



  • 書名:電路分析基礎(第二版)(英文版)
  • 作者:(美)James W. Nilsson(詹姆斯 W. 尼爾森), Susan A. Riedel(蘇姍 A. 里德爾) 
  • 譯者:王宏祥,張民
  • ISBN:9787121322839
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2018-01-01




Chapter 1 Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements
電路變數與電路元件 1
1.1 Circuit Analysis: an Overview
電路分析概述 1
1.2 Voltage, Current, and the Basic Circuit Elements
電壓、電流與基本電路元件 3
1.3 The Ideal Basic Circuit Element
理想基本電路元件 4
1.4 Power and Energy
功率和能量 6
1.5 Voltage and Current Sources
電壓源和電流源 8
1.6 Electrical Resistance (OHM’s Law)
電阻(歐姆定律) 12
Chapter 2 Simple Resistive Circuits Analysis
簡單電阻電路分析 22
2.1 Terminology
術語 22
2.2 Kirchhoff’s Laws
基爾霍夫定律 25
2.3 Analysis of a Circuit Containing Dependent Sources
含受控源電路的分析 32
2.4 Source Transformations
電源變換方法 34
2.5 Superposition
疊加方法 38
2.6 Delta-to-Wye Transformations
三角形-星形等效電路 41
Chapter 3 Techniques of Circuit Analysis
電路分析方法 56
3.1 The Systematic Approach – An Illustration
系統化方法說明 56
3.2 Introduction to the Node-Voltage Method
節點電壓分析法簡介 59
3.3 The Node-Voltage Method and Dependent Sources
節點電壓分析法和受控源 62
3.4 The Node-Voltage Method: Some Special Cases
節點電壓分析法:幾個特例 64
3.5 Introduction to the Mesh-Current Method
網孔電流分析法簡介 67
3.6 The Mesh-Current Method and Dependent Sources
網孔電流分析法和受控源 71
3.7 The Mesh-Current Method: Some Special Cases
網孔電流分析法:幾個特例 72
3.8 The Node-Voltage Method Versus the Mesh-Current Method
節點電壓分析法與網孔電流分析法的比較 74
3.9 Thevenin and Norton Equivalents
戴維南和諾頓等效電路 79
3.10?More on Deriving a Thevenin Equivalent
導出戴維南等效電路的補充 84
3.11?Maximum Power Transfer
最大功率傳輸 87
Chapter 4 The Operational Amplifier
運算放大器 109
4.1 Operational Amplifier Terminals
運算放大器端子 109
4.2 Terminal Voltages and Currents
端電壓和端電流 111
4.3 The Inverting-Amplifier Circuit
反相放大電路 116
4.4 The Summing-Amplifier Circuit
求和放大電路 117
4.5 The Noninverting-Amplifier Circuit
同相放大電路 119
4.6 The Difference-Amplifier Circuit
差分放大電路 120
4.7 The Comparator
比較器 121
Chapter 5 The Natural and Step Response of RL and RC Circuits
RL和RC電路的固有回響和階躍回響 137
5.1 The Inductor
電感 138
5.2 The Capacitor
電容 144
5.3 Series-Parallel Combinations of Inductance and Capacitance
電感和電容的串並聯 149
5.4 Natural Response of RL and RC Circuits
RL和RC電路的固有回響 153
5.5 Step Response of RL and RC Circuits
RL和RC電路的階躍回響 167
5.6 The Integrating Amplifier
積分放大器 181
Chapter 6 Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits
RLC電路的固有回響和階躍回響 206
6.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
並聯RLC電路固有回響簡介 207
6.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
並聯RLC電路固有回響的形式 212
6.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit
並聯RLC電路的階躍回響 223
6.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit
串聯RLC電路的固有回響和階躍回響 230
Chapter 7 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
正弦穩態分析 246
7.1 The Sinusoidal Source
正弦電源 246
7.2 The Sinusoidal Response
正弦回響 251
7.3 The Phasor
相量 253
7.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency Domain
頻域中的無源電路元件 257
7.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain
頻域中的基爾霍夫定律 262
7.6 Circuit Simplifications
電路化簡 263
7.7 The Node-Voltage Method
節點電壓分析法 274
7.8 The Mesh-Current Method
網孔電流分析法 275
7.9 Instantaneous, Average, and Reactive Power
瞬時功率、平均功率和無功功率 277
7.10?The rms Value and Power Calculations
均方根值和功率計算 284
7.11?Complex Power and Power Calculations
復功率和和功率計算 286
Chapter 8 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
平衡三相電路 307
8.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages
平衡三相電壓 308
8.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources
三相電壓源 309
8.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit
星形-星形電路分析 311
8.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit
星形-三角形電路分析 318
8.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
平衡三相電路的功率計算 326
8.6 Measuring Average Power in Three-Phase Circuits
三相電路平均功率的測量 333
Chapter 9 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits
選頻電路簡介 352
9.1 Some Preliminaries
預備知識 353
9.2 Low-Pass Filters
低通濾波器 355
9.3 High-Pass Filters
高通濾波器 363
9.4 Bandpass Filters
帶通濾波器 369
9.5 Bandreject Filters
帶阻濾波器 382

