



  • 書名:電子商務英語創新型教程
  • 作者:吳含、馮克江、陳秀梅、鄧志超
  • ISBN:9787115430953
  • 頁數:205頁
  • 定價:42元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年12月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce 1
Part 1 Lead-in 2
Part 2 Intensive Reading 3
Text A China’s Other E-commerce Giant Follows Its Own Path 3
Text B Major Types of E-commerce 5
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 9
Dialogue 1 Running an Online Business 10
Dialogue 2 What Kind of E-commerce Suits Our Business 11
Part 4 Extensive Reading 13
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 20
Chapter 2 E-marketing 23
Part 1 Lead-in 24
Part 2 Intensive Reading 25
Text A How to Make Your E-mail Marketing Simple,Clear and Awesome 25
Text B What’s SEO 27
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 30
Dialogue 1 Common Types of E-marketing 30
Dialogue 2 Social Media Networks in China 32
Part 4 Extensive Reading 33
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 35
Chapter 3 Electronic Payment 39
Part 1 Lead-in 40
Part 2 Intensive Reading 41
Text A How to Use PayPal on the Google Play Store 41
Text B How to Use Apple Pay 43
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 45
Dialogue 1 Different Types of E-payment 45
Dialogue 2 How Electronic Payment Works 46
Part 4 Extensive Reading 47
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 48
Chapter 4 Logistics Management 51
Part 1 Lead-in 52
Part 2 Intensive Reading 53
Text A Amazon and Its Own Delivery 53
Text B Using Logistics Technology to Start a Business 55
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 57
Dialogue 1 Send a Figure Through Express Mail 57
Dialogue 2 Tracking the Mail 59
Part 4 Extensive Reading 61
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises:Thinking and Practice 63
Chapter 5 Customer Relationship Management 65
Part 1 Lead-in 66
Part 2 Intensive Reading 67
Text A What is Social CRM 67
Text B How to Serve Your Social CRM in a Better Way 68
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 71
Dialogue 1 Introduce the CRM into the Company’s Management System 71
Dialogue 2 How Could I Improve the Application of CRM in Sales 72
Part 4 Extensive Reading 73
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises:Thinking and Practice 75
Chapter 6 Cyber-attack and Internet Fraud 79
Part 1 Lead-in 80
Part 2 Intensive Reading 81
Text A How to Prevent Cyber-attack 81
Text B Be Cautious When Shopping Online 83
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 86
Dialogue 1 Internet Fraud 86
Dialogue 2 Hacked E-mail Account 87
Part 4 Extensive Reading 89
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 92
Chapter 7 Cross-border E-commerce 95
Part 1 Lead-in 96
Part 2 Intensive Reading 97
Text A How to Develop Overseas Customers Online 97
Text B How Not to Be a Spammer 99
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 102
Dialogue 1 Develop Foreign Customer by Face Book 103
Dialogue 2 E-mail Direct Marketing in Foreign Trade 105
Part 4 Extensive Reading 107
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 110
Chapter 8 New Trends in E-commerce 113
Part 1 Lead-in 114
Part 2 Intensive Reading 115
Text A The Era of “Internet+” in China 115
Text B The Era of WeChat Business 118
Part 3 Situational Dialogue 121
Dialogue 1 Shopping with Smart Phone 122
Dialogue 2 Cash Burning on E-commerce 124
Part 4 Extensive Reading 126
Part 5 Self-assessment Exercises: Thinking and Practice 131
附錄1 閱讀篇章譯文 135
附錄2 課後練習參考答案 151
附錄3 2010—2014年全國自考《電子商務英語》試卷及答案 161


