[1] Tao X*, Ma W, Lu Z, Hou Z. Conductive Particle Detection for Chip on Glass Using Convolutional Neural Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021. (SCI, Top15%)
[2] Hou W, Tao X*, Xu D. A Self-Supervised CNN for Particle Inspection on Optical Element[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 1-12. (SCI, Top15%)
[3] Yan SH, Tao X*, Xu D. High-precision robotic assembly system using three-dimensional vision[J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2021. (SCI)
[4] 陶重烏局顯*,侯偉,徐德,基於罪恥旋深度學習的表面缺陷檢測方法綜述,項嫌地戀踏自動化學報,2021.05 (EI)
[5] Chandranath Adak , Tao X*, BigyaPAn: Deep Analysis of Old Paper Advertisement, IJCNN 2021: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. (EI)
[6] Singh A K, Tao X. BCINet: An Optimized Convolutional Neural Network for EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface Applications[C]//2020 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE, 2020: 582-587. (EI)
[7] Tao X*, Zhang D, Wang Z, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu D. Detection of power line insulator defects using aerial images analyzed with convolutional neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(4): 1486-1498. SCI, google 學術引用:99, Top 1%,IF: 13.451,入選全球前1%ESI高被引論文)
[8] Tao X*, Zhang D, Hou W, Ma W, Xu D. Industrial Weak Scratches Inspection Based on Multifeature Fusion Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-14. (SCI, Top15%)
[9] Hou W, Tao X*, Xu D. Combining Prior Knowledge With CNN for Weak Scratch Inspection of Optical Components[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-11. (SCI, Top15%)
[10] Tao X*, Zhang D., Singh A. K., Prasad M., Lin C. T., Xu D. Weak Scratch Detection of Optical Components Using Attention Fusion Network[C]//2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, 2020: 855-862. (EI)
[11] Hou W, Tao X*, Ma W, Xu D. SACNN: Spatial Adversarial Convolutional Neural Network for Textile Defect Detection[J]. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2020. (SCI)
[12] Tao X, Wang Z, Zhang Z, et al. Wire defect recognition of spring-wire socket using multitask convolutional neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 8(4): 689-698. (SCI)
[13] Tao X*, Zhang D, Ma W, Liu X, Xu D. Automatic metallic surface defect detection and recognition with convolutional neural networks[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(9): 1575. (SCI, google 學術引用:141, web of science 引用: 74)
[14] Tao X, Xu D, Zhang Z T, et al. Weak scratch detection and defect classification methods for a large-aperture optical element[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 387: 390-400.(SCI)
[15] Tao X, Zhang Z, Zhang F, Xu D.*. A novel and effective surface flaw inspection instrument for large-aperture optical elements[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2015, 64(9): 2530-2540. (SCI, Top15%)
[1] 大口徑光學元件表面缺陷增長分析方法、系統、裝置,CN201910414436.8,第一發明人。
[2] 高壓輸電塔絕緣子缺陷自動識別的方法及裝置,CN201810228904.8,第一發明人。
[3] 缺陷分類識別方法、裝置、計算機設備和存儲介質,CN201811399279.X,第一發明人。
[4] 金屬零件表面缺陷檢測與識別方法及裝置,CN201810228901.4,第一發明人。
[5] 高壓輸電鐵塔關鍵部件缺陷識別方法,CN201711182523.2,第一發明人。
[6] 大口徑光學元件表面劃痕暗場圖像的二值化方法和系統,CN201610894348.9,第一發明人。
[7] 一種精粗結合的光學表面缺陷的檢測方法及裝置,CN201510779518.4,第一發明人。
[8] 一種光學元件表面的劃痕檢測方法和裝置,CN201510954616.7,第一發明人。
[9] 一種大口徑光學元件表面損傷分布圖的生成方法,CN201410016315.5,第一發明人。
[10] 大口徑元件表面檢測裝置及相應的損傷快速定位方法,CN201410041410.0,第四發明人。
[11] 一種高解析度顯微視覺成像裝置與控制方法,CN201410777930.8,第四發明人。
[12] 基於顯微視覺的白玻表面缺陷檢測方法,CN201611092438.2,第四發明人。
[1]科技創新 2030-“新一代人工智慧”重大項目“自主智慧型體靈巧精準操作學習方法研究與驗證”子課題, 主持, 科技部, 2019.10-2023.10
[2]融合視覺認知模型的非定域性表面缺陷感知與分析, 主持, 國家自然科學基金, 2018.1-2020.12
[3]金屬零件表面缺陷分析算法研究, 主持, 橫向院級, 2017.4.18-2018.9.30
[4]大口徑光學元件表面疵病缺陷增長分析軟體, 主持, 橫向院級, 2018.07-2018. 11.30
[5]高速相機微振幅測量儀, 主持, 橫向院級, 2018.07.28-2018.10.30
[6]LD平台-表征系統-背光陰影成像單元, 主持, 橫向院級, 2017.09.22-2018.9.22
[7] Tao X*, Zhang D, Wang Z, Liu X, Zhang H, Xu D. Detection of power line insulator defects using aerial images analyzed with convolutional neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(4): 1486-1498. SCI, google 學術引用:99, Top 1%,IF: 13.451,入選全球前1%ESI高被引論文)
[8] Tao X*, Zhang D, Hou W, Ma W, Xu D. Industrial Weak Scratches Inspection Based on Multifeature Fusion Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-14. (SCI, Top15%)
[9] Hou W, Tao X*, Xu D. Combining Prior Knowledge With CNN for Weak Scratch Inspection of Optical Components[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 70: 1-11. (SCI, Top15%)
[10] Tao X*, Zhang D., Singh A. K., Prasad M., Lin C. T., Xu D. Weak Scratch Detection of Optical Components Using Attention Fusion Network[C]//2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, 2020: 855-862. (EI)
[11] Hou W, Tao X*, Ma W, Xu D. SACNN: Spatial Adversarial Convolutional Neural Network for Textile Defect Detection[J]. Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2020. (SCI)
[12] Tao X, Wang Z, Zhang Z, et al. Wire defect recognition of spring-wire socket using multitask convolutional neural networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 8(4): 689-698. (SCI)
[13] Tao X*, Zhang D, Ma W, Liu X, Xu D. Automatic metallic surface defect detection and recognition with convolutional neural networks[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(9): 1575. (SCI, google 學術引用:141, web of science 引用: 74)
[14] Tao X, Xu D, Zhang Z T, et al. Weak scratch detection and defect classification methods for a large-aperture optical element[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 387: 390-400.(SCI)
[15] Tao X, Zhang Z, Zhang F, Xu D.*. A novel and effective surface flaw inspection instrument for large-aperture optical elements[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2015, 64(9): 2530-2540. (SCI, Top15%)
[1] 大口徑光學元件表面缺陷增長分析方法、系統、裝置,CN201910414436.8,第一發明人。
[2] 高壓輸電塔絕緣子缺陷自動識別的方法及裝置,CN201810228904.8,第一發明人。
[3] 缺陷分類識別方法、裝置、計算機設備和存儲介質,CN201811399279.X,第一發明人。
[4] 金屬零件表面缺陷檢測與識別方法及裝置,CN201810228901.4,第一發明人。
[5] 高壓輸電鐵塔關鍵部件缺陷識別方法,CN201711182523.2,第一發明人。
[6] 大口徑光學元件表面劃痕暗場圖像的二值化方法和系統,CN201610894348.9,第一發明人。
[7] 一種精粗結合的光學表面缺陷的檢測方法及裝置,CN201510779518.4,第一發明人。
[8] 一種光學元件表面的劃痕檢測方法和裝置,CN201510954616.7,第一發明人。
[9] 一種大口徑光學元件表面損傷分布圖的生成方法,CN201410016315.5,第一發明人。
[10] 大口徑元件表面檢測裝置及相應的損傷快速定位方法,CN201410041410.0,第四發明人。
[11] 一種高解析度顯微視覺成像裝置與控制方法,CN201410777930.8,第四發明人。
[12] 基於顯微視覺的白玻表面缺陷檢測方法,CN201611092438.2,第四發明人。
[1]科技創新 2030-“新一代人工智慧”重大項目“自主智慧型體靈巧精準操作學習方法研究與驗證”子課題, 主持, 科技部, 2019.10-2023.10
[2]融合視覺認知模型的非定域性表面缺陷感知與分析, 主持, 國家自然科學基金, 2018.1-2020.12
[3]金屬零件表面缺陷分析算法研究, 主持, 橫向院級, 2017.4.18-2018.9.30
[4]大口徑光學元件表面疵病缺陷增長分析軟體, 主持, 橫向院級, 2018.07-2018. 11.30
[5]高速相機微振幅測量儀, 主持, 橫向院級, 2018.07.28-2018.10.30
[6]LD平台-表征系統-背光陰影成像單元, 主持, 橫向院級, 2017.09.22-2018.9.22