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  • 中文名:雷永登
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2016.12—至 今 中國農業大學農學院,教學科研工作
2014.07—2016.11 中國環境科學研究院,助理研究員
2012年秋季學期 美國威斯康星大學(UW-Madison),短期訪學
2009.09—2014.06 北京師範大學,理學博士
2005.09—2009.06 太原師範學院,理學學士


1. 集約可持續農業理論與實踐
2. 氣候-糧食-水土資源耦合機制及最佳化調控
3. 農業空間大數據與智慧農業系統
分別重點關注:(1)地球紅線和環境安全閾值(Planetary boundaries)框架下農業生態系統問題診斷與可持續性評價;(2)基於氣候變化、糧食安全、以及水土資源匹配的作物結構布局最佳化;(3)大數據驅動下區域和景觀尺度的農業空間分析新方法、新工具套用開發。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目“華北平原地下水超採區冬小麥-夏玉米種植模式旱災風險時空特徵研究”(2019-2021),主持
2. 國家重點研發計畫項目“糧食作物豐產增效資源配置機理與種植模式最佳化”(2016-2020),子課題主持
3. 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目“耦合自然-社會經濟因子的中國農作物種植結構時空變化模擬研究”(2021-2025),子課題主持
4. 國家社科基金重大項目“我國糧食生產與水資源的時空匹配及最佳化路徑研究”(2019-2023),課題骨幹
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“黃淮海農作區冬小麥產量差時空分布格局研究”(2019-2022),參加
6. 中國農業大學科研啟動基金項目(2017-2018),主持
7. 中國農業大學基本科研業務費專項資金項目(2019),主持


1. Zhang L, Chen F, Lei YD*. Climate change and shifts in cropping systems together exacerbate China’s water scarcity. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15: 104060. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abb1f2 (TOP 10%)
2. Zhang L, Chu QQ, Jiang YL, Chen F, Lei YD*. Impacts of climate change on drought risk of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2020, 19: 2–13. DOI: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63273-7
3. Li S#, Lei YD#, Zhang YY, Liu JG, Shi XY, Jia H, Wang C, Chen F, Chu QQ*. Rational trade-offs between yield increase and fertilizer inputs are essential for sustainable intensification: A case study in wheat–maize cropping systems in China. Science of the Total Environment 2019 (679): 328–336. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.085 (#co-first author) (TOP 10-20%)
4. Jia H, Zhang T, Yin XG, Shang MF, Chen F, Lei YD*, Chu QQ*. Impact of climate change on the water requirements of oat in Northeast and North China. Water 2019, 11, 91. DOI: 10.3390/w11010091
5. Wang C, Liu JG, Li S, Zhang T, Shi XY, Zeng ZH, Lei YD*, Chu QQ*. Diagnosing the climatic and agronomic dimensions of rain-fed oat yield gaps and their restrictions in North and Northeast China. Sustainability 2019, 11, 2104. DOI:10.3390/su11072104
6. Lei YD, Zhang HL, Chen F*, et al. How rural land use planning facilitates drought risk adaptation in a changing climate—a case study in arid northern China. Science of the Total Environment 2016 (550): 192–199. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.01.098 (TOP 10-20%)
7. Lei YD, Liu CC, Zhang LB*, et al. Adaptive governance to typhoon disasters for coastal sustainability: A case study in Guangdong, China. Environmental Science & Policy 2015 (54): 281–286. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.07.016 (TOP 10-20%)
8. Lei YD, Wang JA*, Yue YJ, et al. Rethinking the relationships of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation from a disaster risk perspective. Natural Hazards 2014 (70): 609–627. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-013-0831-7
9. Lei YD, Wang JA*, Yue YJ, et al. How adjustments in land use patterns contribute to drought risk adaptation in a changing climate—a case study in China. Land Use Policy 2014 (36): 577–584. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2013.10.004 (TOP 10%)
10. Lei YD, Wang JA*. A preliminary discussion on the opportunities and challenges of linking climate change adaptation with disaster risk reduction. Natural Hazards 2014 (71): 1587–1597. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-013-0966-6
11. Lei YD, Wang JA*, Luo LL. Drought Risk Assessment of China’s Mid-Season Paddy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 2011, 2(2): 32–40. DOI: 10.1007/s13753-011-0009-4
12. Jiang YL, Lu Z, Li S, Lei YD, Chu QQ, Yin XG, Chen F*. Large-scale and high-resolution crop mapping in china using sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Agriculture 2020, 10, 433. DOI: 10.3390/agriculture10100433
13. Jiang YL, Wang XH, Ti JS, Lu Z, Yin XG, Chu QQ, Lei YD, Chen F*. Winter wheat water-saving potential in groundwater overexploitation district of North China Plain. Agronomy Journal 2020,112: 44–55. DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20041
14. 張力, 陳阜, 雷永登*. 近 60 年河北省冬小麥乾旱風險時空規律. 作物學報, 2019, 45(9): 1407–1415.
15. 張力, 陳阜, 雷永登*. 黃淮海地區冬小麥-夏玉米生育期內水分供需時空變化特徵. 中國農業大學學報, 2020, 25(04): 1–10.
16. 雷永登, 史秦青, 王靜愛*, 等. 基於綜合定權法的中國玉米綜合災害風險評價. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版),2011, 47(5): 522–527.
17. 軟體著作權:農村勞動力資源管理系統V1.0, 2018.(第2完成人)
18. 軟體著作權:區域生態資本評價與綠色GDP核算系統V1.0, 2018.(第3完成人)
19. 發明專利:一種濱海重鹽鹼地油葵雙季種植方法ZL 201310108541.1, 2015.(第7完成人)
20. 獲得獎勵:氣候變化背景下作物種植結構調整適應乾旱風險的典型案例分析報告,獲農業部作物生理生態與耕作學科群2017年度優秀論文獎. (第1完成人)


