目前,已經發表各類研究論文50餘篇,其中在SCI檢索雜誌如Journal of Structural Geolog、Tectonophysics和Earth and Planetary Science Letters等發表9篇,第一作者5篇(包括in press)。EI檢索4篇(其中2篇也為SCI檢索)。
1. Mei-Fu Zhou, Dan-Ping Yan, Chang-Liang Wang, Liang Qi and Allen Kennedy,2006, Intraplate rifting or arc origin of the giant Neoproterozoic magmatic event in South China: constraints from the 750 Ma Xuelongbao adakitic complex (Sichuan Province, Western China). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 248, 271-285.
2. Dan-Ping Yan, Mei-Fu Zhou, Yan Wang, Tai-Ping Zhao, 2005, The earlier spreading of South China Sea basin resulted by the Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic extension of the South China Block? - Structural styles and Chronological evidences from the Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome. Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences 16(3), 189-199.
3. Dan-Ping Yan,Mei-Fu Zhou,Christina Yan Wang,Structural and geochronological constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome in Yunnan province, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2006, in press.
4.Dan-Ping Yan, Mei-Fu Zhou, Hong-Lin Song and Gen-Hou Wang, Min Sun, 2006, Mesozoic extensional structures of the Fangshan tectonic dome and their subsequent reworking during collisional accretion of the North China Block. Journal of the Geological Society, London 163, 2006, 127-142.
5.Dan-Ping Yan, Mei-Fu Zhou, Hong-Lin Song, Zhao-Ren Fu, 2003, Structure style and tectonic significance of the Jianglang dome in the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, China· Journal of Structural Geology 25(5), 765-779.
6.Dan-Ping Yan, Mei-Fu, Zhou, Hong-Lin Song, Xin-Wen Wang, John G Malpas. 2003, Origin and tectonic significance of a Mesozoic multi-layer over-thrust system within the Yangtze Block (South China). Tectonophysics 361(3-4), 239– 254.
7. Dan-Ping Yan, Mei-Fu Zhou, Hong-Lin Song, Zhao-Ren Fu, Min Sun, 2003, Tectonic Controls on the formation of the Liwu Cu-rich sulfide deposit within the Jianglang dome, SW China. 2003, Resource Geology 53 (2), 89-100.
8.Mei-Fu Zhou, Yuxiao Ma, Dan-Ping Yan, Xiaoping Xia, Jun-Hong Zhao, and Min Sun, 2006, The Yanbian Terrane (Southern Sichuan Province, SW China): A Neoproterozoic arc assemblage in the western margin of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 144, 15-38.
9.Mei-Fu Zhou, Dan-Ping Yan, Paulo M. Vasconcelos, Yunqian Li, and Jun Ding, 2003, 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints on the tectono-thermal evolution of the Danba antiform along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, Southwestern China. GSA Bulletin(Submitted).
10.Yuhai Wang, Dan-Ping Yan, 2003, Fluvial gravel facies architecture of late Pleistocene age at Po Chue Tam, Lantau Island, Hong Kong: tectonic versus climatic control? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21 (10). 1113-1123.
11. Hu Ling, Song Hong-Lin, Yan Dan-Ping, Hu Dao-Gong, 2003, The 40 Ar / 39 Ar chronology constraint and geological significance for mylonite of Shangyi—Chicheng fault, Science in China 46 (11), 1134-1141.
12.Mei-Fu Zhou, Dan-Ping Yan, Allen K. Kennedy, Yunqian Li, Jun Ding, 2002, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronological and geochemical evidence for Neoproterozoic, arc-magmatism along the western margin of the Yangtze block, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196, 51-67.
13.Yan Danping, Metamorphic Core Complexes in the western margin of Yangtze craton. 30th International Geological Congress·Abstract·1996, 2 of 3, 291.
14.Song Hong,Yan Danping and Fu Zhaoren, Metamorphic Core Complexes in the western margin of Yangtze craton. Progress in geology of China (1993-1995) -papers to 30th IGC, China Ocean Press·1996·370-373
15.She Hongqian, Xu Guizhong, Yan Dan-Ping, 1999, Geodynamics on the formation of basin-and-range system and its relationship to gas and oil accumulation. Scientia Geologica Sinica, (8): 359-366.
16.Song Honglin, Fu Zhaoren, Yan Dan-Ping, 1995, Structual analysis of Jianglang metamorphic core complexe in western margin of Yangtze craton, Sichuan province. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 6(2), 129-133.
17.Song Hong, Fu Zhaoren and Yan Danping. Extensional tectonics and metamorphic core complexe of the western hills,beijing.30th international geological congress,field trip guide(t210). geological publishing house. 1996.