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  • 中文名:陶明輝
  • 出生日期:1985年06月05日
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)地理與信息工程學院


2018.1- 中國地質大學(武漢)地理與信息工程學院教授


[1] 大氣遙感反演方法
[2] 輻射傳輸與粒子散射
[3] 空氣品質與氣候變化


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“東亞沙漠地區氣溶膠特性衛星遙感反演算法研究”,2019-2022,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,“氣溶膠物理與組分信息的衛星遙感探測機理與算法模型研究”,2019-2023,課題負責人
3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,“中國東部區域性霾的多源遙感識別方法與典型類型初步診斷研究”,2015-2017,主持;
4. 國家重點研發計畫子課題, “灰霾災害天氣監測套用示範”,2017-2020,主持;
5. 國家重點研發計畫課題, “面向複雜地形的區域大氣污染衛星精準監測技術研究”,2016-2020,課題骨幹;
6. 中科院B類先導專項課題, “區域大氣灰霾的衛星遙感解析”,2012-2017,課題骨幹;


1.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Zifeng Wang, Jun Wang, Huizheng Che, Xiaoguang Xu, Wencai Wang, Jinhua Tao, Hao Zhu, and Can Hou (2017), Evaluation of MODIS Deep Blue Aerosol Algorithm in Desert Region of East Asia: Ground Validation and Intercomparison, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(19), 10,357-310,368.
2.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Zifeng Wang, Jun Wang, Jinhua Tao (2016), Did the widespread haze pollution over China increase during the last decade? A satellite view from space, Environmental Research Letters, 11(5), 054019.
3.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Zifeng Wang, Jinhua Tao, Huizheng, Che, Xinhui Wang (2015), Comparison and evaluation of the MODIS Collection 6 aerosol data in China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120 (14), 6992-7005.
4.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Jinhua Tao, Lin Su (2012). Satellite observation of regional haze pollution over the North China Plain, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117, D12203.
5.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Rong Li, Lili Wang, Jun Wang, Zifeng. Wang, Guiqian Tang (2016), Spatial oscillation of the particle pollution in eastern China during winter: Implications for regional air quality and climate, Atmospheric Environment, 144, 100-110.
6.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Xiaozhen Xiong, Meigen Zhang, P. Ma, J. Tao, and Z. Wang (2014), Formation process of the widespread extreme haze pollution over northern China in January 2013: Implications for regional air quality and climate, Atmospheric Environment, 98, 417-425.
7.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Zifeng Wang, P. Ma, J. Tao, and S. Jia (2014), A study of urban pollution and haze clouds over northern China during the dusty season based on satellite and surface observations, Atmospheric Environment, 82, 183-192.
8.Minghui Tao, Liangfu Chen, Zifeng Wang, J. Tao, and L. Su (2013), Satellite observation of abnormal yellow haze clouds over East China during summer agricultural burning season, Atmospheric Environment, 79, 632-640.
9.Minghui Tao, Zifeng Wang, Jinhua Tao, Liangfu Chen, Jun Wang, Can Hou, Lunche Wang, Xiaoguang Xu, and Hao Zhu (2017), How Do Aerosol Properties Affect the Temporal Variation of MODIS AOD Bias in Eastern China?, Remote Sensing, 9(8), 800.
10.Yi Gao, Meigen Zhang, Zirui Liu, Lili Wang, Xiangao Xia, Minghui Tao and Lingyu Zhu, 2015. Modeling the feedback between aerosol and meteorological variables in the atmospheric boundary layer during a severe fog-haze event over the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(8), 4279-4295.




