



  • 軟體名稱:零之謎題
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:3.78MB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.0及以上
零之謎題:一款精緻的數字解謎遊戲,如果你喜歡數獨,甚至任何涉及數字的遊戲,今天這款 PUZZERO 一定也能捕獲你的芳心。 遊戲採用色彩鮮明的像素風格,配上咿咿呀呀的背景音樂,很有特色。在遊戲畫面中,將會出現一個 5×5 的棋盤,其中有 12 個隨機數,還有 9 個加號和 4 個減號,你需要用手指在數字方塊上滑動,以使得划過的數字通過運算符號加減後,最後結果為零。隨即這些數字和符號將會消失,新的方塊將會補充上來。 達成的計算式越長,分數越高,遊戲擁有標準模式和 Time Attack 兩種遊戲模式,後者你需要在兩分鐘的挑戰時間裡分秒必爭。各位喜愛動腦的玩家,還不快來試試? PUZZERO(パゼロ)は畫面上にある數字と(-)パネルをなぞり、合計數をゼロにしながらパネルを消していくシンプルなパズルゲームです。消した數の2乗がポイントになるため、一度に多く消すほど高得點を得る事ができます。 STANDARDモードではパネルを消すごとにタイムも追加されるため、消せば消すほど、長くプレイし続ける事が可能です。 TIME ATTACKではタイムは増えず、減る一方のため、2分間でどれだけポイントを得られるかのチャレンジです。一秒も無駄にできません。 3つの課題をクリアすると上級者向けのEXPERT MODEもプレイできるようになります! パズル好きや、數獨など、頭を使ったゲームが好きな人は確実に楽しめるゲームです!楽しく游べて素早い計算力も身に付く、一石二鳥の脳トレゲームとしても活躍する事まちがいなし!數字嫌いの方も、パゼロで克服してみてはいかがでしょう PUZZERO is a fun and addictive mathematical puzzle game! There are 25 panels all together, where 12 of them are random NUMBERS, 9 of them are PLUS signs, and 4 are MINUS signs. Slide through the screen to connect the NUMBERS, PLUS, and the MINUS panels to make the total come out as ZERO. Whenever the total is ZERO, the NUMBER panels disappear, and you will earn points. New panels will come out immediately, so you need to keep erasing as much as you can before the time limit is up. The point you earn will increase as you erase more panels at once. Square times the number of panels you erase is the point you will be earning. So for example, if you erase two panels by touching 3 MINUS 3, you earn 4 points, but if you touch 2 PLUS 3 MINUS 5, you earn 9 points. The maximum point you can earn is 144 points by erasing all 12 panels in one stroke. In STANDARD mode, you can also gain TIME as you erase panels, so you can play as long as you can, if you are able to erase the panels without thinking too long. TIME ATTACK is a challenge to see how many points you can earn within 2 minutes. Every second counts in this mode. There will also be additional Challenges and EXPERT mode added in the upcoming update, so be prepared by then! If you like puzzle games, Sudoku, or anything that involves numbers, you will surely be in love with this game as well. It’s also recommended for those who are looking for a simple and fun brain exercise. Even if you’re not a math person, give this game a try to discover how fun and addictive PUZZERO can be!


