雷良貞,博士(雙),首都師範大學數學科學學院副教授、碩導。畢業於武漢大學、法國Blaise Pascal大學,研究方向為機率統計。
- 中文名:雷良貞
- 外文名:Liangzhen Lei
- 職業:副教授、碩導
- 畢業院校:武漢大學、法國Blaise Pascal大學
- 代表作品:Large deviation in total variation of occupation measures of one-dimensional diffusions
- 學位:博士(雙)
- 研究方向:機率統計
職 稱:副教授、碩導
學 位:博士(雙)
畢業院校:武漢大學、法國Blaise Pascal大學
Moderate and large deviations for non-linear regression model
Large deviation in total variation of occupation measures of one-dimensional diffusions
Strong Consistency and CLT for the Random Decrement Estimator
Large deviations of kernel density estimator in $L^1(\rr^d)$ for reversible Markov processes
Th\'ese : Grandes d\'eviations pour les estimateurs \`a noyau de la densit\'e et \'etude de l'estimateur de d\'ecr\'ement al\'eatoire
Large deviations of kernel density estimator in $L^1(\rr^d)$ for uniformly ergodic Markov processes
Thesis of doctor: Large deviations of kernel density estimator for stochastic processes
The exponential convergence of kernel density estimator in $L^1$ for $\phi$-mixing processes
Large deviations and deviation inequality for kernel density estimator in $L^1(\rr^d)$-distance