

陸輝山,男 ,博士,中北大學機械工程學院副教授。


  • 中文名:陸輝山
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:模式識別與智慧型系統
  • 任職院校:中北大學機械工程學院








[1] Huishan Lu, Hanyu Jiang, Xiaping Fu, Haiyan Yu, Huirong Xu, Yibin Ying. 2008. Non-invasive measurements of the internal quality of intact ‘Gannan’ navel orange by VIS/NIR spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 51(3): 1009-1014. (SCI和EI同時收錄), IF=1.042(2008)
[2] 陸輝山, 應義斌. 2007. 新鮮蘋果汁可溶性固形物含量的傅立葉變換近紅外光譜檢測. 光譜學與光譜分析, Vol. 27(3): 494-498. (SCI收錄), IF=0.843(2007)
[3] 陸輝山, 付霞萍, 謝麗娟, 應義斌*. 2007. 可見/近紅外光估測完整柑橘水果可溶性固形物含量的試驗研究. 光譜學與光譜分析,Vol. 27(9): 1727-1730. (SCI收錄), IF=0.843(2007)
[4] Lu Huishan, Huirong Xu, Ying Yi-Bin*, Fu Xia-Ping, Yu Hai-Yan, Tian Hai-Qing. 2006. Application Fourier transform near infrared spectrometer in rapid estimation of soluble solids content of intact citrus fruits. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science B), 2006. Vol.7(10): 794-799 (EI收錄)
[5] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*. Temperature influence for Fourier transform near-infrared transmittance measurement of citrus fruit soluble solids contents. Proceedings of SPIE-Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods. 2006.10.1-10.4 Boston Hynes Convention Center in Boston, USA (美國), Vol .6381-21. (EI收錄)
[6] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu, Xiaping Fu, Haiyan Yu, Haiqing Tian. 2005. Near-infrared spectroscopy for non- destructive determination of soluble solids content of Chinese citrus. Proceedings of SPIE-The internal Society for Optical Engineering on Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, 2005.10.23-10.26, Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, USA (美國), VOL 5596. 5996141-10(EI收錄)
[7] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2005. Application Fourier transform near infrared spectrometry in rapid estimation of soluble solids content of intact citrus fruit. Paper No: 053042, Written for presentation at the 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sponsored by ASAE, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, USA (美國), 17-20 July 2005
[8] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2005. Estimation of soluble solids content of apple juice by FT-NIR transmittance spectroscopy. The Proceedings of International Conference on Postharvest Technology & Quality Management in Arid Tropics, Muscat, Oman, January 31- February 02, 2005
[9] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu, Xiaping Fu. Estimating Soluble Solids Content of Apple Fresh Juices by FT-NIR Transmittance Spectroscopy. The Proceedings of International Conference on Postharvest Technology & Quality Management in Arid Tropics, Muscat, Oman, January 31- February 02, 2005
[10] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2004. Application of Nir Spectroscopy Technique In Quality Determination of Milk. Proceedings of 2004CIGR(International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) International Conference, October 11-14, 2004, Beijing, China
[11] 陸輝山, 應義斌*, 劉燕德. 液態食品成分分析中近紅外光譜技術的套用研究. 農業工程學報, 2003年, Vol.19(增刊): 205-210
[1] 應義斌, 陸輝山, 徐惠榮. 基於光特性的水果內部品質線上無損檢測方法和裝置.授權國家發明專利ZL200610049984.8
[2] 應義斌, 陸輝山, 徐惠榮. 水果內部品質光特性線上檢測的尺寸補償方法及裝置. 授權國家發明專利ZL200510050694.0
[1] 國家自然基金:“基於可見/近紅外光譜的水蜜桃糖度和酸度線上實時無損檢測方法研究”,2007.1~2009.12,參研(排名第二);
[2] 部級項目:“****車輛載荷譜、道路譜、振動譜和噪聲譜的檢測研究”,2006~2010參研;
[3] 山西省青年科技研究基金:老陳醋內部成分的近紅外光譜檢測研究,2009.1~2010.12,主持

