



  • 書名:電力互感器術語使用手冊
  • 作者:馮宇
  • ISBN:9787519809331
  • 頁數:167頁
  • 定價:66元
  • 出版社:中國電力出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年9月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:710×980  16開本




1 互感器的通用術語
1.1 互感器 instrument transformer
1.2 電流互感器current transformer
1.3 電壓互感器voltage transformer
1.4 三相電壓互感器three-phase voltage transformers
1.5 組合互感器combined instrument transformer
1.6 三相組合互感器three-phase combined instrument transformers
1.7 自耦式互感器instrument auto-transformer
1.8 直流互感器 direct current instrument transformer
1.9 準確級 accuracy class
1.10 實際變比actual transformation ratio
1.11 額定變比rated transformation ratio
1.12 比值差ratio error
1.13 相位差phase displacement
1.14 負荷burden
1.15 額定負荷rated burden
1.16 額定輸出rated output
1.17 繞組 winding
1.18 線段section
1.19 一次繞組primary winding
1.20 二次繞組secondary winding(s)
1.21 一次端子primary terminals
1.22 二次端子secondary terminals
1.23 二次電路secondary circuit
1.24 二次迴路電阻secondary loop resistance
1.25 機械載荷mechanical load
1.26 外殼enclosure
1.27 膨脹器 expander
1.28 分壓器divider
1.29 氣體絕緣金屬封閉式互感器gas-insulated metal-enclosed instrument transformer
1.29.1 壓力釋放裝置 pressure relief device
1.29.2 額定充氣壓力 rated filling pressure
1.29.3 最低工作壓力 minimum functional pressure
1.29.4 外殼的設計壓力 design pressure of the enclosure
1.29.5 外殼的設計溫度 design temperature of the enclosure
1.29.6 絕對泄漏率 absolute leakage rate
1.29.7 相對泄漏率 relative leakage rate
2 電流互感器術語
2.1 單鐵心電流互感器single-core type current transformer
2.2 多鐵心電流互感器multi-core type current transformer
2.3 分裂鐵心電流互感器split core type current transformer
2.4 變比可選電流互感器selectable-ratio current transformer
2.5 套管式電流互感器bushing type current transformer
2.6 母線式電流互感器bus-type current transformer
2.7 電纜式電流互感器cable-type current transformer
2.8 單匝貫穿式電流互感器bar primary type current transformer
2.9 支柱式電流互感器support type current transformer
2.10 串級式電流互感器cascade current transformer
2.11 倒立式電流互感器inverted-type current transformer
2.12 速飽和電流互感器rapid-saturable current transformer
2.13 剩餘電流residual current
2.14 剩餘電流互感器residual current transformer
2.15 累加用電流互感器summation current transformer
2.16 一次電流 primary current
2.17 二次電流secondary current
2.18 額定一次電流 rated primary current
2.19 額定二次電流rated secondary current
2.20 額定連續熱電流rated continuous thermal current
2.21 額定短時熱電流 rated short-time thermal current
2.22 額定動穩定電流 rated dynamic current
2.23 測量用電流互感器measuring current transformer
2.24 匝數補償 turns correction
2.25 額定儀表限值一次電流rated instrument limit primary current
2.26 儀表保全係數 instrument security factor(FS)
2.27 額定擴大一次電流 rated extended primary current
2.28 保護用電流互感器protective current transformer
2.29 P級保護用電流互感器class P protective current transformer
2.30 PR級保護用電流互感器class PR protective current transformer
2.31 複合誤差composite error
2.32 額定準確限值一次電流 rated accuracy limit primary current
2.33 準確限值係數 accuracy limit factor(ALF)
2.34 二次極限電勢secondary limiting e.m.f.
2.35 PX級保護用電流互感器class PX protective current transformer
2.36 PXR級保護用電流互感器class PXR protective current transformer
2.37 勵磁特性excitation characteristic
2.38 勵磁電流exciting current
2.39 拐點電壓knee point voltage
2.40 拐點電勢knee point e.m.f.
2.41 額定拐點電勢rated knee point e.m.f.
2.42 匝數比誤差turns ratio error
2.43 計算係數dimensioning factor
2.44 TPX級暫態特性保護用電流互感器class TPX protective current transformer for transient performance
2.45 TPY級暫態特性保護用電流互感器class TPY protective current transformer for transient performance
2.46 TPZ級暫態特性保護用電流互感器class TPZ protective current transformer for transient performance
2.47 暫態一次短路電流 primary short circuit current in transient condition
2.48 一次時間常數primary time constant
2.49 額定一次短路電流 rated primary short-circuit current
2.50 額定對稱短路電流係數 rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor
2.51 瞬時誤差電流instantaneous error current
2.52 峰值瞬時誤差peak instantaneous error
2.53 峰值交流分量誤差peak value of alternating error current
2.54 工作循環 duty cycle
2.54.1 第一次故障持續時間duration of the first fault
2.54.2 第二次故障持續時間 duration of the second fault
2.54.3 第一次故障的準確限值規定時間specified time to accuracy limit in the first fault
2.54.4 第二次故障的準確限值規定時間specified time to accuracy limit in the second fault
2.54.5 故障重現時間(或無電流時間) fault repetition time (or dead time)
2.55 飽和磁通saturation flux
2.56 剩磁通remanent flux
2.57 剩磁係數remanence factor
2.58 額定電阻性負荷rated resistive burden
2.59 二次繞組電阻secondary winding resistive
2.60 二次迴路時間常數secondary loop time constant
2.61 暫態係數transient factor
2.62 暫態面積係數transient dimensioning factor
2.63 額定等效極限二次電勢rated equivalent limiting secondary e.m.f
2.64 低漏抗電流互感器low leakage reactance current transformer
2.65 高漏抗電流互感器high leakage reactance current transformer
2.66 結構係數factor of construction
2.67 絕緣熱穩定性dielectric thermal stability
2.68 主【電容】屏main capacitor screen
2.68.1 端環 end ring
2.68.2 端屏 end screen
3 電壓互感器術語
3.1 電磁式電壓互感器inductive voltage transformer
3.2 電容式電壓互感器capacitor voltage transformer(CVT)
3.2.1 電壓連線式CVT voltage-connected CVT
3.2.2 電流連線式CVT current-connected CVT
3.2.3 阻波器連線式CVT line trap-connected CVT
3.2.4 疊裝式結構 stacking structure
3.2.5 非疊裝式結構 non-stacking structure
3.2.6 運行變差 variation of operation
3.2.7 電容式電壓互感器的額定溫度類別 rated temperature category of a capacitor voltage transformer
3.2.8 電容式電壓互感器的額定頻率 rated frequency of capacitor voltage transformer
3.2.9 低壓端子雜散電容stray capacitance of the low voltage terminal
3.2.10 低壓端子雜散電導stray conductance of the low voltage terminal
3.3 額定電壓因數rated voltage factor
3.4 不接地電壓互感器unearthed voltage transformer
3.5 接地電壓互感器earthed voltage transformer
3.6 一次電壓primary voltage
3.7 二次電壓secondary voltage
3.8 額定一次電壓rated primary voltage
3.9 額定二次電壓 rated secondary voltage
3.10 測量用電壓互感器measuring voltage transformer
3.11 保護用電壓互感器 protective voltage transformer
3.12 串級式電壓互感器cascade voltage transformer
3.12.1 平衡繞組balancing winding
3.12.2 耦合繞組coupling winding
3.13 開磁路電壓互感器open-core voltage transformer
3.14 剩餘電壓residual voltage
3.15 剩餘電壓繞組residual voltage winding
3.16 熱極限輸出 thermal limiting output
3.17 鐵磁諧振 ferro-resonance
3.18 暫態回響transient response
3.19 耦合電容器coupling capacitor
3.20 電容分壓器capacitor voltage divider
3.20.1 高壓端子(電容分壓器的)high voltage terminal ( of a capacitor divider)
3.20.2 中壓端子(電容分壓器的)intermediate voltage terminal (of a capacitor divider)
3.20.3 低壓端子(電容分壓器的)low voltage terminal (of a capacitor divider)
3.20.4 高壓電容器(電容分壓器的)high voltage capacitor(of a capacitor divider)
3.20.5 中壓電容器(電容分壓器的)intermediate voltage capacitor(of a capacitor divider)
3.20.6 中間電壓(電容分壓器的)intermediate voltage (of a capacitor divider)
3.20.7 分壓比(電容分壓器的)voltage ratio (of a capacitor divider)
3.20.8 (電容器)元件(capacitor)element
3.20.9 (電容器)單元(capacitor)unit
3.20.10 (電容器)疊柱(capacitor)stack
3.20.11 電容器的額定電容rated capacitance of a capacitor
3.20.12 (電容器的)高頻電容high frequency capacitance(of a capacitor)
3.20.13 電容器的等值串聯電阻equivalent series resistance of a capacitor
3.20.14 電容器損耗capacitor losses
3.20.15 電容器的損耗角正切(tan δ) tangent of the loss angle (tan δ) of a capacitor
3.20.16 電容器的電介質dielectric of a capacitor
3.21 電磁單元 electromagnetic unit
3.21.1 中間變壓器intermediate transformer
3.21.2 補償電抗器(或補償電感)compensating reactor (compensating inductance)
3.21.3 補償電抗器的保護器件protection element of compensating reactor
3.21.4 阻尼裝置damping device
3.22 載波附屬檔案carrier-frequency accessories
3.22.1 排流線圈drain coil
3.22.2 限壓器件voltage limitation element
3.22.3載波接地開關carrier earthing switch
3.23 電容允許偏差capacitance tolerance
3.24 電容溫度係數temperature coefficient of capacitance
附錄A 與術語相關的電力互感器案例


