2007,《社會資本的作用會被市場減弱還是加強?──來自中國農村貧困的實證研究》,(與張爽、章元合作),《經濟學(季刊)》,即將發表。2007,“Globalization and Regional Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence from within China,” (with Guanghua Wan and Zhao Chen),Review of Income and Wealth,53,1,35-59。作品
2006,“Urbanization,Urban-Biased Policies and Urban-Rural Inequality in China: 1987-2001,” (with Zhao Chen),Chinese Economy,Vol. 39,No. 3,42-63。
2006,“The Inequality–Growth Nexus in the Short and Long Runs: Empirical Evidence from China,” (with Guanghua Wan and Zhao Chen),Journal of Comparative Economics,Vol. 34,No. 4,654-667. 2006,《中國的地區工業集聚:經濟地理、新經濟地理與經濟政策》,(與金煜、陳釗合作)《經濟研究》,第4期,79-89。陸銘書籍
2006,“Economic Opening and Industrial Agglomeration in China,” (with Zhao Chen and Yu Jin),in Masahisa Fujita and Akifumi Kuchiki (eds.),Asian Regional Economic Integration from the Point of View of Spatial Economics,Joint Research Program Series No. 138,Institute of Developing Economies,97-132。
2006,“Reform,Interaction of Policies,and Economic Growth: Evidence from China’s Provincial Panel Data,” (with Zhao Chen and Ji Yan),Frontiers of Economics in China,1: 48-68。
2004,“The Effects of Migration on Interregional Differentials in Consumer Behavior: Evidence from Baise District,Guangxi,China,” (with Zhao Chen and Hui Pan),The Icfaian Journal of Management Research,Vol. Ⅲ,No. 9,7-25。
2004,“Increasing Returns,Development Strategy and Regional Economic Segmentation,” (with Zhao Chen and Ji Yan),The Studies in Regional Development,36⑴,275-306。
2002,“Employment Restructuring during China’s Economic Transition,” (with Jianyong Fan,Shejian Liu,and Yan Yan),Monthly Labor Review,August。
2001,“Employment Trends in Shanghai: A Case of China’s Institutional and Economic Restructuring,” China Perspectives,September – October 2001,P. 13-22. (法文版“Les évolutions récentes de l’emploi à Shanghai,” Perspectives chinoises,juillet – août 2001,P. 14-24.)。
2000,"Dualité du système d'emploi,segmentation du marché du travail et restructuration économique," Tendances de l'économie chinoise (Bulletin de l'IDREC,France),No 15,Automne 2000。
2000,"La réforme du système d'emploi," (with Zhao Chen) Problèmes économiques,La documentation Française,mercredi 16 août 2000。