

陳顯揚, 中國科學院博士,北京市自然科學研究系列高端領軍人才研究員,就職於寶楓生物科技(北京)有限公司,中關村生物醫學大數據中心主任,中關村醫學工程健康產業化基地博士後導師和特聘專家,中國醫科大學高原醫學研究中心特聘教授,清華大學出版社審評專家。


  • 中文名:陳顯揚
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 主要成就:多項發明專利




授權發明專利:李銀心,陳顯揚。一種評價紅樹林健康狀況和人工修復效果的方法及其套用。公開(公告)號 : CN104778359A
授權發明專利:李銀心,聶玲玲,陳顯揚。植物質膜蛋白再溶解的方法及其在雙向螢光差異凝膠電泳中的套用。公開(公告)號 : CN103130866B
授權發明專利:李銀心,賀西格都楞,陳顯揚。一種鑑定基因抗鹽功能的方法。公開(公告)號 : CN102154362A。



Chen XY*, Song WT, Song YG, Cao HL, Xu X, Li SJ, Fu YM, Xue T, Ding CG, Lin F, Shi Y, Li JJ. Lipidomics reveal the cognitive improvement effects of Acer truncatum Bunge seed oil on hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy rats. Food & Function, 2023, 14, 6610-6623.
Chen XY, Song YG, Song WT, Han JR, Cao HL, Xu X, Li SJ, Fu YM,Ding CG, Lin F, Shi Y, Li JJ.Multi-omics reveal neuroprotection of Acer truncatum Bunge Seed extract on hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy rats under high-altitude. Communications Biology, 2023, 6,1001.
Zhang K, Han JR, Chang TT, Song WT, Chen XY*, Ji BM. Lipid and Nutrient Profile, and Anti-alcohol Evaluation of Acer truncatum Bunge Seed Extract. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2023, 11(2), 136-143.
W Li, JC Luo, FD Peng, RT Liu, XS Bai, T Wang, X Zhang, JG Zhu, XY Li, ZJ Wang, WB Liu, JY Wang, LYZhang, XY Chen, T Xue, CG Ding, CD Wang, LQ Jiao. Spatial metabolomics identifies lipid profiles of human carotid atherosclerosis. 2023. 364. 20-28
Song WT, Zhang K, Xue T, Han JR, Peng FD, Ding CG, Lin F, Li JJ, Agassi SFT, Gan JW, Chen XY*. Cognitive Improvement Effect of Nervonic Acid and Essential Fatty Acids on Rats Ingesting Acer truncatum Bunge Seed Oil Revealed by Lipidomics Approach. Food & Function, 2022, 13, 2475 - 2490.
Duan XD, Li JJ, Chen L, Shi Y, Chen XY, Xue T, Liu CD, Wang XR, Qiu QF, Yu Z, Qiang BZ. Surfactant therapy for respiratory distress syndrome in high- and ultra-high-altitude settings. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2022,10,777360.
Li W , Bai X , Hao J, Xu Xin, Lin F, Jiang QL, Ding CG, Dai GL, Peng FD, Zhang M, Feng Y, Wang JY, Chen XY, Xue T, Guo XF, Fu ZL, Chen WH, Zhang LY, Wang CD, Jiao LQ. Thrombosis origin identification of cardioembolism and large artery atherosclerosis by distinct metabolites. Journal of neurointerventional surgery.2022.
FD Peng, J Dai, QJ Qian, XF Cao, LF Wang, M Zhu, SJ Han, WB Liu , Y Li, T Xue, XY Chen, XL Yang, JL Wang, HQ Wang, T Li, CG Ding.Serum metabolic profiling of coal worker's pneumoconiosis using untargeted lipidomics.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2022.29(56). 85444-85453.
Zeng Q, Zhao M, Wang F, Li Y, Li H, Zheng J, Chen XY, Zhao X, Ji L, Gao X, Liu C, Wang Y, Cheng S, Xu J, Pan B, Sun J, Li Y, Li D, He Y and Zheng L. Integrating Choline and Specific Intestinal Microbiota to Classify Type 2 Diabetes in Adults: A Machine Learning Based Metagenomics Study. Front. Endocrinol. 2022.13:906310.
W Li, T Wang, X Zhang, JG Zhu, XY Li, FD Peng, J Dai, JY Wang, LY Zhang, YB Wang, XY Chen, T Xue, CG Ding, CD Wang, LQ Jiao. Distinct lipid profiles of radiation-induced carotid plaques from atherosclerotic carotid plaques revealed by UPLC-QTOF-MS and DESI-MSI. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2022.167.25-33.
Jiang N, Tian T, Chen XY, Zhang GF, Pan LJ, Yan CP, Yang GS, Wang LL, Cao XC, Wang X, Xin Wang.A Diagnostic Analysis Workflow to Optimal Multiple Tumor Markers to Predict the Nonmetastatic Breast Cancer from Breast Lumps. Journal of Oncology. 2021,2021,5579373.
Lin F, Han JR, Xue T, Lin JL, Chen SG, Zhu CF, Lin H, Chen XY, Lin WH, Huang HP. Predicting cognitive impairment in outpatients with epilepsy using machine learning techniques. Scientific Reports. 2021.11: 20002
Yan F, Wen ZS, Wang R, Luo WL, Du YF, Wang WJ, Chen XY. Identification of the lipid biomarkers from plasma in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis by Lipidomics. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2017.17:174-186
Chen XY, Bao H, Guo J, Jia WT, LiYX. Overexpression of SeNHX1 improves both salt tolerance and diseaseresistance in tobacco. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2015.10. e993240
Chen XY, Bao H, Guo J, Jia WT, TaiF, Nie LL, Jiang P, Feng JJ, Lv SL, Li YX. Na+/H+ exchanger 1participates in tobacco disease defence against Phytophthora parasitica var.nicotianae by affecting vacuolar pH and priming the antioxidative system. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2014. 65. 6107-6122
Chen XY, Nie LL, Bao H, Jiang P, LvSL and Li YX. Modified non-invasive micro-test electrophysiologicaltechnology for vacuolar H+ flux detection. Analytical Biochemistry. 2011. 418. 295-297
Chen XY, Han HP, Jiang P, Nie LL,Bao H, FanPX, Lv SL, Feng JJ and Li YX. Transformation of beta-lycopene cyclase genes from Salicornia europaea and Arabidopsis conferred salttolerance in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2011. 52. 909-921


《新編神經酸與腦健康》. 陳顯揚,王朝東,李玖軍.ISBN:9787302623083.


