1. 2000年9月-2003年9月,中國科學院地球化學研究所礦床地球化學國家重點實驗室,地球化學專業,攻讀博士學位,博士論文題目為“13萬年以來洛川黃土剖面中營養元素的分布及演化規律”,導師為塗光熾院士。
2. 1997年9月-2000年8月,中國科學院地球化學研究所礦床地球化學國家重點實驗室,地球化學專業,攻讀碩士學位,碩士論文題目為“中國西南地區的紅色粘土型金礦研究”,導師為高振敏研究員。
3. 1993年9月-1997年7月,長安大學,資源勘查專業,攻讀大學學士學位,學士論文題目為“武當地區武當群的特徵及其演化”,導師為胡建民教授。
1. 2005年11月至今,就職於河海大學科研院同位素水文研究所,主要從事大氣-植物-土壤-地下水-河流-沿海等體系中水、泥沙與污染物循環、污染評價與環境修復及工程套用等方面的研究與教學工作。2011年7月晉升為正高職稱。
2. 2003年10月至2005年10月,在南京大學地球科學系從事地質學博士後工作,利用同位素地球化學方法研究沙漠和黃土高原風塵物質的來源、遷移和沉降的地球化學過程,合作導師為陳駿院士。2005年10月晉升為副高職稱。
1、 Rao, W. B., Han, G. L., Tan, H. B., Sun, J., 2013. Chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of rainwater in the Ordos Desert Plateau, Northwest China. Submitted to Atmospheric Research.
2、 Rao, W. B., Han, L. F., Tan, H. B., Sun, J., Sun, X., 2013. Estimation of groundwater recharge in Ordos Desert Plateau: comparison between results obtained from the saturated- and unsaturated-zone chloride mass balance method. Submitted to Water Resource Research.
3、 Rao, W.B., Han, L. F., Tan, H. B., et al., 2013. Vacuum distillation of water from sandy soil of Ordos Deserts, North China, for stable isotope analysis. Submitted to Journal of Hydrology.
4、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Tan, H. B., Weise, S. M., Wang, Y. X., 2013. Nd-Sr Isotopic and REE Geochemical Compositions of Late Quaternary Deposits in the Desert-Loess Transition, North-Central China: Implications for their Provenance and Past Wind. Quaternary International, accepted, online.
5、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Tan, H. B., Jiang, S. Y., Sun, J., 2011. Sr-Nd isotopic and REE geochemical constraints on the provenance of fine-grained sands in the Ordos deserts, north-central China. Geomorphology,
6、 Rao, W. B., Tang, H. B., Jiang, S. Y., Chen, J. S., 2011. Trace element and REE geochemistry of fine- and coarse-grained sands in the Ordos deserts and links with sediments in surrounding areas. Chemie der Erde/Geochemistry,
7、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Yang, J. D., Ji, J. F., Zhang, G. X., 2009. Sr isotopic and elemental characteristics of calcites in the Chinese deserts: Implications for eolian Sr transport and seawater Sr evolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
8、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Yang, J. D., Ji, J. F., Zhang, G. X., Chen, J. S., 2008. Strontium isotopic and elemental characteristics of calcites in the eolian dust profile of the Chinese Loess Plateau during the past 7 Ma. Geochemical Journal,
9、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Yang, J. D., Ji, J. F., Li, G. J., Tan, H. B., 2008. Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of eolian deposits in the Erdos Desert and Chinese Loess Plateau: Implications for their provenances. Geochemical Journal,
10、 Rao, W. B., Yang, J. D., Chen, J., Li, G. J., 2006. Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of eolian dust of the arid-semiarid areas in China: Implications for loess provenance and monsoon evolution. Chinese Science Bulletin,
11、 Rao, W. B., Chen, J., Luo, T. Y., Liu, L. W., 2006. Phosphorus geochemistry in the Luochuan loess section, North China and its paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International,
12、 Rao, W. B., Luo, T. Y., Gao, Z. M., Li, X. B., 2004. Fluctuations of fixed-NH4+-N in the Luochuan loess section and its palaeoclimatic significance. Quaternary International,
13、 Rao, W. B., Gao, Z. M., Yang, Z. S., Luo, T. Y., 2004. Geology and geochemistry of the Shangmanggang red-clay-type gold deposit in West Yunnan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,
14、 Tan, H. B., Rao, W. B., Ma, H. Z., Chen, J. S., Li, T. W., 2011. Hydrogen, oxygen, helium and strontium isotopic constraints on the formation of oilfield waters in the western Qaidam Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,
15、Tan, H. B., Rao, W. B., Chen, J. S., Su, Z. G., Sun, X. X., Liu, X. Y., 2009. Chemical and isotopic approaches to the groundwater cycle in western Qaidam Basin, China. Chinese Geographical Science。