給水排水專業 學士
1.Mengqi Zheng, YuxingHan, Hongjun Han, Chunyan Xu, Zhengwen Zhang, Wencheng Ma* Synergistic degradation on phenolic compounds of coal pyrolysis wastewater by lignite activated cokeactive sludge process Insights into succession of microbial community under selective pressure. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 281: 126-134(SCI,IF=5.807)
2.Zhengwen Zhang, Yuxing Han, Chunyan Xu, Wencheng Ma*, Hongjun Han, Mengqi Zheng, Hao Zhu, Weiwei Ma. Microbial nitrate removal in biologically enhanced treated coal gasification wastewater of low COD to nitrate ratio by coupling biological denitrification with iron and carbon micro-electrolysis. Bioresource Technology. 2018,262: 65–73(SCI,IF=5.651)
3.Hao Zhu, Wencheng Ma, Hongjun Han, Chunyan Xu, Yuxing Han, Weiwei Ma. Degradation characteristics of two typical N-heterocycles in ozone process: Efficacy, kinetics, pathways, toxicity and its application to real biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater. Chemosphere 209 (2018) 319-327(SCI,IF=4.427)
4.Kun Li, Wencheng Ma, Hongjun Han, Chunyan Xua, Yuxing Hanb, Dexin Wang, Weiwei Ma, Hao Zhu. Selective recovery of salt from coal gasification brine by nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Environmental Management. 223 (2018) 306–313(SCI,IF=4.005)
5.Ma Wencheng, Zhong Dan*, Han Hongjun. Treatment efficiency and characteristics of bacterial community structure of two-stage and two-phase anaerobic process. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2012, 48(1-3): 207-214 (SCI,IF= 1.272)
6.Ma Wencheng, Zhong, Dan*, Han Hongjun. A review: inhibition of Ag NPs on wastewater treatment. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2013, 51(37-39):7012-7017 ( SCI,IF= 1.272)
7.Weiwei Ma, Yuxing Han, Chunyan Xu, Hongjun Han, Wencheng Ma*, Hao Zhu, Kun Li, Dexin Wang. Enhanced degradation of phenolic compounds in coal gasification wastewater by a novel integration of micro-electrolysis with biological reactor (MEBR) under the micro-oxygen condition. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 251: 303–310 (SCI,IF=5.651)
8.Zhu Hao, Ma Wencheng, Han Yuxing, Han Hongjun*, Ma Weiwei. Catalytic ozonation of quinoline using nano-MgO: Efficacy, pathways, mechanisms and its application to real biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 329:91-99 (SCI,IF=6.216)
9.Zhu Hao, Han Yuxing, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun*, Ma Weiwei. Removal of selected nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds in biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater using the catalytic ozonation process combined with the two-stage membrane bioreactor. Bioresource technology.2017, 245,786-793 (SCI,IF=5.651)
10.Ma Weiwei, Han Yuxing, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun*, Zhu Hao, Xu Chunyan, Li Kun, Wang Dexin. Enhanced nitrogen removal from coal gasification wastewater by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) in an oxygen-limited aeration sequencing batch biofilm reactor. Bioresource technology. 2017, 244: 84-91 (SCI,IF=5.651)
11.Xu Peng*, Ma Wencheng, Hou Baolin, Shi Zhou. A novel integration of microwave catalytic oxidation and MBBR process and its application in advanced. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. 2017, 177:233-238 (SCI,IF=3.395)
12.Dexin Wang, Wencheng Ma, Hongjun Han?, Kun Li, Xuankai Hao. Enhanced treatment of Fischer–Tropsch (F-T) wastewater by novel anaerobic biofilm system with scrap zero valent iron (SZVI) assisted. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 117: 66–76(SCI,IF=2.892)
13.Dexin Wang, Wencheng Ma, Hongjun Han*, Kun Li, Hao Xu, Fang Fang, Baolin Hou,Shengyong Jia. Enhanced anaerobic degradation of FischereTropsch wastewater by integrated UASB system with Fe-C micro-electrolysis. Chemosphere. 2016,164: 14-24 (SCI,IF= 4.208)
14.Hou Baolin, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun, Xu Peng, Zhuang Haifeng, Jia Shengyong, Li Kun. Optimization of electro-Fenton oxidation of biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater by response surface methodology. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2016, 56(8): 8174-8182 (SCI,IF= 1.631)
15.Wang Wei, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun*. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of Lurgi coal gasification wastewater in a UASB reactor. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 2011,102(3): 2441-2447(SCI,IF= 5.651)
16.Xu Peng, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun*. Quantitative structure-biodegradability relationships for biokinetic parameter of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA. 2015, 30: 180-185 (SCI,IF=2.533)
17.Zhong Dan, Yuan Yixing, Ma Wencheng. Influences of pipe materials and hydraulic conditions on the process of trihalomethanes formation in water distribution network. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2012, 49(1-3):165-171 (SCI,IF= 1.272)
18.Haifeng Zhuang, Hongjun Han*, Wencheng Ma. Advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater by a novel heterogeneous Fenton oxidation process. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA. 2015, 33: 12-20 (SCI,IF=2.533)
19.Xu Peng, Ma Wencheng, Han Hongjun*, Jia Shengyong, Hou Baolin. Isolation of a Naphthalene-Degrading Strain from Activated Sludge and Bioaugmentation with it in a MBR Treating Coal Gasification Wastewater. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. 2015,94(3): 358-364. (SCI,IF= 1.324)
20.Xu Peng, Ma, Wencheng, Han, Hongjun*, Hou Baolin, Jia Shengyong. Biodegradation and Interaction of Quinoline and Glucose in Dual Substrates System. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. 2015, 94(3): 365-369. (SCI,IF= 1.324)
21.Xu, Peng, Ma, Wencheng, Han, Hongjun*, Hou Baolin, Jia Shengyong. Characterization of naphthalene degradation by Streptomyces sp QWE-5 isolated from active sludge. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2014.79(6): 1129-1134 (SCI,IF= 1.208)
22.Hu, Hongbo, Han, Hongjun*, Ma, Wencheng. Research on a pre-denitrification double-layer media biological aerated filter in municipal wastewater treatment. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT. 2012, 31(1-3): 366-371 (SCI,IF= 1.272)
23.Wan Chunli, Du Maoan, Lee Duu-Jong*, Ma Wencheng. Electrokinetic remediation of beta-cyclodextrin dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil using multiple electrodes. JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. 2011, 42(6): 972-975 (SCI,IF=4.217)
24.Wan Chunli, Du Maoan, Lee Duu-Jong, Ma Wencheng. Electrokinetic remediation and microbial community shift of beta-cyclodextrin-dissolved petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2011,89(6): 2019-2025 (SCI,IF=3.848)
2011年,Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of Lurgi coal gasification wastewater in a UASB reactor,國際埃尼獎(提名),排名3。
| Fe3O4納米顆粒對厭氧消化產氫/產甲烷促進效應及其機理研究 |
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| 松花江哈爾濱市市轄區控制單元水環境質量改善技術集成與綜合示範 |
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