- 書名:隱喻能力的系統研究
- 出版社:蘇州大學出版社
- 頁數:235頁
- 開本:32
- 品牌:蘇州大學出版社
- 作者:胡琰
- 出版日期:2009年10月1日
- 語種:簡體中文
- ISBN:7811373734, 9787811373738
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Metaphorical competence—a neglected dimension
1.2 Different approaches to the study of metaphorical competence
1.3 Why a systemic perspective on metaphorical competence now?
1.4 The general framework of the present book
Chapter 2 An Overview of the Researches on Metaphorical Competence
2.1 The proposition of metaphorical competence
2.1.1 Historical backgrounds
2.1.2 Gardner & Winner's research in metaphorical competence
2.2 Further researches on metaphorical competence
2.2.1 Non-constructivist approaches to metaphorical competence
2.2.2 Constructivist approaches to metaphorical competence Danesi's metaphorical competence and conceptual fluency Littlemore's metaphoric-competence and metaphorical intelligence Cognitive linguists' views on metaphorical competence Systemic functional linguists' approaches to metaphorical competence
2.3 Studies on metaphorical competence in China
2.3.1 Researches in the Chinese linguistic circle
2.3.2 Researches in the foreign languages circle
2.4 Relationship between metaphorical competence, linguistic competence and communicative competence
Chapter 3 Reconsidering Metaphorical CompetenceFrom a Systemic Perspective
3.1 Theoretical basis
3.2 Redefinition of metaphorical competence
3.2. 1 "Metaphor" in metaphorical competence First-order metaphor Second-order metaphor
3.2.2 Redefining metaphorical competence
3.3 The nature of metaphorical competence
3.3.1 Constructiveness
3.3.2 Dynamicness
3.4 A diachronic approach to metaphorical competence
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Aspects of Metaphorical Competence
4.1 Metaphorical competence and related factors
4.1.1 Metaphorical competence and thought
4.1.2 Metaphorical competence and context
4.1.3 Metaphorical competence and culture
4.1.4 Metaphorical competence and language pedagogy Foreign language learning vs first language acquisition Metaphorical competence in language pedagogy
4.2 Realizations of metaphorical competence
4.2.1 First-order metaphorical competence
4.2.2 Second-order metaphorical competence
Chapter 5 The Development of Metaphorical Competence in Foreign Language Learning——A Small-Scale Corpus Study
5.1 Research methodology
5.1.1 The proposition of research questions
5.1.2 The origin of the corpus
5.1.3 Data collection and analysis
5.2 Results and discussions
5.2.1 Differences between learners' display of their first-order and second-order metaphorical competence
5.2.2 The development of first-order metaphorical competence
5.2.3 The development of second-order metaphorical competence
5.3 Findings
Chapter 6 Implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy
6.1 Implications for sylabus designing
6.1.1 A critical evaluation of the present syllabuses in operation
6.1.2 A conceptual-cultural syllabus Guiding principles of a conceptual-cuhural syllabus Designing a conceptual-cultural syllabus
6.2 Further implications for foreign language pedagogy
6.2.1 Implications for teaching materials designing
6.2.2 Implications for foreign language teaching and learning
Chapter 7 Conclusions
7.1 Summary
7.2 Conclusions
7.3 Suggested areas for future researches Bibliography
Appendix Selected Compositions from the Corpus
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Metaphorical competence—a neglected dimension
1.2 Different approaches to the study of metaphorical competence
1.3 Why a systemic perspective on metaphorical competence now?
1.4 The general framework of the present book
Chapter 2 An Overview of the Researches on Metaphorical Competence
2.1 The proposition of metaphorical competence
2.1.1 Historical backgrounds
2.1.2 Gardner & Winner's research in metaphorical competence
2.2 Further researches on metaphorical competence
2.2.1 Non-constructivist approaches to metaphorical competence
2.2.2 Constructivist approaches to metaphorical competence Danesi's metaphorical competence and conceptual fluency Littlemore's metaphoric-competence and metaphorical intelligence Cognitive linguists' views on metaphorical competence Systemic functional linguists' approaches to metaphorical competence
2.3 Studies on metaphorical competence in China
2.3.1 Researches in the Chinese linguistic circle
2.3.2 Researches in the foreign languages circle
2.4 Relationship between metaphorical competence, linguistic competence and communicative competence
Chapter 3 Reconsidering Metaphorical CompetenceFrom a Systemic Perspective
3.1 Theoretical basis
3.2 Redefinition of metaphorical competence
3.2. 1 "Metaphor" in metaphorical competence First-order metaphor Second-order metaphor
3.2.2 Redefining metaphorical competence
3.3 The nature of metaphorical competence
3.3.1 Constructiveness
3.3.2 Dynamicness
3.4 A diachronic approach to metaphorical competence
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Aspects of Metaphorical Competence
4.1 Metaphorical competence and related factors
4.1.1 Metaphorical competence and thought
4.1.2 Metaphorical competence and context
4.1.3 Metaphorical competence and culture
4.1.4 Metaphorical competence and language pedagogy Foreign language learning vs first language acquisition Metaphorical competence in language pedagogy
4.2 Realizations of metaphorical competence
4.2.1 First-order metaphorical competence
4.2.2 Second-order metaphorical competence
Chapter 5 The Development of Metaphorical Competence in Foreign Language Learning——A Small-Scale Corpus Study
5.1 Research methodology
5.1.1 The proposition of research questions
5.1.2 The origin of the corpus
5.1.3 Data collection and analysis
5.2 Results and discussions
5.2.1 Differences between learners' display of their first-order and second-order metaphorical competence
5.2.2 The development of first-order metaphorical competence
5.2.3 The development of second-order metaphorical competence
5.3 Findings
Chapter 6 Implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy
6.1 Implications for sylabus designing
6.1.1 A critical evaluation of the present syllabuses in operation
6.1.2 A conceptual-cultural syllabus Guiding principles of a conceptual-cuhural syllabus Designing a conceptual-cultural syllabus
6.2 Further implications for foreign language pedagogy
6.2.1 Implications for teaching materials designing
6.2.2 Implications for foreign language teaching and learning
Chapter 7 Conclusions
7.1 Summary
7.2 Conclusions
7.3 Suggested areas for future researches Bibliography
Appendix Selected Compositions from the Corpus
2.1The proposition of metaphorical competence
2.1.1Historical backgrounds
No technical term or concept in linguistics as well as in any otherscience is born out of nothing. The notion of metaphorical competencewas first put forward by Gardner and Winner in 1979, as pointed outin Chapter 1, and it has its roots in Chomsky's linguistic competenceand Hymes'communicativecompetence. Therefore, abriefintroduction to linguistic competence and communicative competenceshould be made in order to have a clear idea of the historicalbackgrounds of metaphorical competenee's proposition.
Chomsky,advocator of transformational generative grammar,makes the distinction between linguistic competence and linguisticperformance in the mid-20th century.He labels human beings'built-in language mechanism as Language Acquisition Device (LAD),through which children process a number of sentences said by theirparents and other caretakers and acquire linguistic competence in thelanguage, i.e. a "generative grammar". In Aspects of the Theory ofSyntax,Chomskyproposesthat" linguistictheoryisprimarilyconcernedwithanidealspeaker-listener,inacompletelyhomogeneous speech community who knows its language perfectly andis unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memorylimitations,distractions,shifts of attention,interest,and errors(random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of language inactual performance" (Chomsky, 1965:3 ). It is clear that whatChomsky is concerned with here is linguistic competence, which is,for him,an artificial and theoretical concept.He is not sayinganything at all about other aspects of language, for instance languagevariation or rhetoric.For him.
2.1.1Historical backgrounds
No technical term or concept in linguistics as well as in any otherscience is born out of nothing. The notion of metaphorical competencewas first put forward by Gardner and Winner in 1979, as pointed outin Chapter 1, and it has its roots in Chomsky's linguistic competenceand Hymes'communicativecompetence. Therefore, abriefintroduction to linguistic competence and communicative competenceshould be made in order to have a clear idea of the historicalbackgrounds of metaphorical competenee's proposition.
Chomsky,advocator of transformational generative grammar,makes the distinction between linguistic competence and linguisticperformance in the mid-20th century.He labels human beings'built-in language mechanism as Language Acquisition Device (LAD),through which children process a number of sentences said by theirparents and other caretakers and acquire linguistic competence in thelanguage, i.e. a "generative grammar". In Aspects of the Theory ofSyntax,Chomskyproposesthat" linguistictheoryisprimarilyconcernedwithanidealspeaker-listener,inacompletelyhomogeneous speech community who knows its language perfectly andis unaffected by such grammatically irrelevant conditions as memorylimitations,distractions,shifts of attention,interest,and errors(random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of language inactual performance" (Chomsky, 1965:3 ). It is clear that whatChomsky is concerned with here is linguistic competence, which is,for him,an artificial and theoretical concept.He is not sayinganything at all about other aspects of language, for instance languagevariation or rhetoric.For him.
在全國各地,每年5月是博士論文答辯的季節,對於我國的外語人才培養來說,也是一個名副其實的收穫季節。但是,博士論文一多,老師就應接不暇了,況且,當老師們將許多論文放在一起看時,也很容易比出個深淺高低來,好的論文自不必說,可論文若寫得稍微馬虎一點,就讓人一眼看破,評審老師們感覺如同吃了蒼蠅一樣,要難過好一陣子,這樣的感受積累多了,讓人對博士論文產生一種整體的反感,於是,我們時常會聽到不少抱怨。不過,對於博士論文的奚落不只中國有,19世紀的美國作家Ralph WaldoEmerson就說過:“Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis.”(有時一聲尖叫也優於一篇論文。)另一位美國人Frank J.Dobie則更加刻薄地說:“The average Ph.D thesis is nothing but thetransference of bones from one graveyard to another.”(一般的博士論文不過是把一個墳墓里的骨頭轉移到另一個墳墓里去。)
在全國各地,每年5月是博士論文答辯的季節,對於我國的外語人才培養來說,也是一個名副其實的收穫季節。但是,博士論文一多,老師就應接不暇了,況且,當老師們將許多論文放在一起看時,也很容易比出個深淺高低來,好的論文自不必說,可論文若寫得稍微馬虎一點,就讓人一眼看破,評審老師們感覺如同吃了蒼蠅一樣,要難過好一陣子,這樣的感受積累多了,讓人對博士論文產生一種整體的反感,於是,我們時常會聽到不少抱怨。不過,對於博士論文的奚落不只中國有,19世紀的美國作家Ralph WaldoEmerson就說過:“Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis.”(有時一聲尖叫也優於一篇論文。)另一位美國人Frank J.Dobie則更加刻薄地說:“The average Ph.D thesis is nothing but thetransference of bones from one graveyard to another.”(一般的博士論文不過是把一個墳墓里的骨頭轉移到另一個墳墓里去。)