


  • 中文名:饒儷琳
  • 國籍:中國
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:副研究員


社會與工程心理學研究室, 副研究員
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院中科院心理所




1. Li, S., Li, Y-R., Su, Y., & Rao, L-L.* (2012). Is an idea different from cake: You can have it and eat it, too? PLoS ONE
2. Rao, L-L., Li, S., Jiang, T-Z., & Zhou, Y. (2012). Is payoff necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice? Evidence from functional connectivity analysis. PLoS ONE
3. Rao, L-L., Han, R., Ren, X-P., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z-J., Li, J-Z., Zhang, K., & Li, S. (2011). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: The effects of the Wenchuan earthquake. Evolution and Human Behavio
4. Rao, L-L., Zhou, Y., Xu, L-J., Liang, Z-Y., Jiang, T-Z., & Li, S. (2011). Are risky choices actually guided by a compensatory process? New insights from fMRI. PLoS ONE
5. Rao, L-L. & Li, S. (2011). New paradoxes in intertemporal choice. Judgment and Decision Making
6. Li, S., Rao, L-L., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Ren, X-P., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., Liu, H., & Zhang, K. (2010). Progression of the “psychological typhoon eye” and variations since the Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS ONE, 5, e9727. doi:10.1371/journal.pone
7. Li, S., Rao, L-L., Ren, X-P., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., & Liu, H. (2009). Psychological typhoon eye in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS ONE, 4, e4964. doi:10.1371/journal.pone
8. Li, Q., Qin, S., Rao, L-L., Zhang, W., Ying, X., Guo, X., Guo, C., Ding, J., Li, S., & Luo, J. (2011). Can Sophie's choice be adequately captured by cold computation of minimizing losses? An fMRI study of vital loss decisions. PLoS ONE, 6, e17544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone
9. Li, S., Bi, Y-L., Su, Y., & Rao, L-L. (2011). An additional gain can make you feel bad and an additional loss can make you feel good. Advances in Psychological Science
10. Li, S., Bi, Y-L., & Rao, L-L. (2011). Every Science/Nature potter praises his own pot ― Can we believe what he says based on his mother tongue? Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
11. Li, J-Z., Li, S., Wang, W-Z., Rao, L-L., & Liu, H. (2011). Are people always more risk averse after disasters? Surveys after a heavy snow-hit and a major earthquake in China in 2008. Applied Cognitive Psychology
12. Li, S., Wang, Z-J., Rao, L-L., & Li, Y.M. (2010). Is there a violation of Savage’s Sure-thing Principle in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game? Adaptive Behavio
13. Li, S., Zhou, K., Sun, Y., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., & Liang, Z-Y (2010). Anticipated regret, risk perception, or both: Which is most likely responsible for our intention to gamble? Journal of Gambling Studies
14. Li, S., Li, J-Z., Chen, Y-W., Bai, X-W., Ren, X-P., Zheng, R., Rao, L-L., Wang, Z-J., & Liu, H. (2010). Can overconfidence be debiased by low-probability/high-consequence event? Risk Analysis
15. Li, L-B., He, S-H., Li, S., Xu, J-H., & Rao, L-L. (2009). A closer look at the Russian roulette problem: A re-examination of the nonlinearity of the prospect theory’s decision weight π. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
16. 梁竹苑, 徐麗娟, 饒儷琳, 蔣田仔, & 李紓. (2012). “20%的機率獲得蛋糕”=“獲得蛋糕的20%”?檢驗風險決策的期望法則假設. 科學通報.
17. 梁竹苑, 周媛, 饒儷琳, & 李紓. (2012). 從行為決策到神經經濟學:一條研究演化之路. In 馬慶國 (Ed.), 中國神經科學與社會科學交叉學科研究進展. 北京: 科學出版社.
18. 蘇寅, 畢研玲, 李紓, 饒儷琳 (2010). "避害"還是"趨害"? 心理科學(CSCD 索引)
19. 饒儷琳, 梁竹苑, 李紓 (2009). 規範性和描述性風險決策理論的檢驗:期望價值理論和齊當別抉擇模型. 心理學報(CSCD 核心)
20. 李紓, 劉歡, 白新文, 任孝鵬, 鄭蕊, 李金珍, 饒儷琳, 汪祚軍 (2009). 汶川“5.12”地震中的“心理颱風眼”效應. 科技導報(CSCD 索引)
21. 饒儷琳, 梁竹苑, 李紓 (2008). 行為決策中的後悔. 心理科學(CSCD 索引)


PsyCh Journal 、Quality of Life Research、《中國科學 生命科學》、《科學通報》、《科技導報》、《管理科學學報》、《心理學報》、《心理科學進展》、《心理科學》等期刊審稿人


