- 中文名:陳集雙
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:博士、教授、博士生導師
- 主要成就:海洋產業研究院常務副院長,省重大創新平台負責人
1994.04-1997.07:University of Yaounde I,associate professor;
2000.04-2000.07: Utsunomiya University, visiting professor;
Journal of green Science and Technology, 編委;
Pakistan J Plant Pathology, 編委;
科技通報, 編委;
International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, invited scientist。
1. 植物廢棄物資源化開發及其在紙漿模塑行業的套用:研究秸稈和入侵植物纖維資源作為大宗工業原料的預處理、植物生物質與其他物質複合、紙漿模塑工藝和標準控制,在實現廢棄物無害化處理的同時獲得規模經濟效益。項目獲得十二五科技部支撐計畫重大項目支持。
2. 植物生物反應器開發和天然藥物品質復壯:開發新型生物反應器,並用於植物品質復壯、倍性育種、耐污染和耐鹽等特性培育,研究天然藥物新品種的基因表達、藥學特徵和質量控制。項目獲得國家863項目、863重點項目和國家基金支持。
3. 產油微藻衰退的分子機制及品質復壯:在鹽土大地規模化養殖油藻的研究基礎上,採用未知核酸快速測序的SPAT技術和高通量測序技術,研究侵染微藻病毒種類、病毒基因功能及其遺傳多樣性,建立產油微藻病毒的研究平台、種質保持和復壯平台。項目獲得科技部國際合作重點項目和國家基金支持。
1. Chen Jishuang(write). Experimental Plant Virology, Springer Press(德國), ISBN 978-3-642-14118-8, 浙江大學出版社, 2010.05, ISBN 978-7-308-07369-1。
2. 陳集雙, 姜永厚. 外來入侵生物控制. 浙江大學出版社, 杭州, 2006.1, ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 054。
8. 胡秀芳, 應飛祥, 陳集雙. 膠質芽孢桿菌突變株021120的培養條件及發酵工藝最佳化. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2007, 27 (9) : 58-62。
9. 陳斐斐, 杜志游, 劉歆, 謝禮, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒2b蛋白對寄主光合速率和葉綠素結構的影響. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 889-896. SCI收錄。
10. 廖乾生, 杜志游, 張華榮, 朱麗萍, 吳鵬, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒CB7株系引起心葉煙壞死反應與RNA2相關. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 824-829. SCI收錄。
11. 陳紹寧, 陳集雙, 吳鵬, 朱為民. 引起番茄植株壞死病的病毒研究. 植物病理學報, 2007,37 (4): 377-382。
12. 何煜波, 胡秀芳, 陳海敏, 陳集雙, 高必達, 應飛翔. 半夏細菌性軟腐病原菌的分離及鑑定. 植物病理學報, 2007, 37(4):337-342。
13. 郎秋蕾, 陳集雙, 傅天珍, 杜志游. 馬鈴薯S病毒的分子鑑定與檢測. 植物病理學報, 2007, 37(2):217-220。
14. 劉莉, 陳集雙. 利用Taq聚合酶直接從雙鏈RNA模板中擴增靶序列. 微生物學通報, 2007, 34(1):57-60。
15. 李松華, 薛國新, 陳集雙. 加拿大一枝黃花製漿研究(系列報導之四)鹼—蒽醌化學漿漂白性能的研究. 中華紙業, 2007, 28(1):48-51. 1. Chen Jishuang(write). Experimental Plant Virology, Springer Press(德國), ISBN 978-3-642-14118-8, 浙江大學出版社, 2010.05, ISBN 978-7-308-07369-1。
2. 陳集雙, 姜永厚. 外來入侵生物控制. 浙江大學出版社, 杭州, 2006.1, ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 054。
代表論文:: 表示為通訊作者
1. Feng JL, Lai LY, Lin R, Jin CZ, Jishuang Chen*, Differential effects of Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNAs in the perturbation of microRNA-regulated gene expression in tomato. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 39(1):775-784。
2. Xu T, Wang B, Liu X, Feng RX, Dong M, Jishuang Chen*, Microarray-based identification of conserved microRNAs from Pinellia ternata. Gene. 2012, 493(2):267-272。
1. Lang QL, Jin CZ, Gao XL, Feng JL, Chen SN, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*,Profiling of cucumber mosaic virus responsive mRNAs in tomato using micro paraflo microfluidics microarrays.. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011,11(4): 3115-3125。
2. Chen SN*, Gu H, Wang XM, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and Tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2011,43(6):465-471。
3. Yan Xu, Sheng TJ, ML Zhao, W Shi, QS Liao, Jishuang Chen*, Investigation on the Precocity of Regenerated Seedlings from Micro Tom. Advanced Materials Research 2011,365:4。
4. Feng JL, Liu X, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai) 2011, 43(4):258-266。
5. Lang QL, XC Zhou, XL Zhang, R Drabek, ZX Zzou, YL Rren, TB LI, Jishuang Chen*, XL Gao, Microarray-based identification of tomato microRNAs and time course analysis of their response to Cucumber mosaic virus infection. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 2011 12(2):116-125。
6. Qiulei Lang, ChunZhi Jin, Leiyu Lai, Junli Feng, Shaoning Chen, Jishuang Chen*, Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol Rep。
7. Lanfang Wu, ZhiJie Xu,ZuoDong Qin,Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*,Utilization of an Invasive Species – Pulping Applications of Spartina alterniflora (Common Cordgrass) based on fiber characteristics 能源、建築與材料科學國際研討會 2011:478-482。
1. Yan Shijie, Qin Zuodong, Jin Leilei, Jishuang Chen*. A new isolate of Iris severe mosaic virus causing yellow mosaic in Iris ensata Thunb. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010 10(2):726-730。
2. Yang WZ, Liu X, Zhang JG, Feng JL, Li C, Jishuang Chen*, Prediction and validation of conservative microRNAs of Solanum tuberosum L. Mol Biol Rep. 2010, 37 (7): 3081-3087。
3. Lang QL, Jin CZ, Lai LY, Feng JL, Chen SN, Jishuang Chen*,Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol Rep.2011 38(3):1523-1531。
4. Feng JL, Liu Xin, Lai Leiyu, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 43(4):258-266。
5. Chen Shaoning, Gu Hao, Wang Xin, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]。
6. 梁穎、張靜微、覃佐東、李環、陳集雙. 培養條件下小球藻共生微生物的初步研究. 中國可再生能源科技發展大會,Volume IV, P2439-P2443.(ISTP index)。
7. Qin Zuodong, Leilei Jin, Fangjiao Xu, Jingwei Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, RNA3 of a Cucumber mosaic virus strain infecting Musa basjoo based on the molecular characterization of its 5' UTR. (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index。
8. Jia Mingliang, Jie Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, Genetic structure of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. revealed by AFLP analysis, (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index。
9. 徐朋, 竺錫武, 陳集雙*. 長裂苦苣菜揮髮油成分的GC_MS分析. 科技通報, 2010, 26(3): 374-379。
10. 賈明良, 廖乾生, 陳集雙*, 歐陽平凱. 路易斯安娜鳶尾快繁體系的建立. 科技通報, 2010, 26(4): 519-522。
2. 陳集雙, 姜永厚. 外來入侵生物控制. 浙江大學出版社, 杭州, 2006.1, ISBN 7-308-04611-7/Q. 054。
代表論文:: 表示為通訊作者
1. Feng JL, Lai LY, Lin R, Jin CZ, Jishuang Chen*, Differential effects of Cucumber mosaic virus satellite RNAs in the perturbation of microRNA-regulated gene expression in tomato. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 39(1):775-784。
2. Xu T, Wang B, Liu X, Feng RX, Dong M, Jishuang Chen*, Microarray-based identification of conserved microRNAs from Pinellia ternata. Gene. 2012, 493(2):267-272。
1. Lang QL, Jin CZ, Gao XL, Feng JL, Chen SN, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*,Profiling of cucumber mosaic virus responsive mRNAs in tomato using micro paraflo microfluidics microarrays.. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2011,11(4): 3115-3125。
2. Chen SN*, Gu H, Wang XM, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and Tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai). 2011,43(6):465-471。
3. Yan Xu, Sheng TJ, ML Zhao, W Shi, QS Liao, Jishuang Chen*, Investigation on the Precocity of Regenerated Seedlings from Micro Tom. Advanced Materials Research 2011,365:4。
4. Feng JL, Liu X, Lai LY, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (Shanghai) 2011, 43(4):258-266。
5. Lang QL, XC Zhou, XL Zhang, R Drabek, ZX Zzou, YL Rren, TB LI, Jishuang Chen*, XL Gao, Microarray-based identification of tomato microRNAs and time course analysis of their response to Cucumber mosaic virus infection. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 2011 12(2):116-125。
6. Qiulei Lang, ChunZhi Jin, Leiyu Lai, Junli Feng, Shaoning Chen, Jishuang Chen*, Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol Rep。
7. Lanfang Wu, ZhiJie Xu,ZuoDong Qin,Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen*,Utilization of an Invasive Species – Pulping Applications of Spartina alterniflora (Common Cordgrass) based on fiber characteristics 能源、建築與材料科學國際研討會 2011:478-482。
1. Yan Shijie, Qin Zuodong, Jin Leilei, Jishuang Chen*. A new isolate of Iris severe mosaic virus causing yellow mosaic in Iris ensata Thunb. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2010 10(2):726-730。
2. Yang WZ, Liu X, Zhang JG, Feng JL, Li C, Jishuang Chen*, Prediction and validation of conservative microRNAs of Solanum tuberosum L. Mol Biol Rep. 2010, 37 (7): 3081-3087。
3. Lang QL, Jin CZ, Lai LY, Feng JL, Chen SN, Jishuang Chen*,Tobacco microRNAs prediction and their expression infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Potato virus X. Mol Biol Rep.2011 38(3):1523-1531。
4. Feng JL, Liu Xin, Lai Leiyu, Jishuang Chen*, Spatio-temporal expression of miRNAs in tomato tissues upon Cucumber mosaic virus and Tomato aspermy virus infections. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 43(4):258-266。
5. Chen Shaoning, Gu Hao, Wang Xin, Jishuang Chen*, Zhu WM, Multiplex RT-PCR detection of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups and tobamoviruses infecting Tomato using 18S rRNA as an internal control. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai).2011 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]。
6. 梁穎、張靜微、覃佐東、李環、陳集雙. 培養條件下小球藻共生微生物的初步研究. 中國可再生能源科技發展大會,Volume IV, P2439-P2443.(ISTP index)。
7. Qin Zuodong, Leilei Jin, Fangjiao Xu, Jingwei Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, RNA3 of a Cucumber mosaic virus strain infecting Musa basjoo based on the molecular characterization of its 5' UTR. (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index。
8. Jia Mingliang, Jie Zhang, Pingkai Ouyang and Jishuang Chen*, Genetic structure of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. revealed by AFLP analysis, (Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular,Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering(Volume 3), EI index。
9. 徐朋, 竺錫武, 陳集雙*. 長裂苦苣菜揮髮油成分的GC_MS分析. 科技通報, 2010, 26(3): 374-379。
10. 賈明良, 廖乾生, 陳集雙*, 歐陽平凱. 路易斯安娜鳶尾快繁體系的建立. 科技通報, 2010, 26(4): 519-522。
1. Xiwu Zhu, Xiaohan Zhang, Jishuang Chen*, Haixiang Chen, Fanghao Wan. Chemical Composition of Leaf Essen tial Oil From Solidago decurrens Lour. J. Essent. Oil Res. 21。
2. Cai Cheng-gang, Ji-shuang Chen Qi Jiong-Jiong, Yu Ting, Yin Yun and Zheng Xiaodong. Purification characterization of keratinase from a new Bacillus subtilis strain. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 9(9):713-20。
3. Feng Junli, Kai Wang, Xin Liu, Chen Shaoning, Jishuang Chen. The response of tomato microRNAs to virus infection quantified by stem-loop real-time RT-PCR. Gene. 2009 437(1-2):14-21。
4. Xiufang Hu, Qionglou Fang, Shixiao Li, Jinguang Wu, Jishuang Chen, Isolation and characterization of endophytic and rhizosphere bacterial antagonists of soft rot pathogen from Pinellia ternata. FEMS Microbiol Lett 295 (2009) 10–16。
5. Ting Yu, Jishuang Chen, Huangping Lu, and Xiaodong Zheng .2009. Indole-3-Acetic Acid Improves Postharvest Biological Control of Blue Mold Rot of Apple by Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology 99 (3): 258-264。
6. Xiufang Hu, Shixiao Li, Qionglou Fang, Jinguang Wu and Jishuang Chen. Transfer of Bacillus mucilaginosus and B. edaphicus to the genus Paenibacillus with emended descriptions of P. mucilaginosus comb. nov. and P. edaphicus comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60 (2010), 8-14。
7. Jiang Feng, Chen Jishuang, MiaoYin, Krupinska, K., Zheng Xiaodong, 2009. Identification of differentially expressed genes from cherry tomato fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum) after application of the biological control yeast Cryptococcus laurentii. Postharvest Biology and Technology 53(3):131-137.。
8. Li Liqiang, Tian Qinghua, Jishuang Chen, 2009. A novel double-stranded RNA virus detected from Primula malacoides is a plant-isolated partitivirus closely related to partitivirus infecting fungal species. Arch Virology 154(4):565-72。
9. Weixia Liu , Jishuang Chen, 2009. A double-stranded RNA as the genome of a potential virus infecting Vicia faba. Virus Gene 39(1):126-131。
1. Feng Jun-li, Jishuang Chen Determination suppressive effect of satellite 369 on accumulation of Cucumber mosaic virus by real-time reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction.proceedings 2nd international Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008.pp 402-406。
2. Zhiyou Du, Feifei Chen, Zhijing Zhao, Qiansheng Liao, Peter Palukaitis, Jishuang Chen.The 2b protein and the C-terminus of the 2a protein of cucumber mosaic virus subgroup I strains both play a role in viral RNA accumulation and induction of symptoms. Virology 2008,380(2):363-370。
3. Zhang Jian-Guang , Rong Zeng1, Jishuang Chen. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets from Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Gene 2008,423(1):1-7。
4. Jiang Feng, Xiaodong Zheng, Jishuang Chen. Microarray analysis of gene expression profile induced by the biocontrol yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in cherry tomato fruit. Gene 2008,423(2):71-77。
5. Feng Jun-Li, Rong Zeng, Jishuang Chen. Novel Methods for Data Processing of Quantitative Real-time PCR Using a Tripartite Plant Virus as Model. Biotechniques. 2008, 44(7):901-912。
6. Weixia Liu, Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Genomic characterization of a novel partitivirus infecting Aspergillus ochraceus. Virus Genes 2008, 37(3):322-327。
7. Sun Haohua, Susu ShenTu, Feng Xue , Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Molecular characterization and evolutionary analysis of soybean mosaic virus infecting Pinellia ternata in China. Virus Genes (2008) 36:177–190。
8. Hu Xiufang, Ying Feixiang, He Yu-Bo, Yuan-Yuan Gao, Chen Haimin, Chen Jishuang*, 2008 Characterization of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum causing soft-rot disease on Pinellia ternata in China. Eur J Plant Pathol. 120(3): 305-310。
9. 廖乾生 杜志游 張華榮 吳鵬 朱麗萍, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒辣椒分離物侵染性克隆構建. 中國農業科學 2008, 41(7):1975-1982。
10. 胡秀芳, 高圓圓, 方瓊樓, 吳金光, 陳集雙.離子束注入技術選育膠質芽孢桿菌KNP414的解磷突變株.核農學報, 22(4):420-425。
11. 李露露, 李立強, 喬愛民, 陳亮, 陳集雙. 蘿蔔中一種新dsRNA的全長cdNA克隆及序列分析. 園藝學報, 2008, 35(8):1209-1214。
12. 金銀兵,羊鬃棄, 陳集雙. 三葉半夏組培擴繁與優良單株的選育. 中國生物工程雜誌 (2008)28(6):48-54。
13. 張傑,徐濤,張建光,陳集雙. 半夏栽培品遺傳差異的AFLP分析. 中藥材 38(429):1884-1888。
1. Du Zhiyou, Chen Feifei, Liao Qiansheng, Zhang Huarong, Chen Yanfei, Jishuang Chen*. The 2b ORFs encoded by subgroup IB strains of Cucumber mosaic virus induced differential virulence on Nicotiana species. J. Gen. Virol., 2007, 88 (9):2596-2604。
2. Ying Feixiang, Hu Xiufang, Jishuang Chen. 2007 First Report of Soft Rot Caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum on Pinellia ternata in China. Plant Disease.91 (10): 1359。
3. Yu T, Chen J, Chen R, Huang B, Liu D, Zheng X. Biocontrol of blue and gray mold diseases of pear fruit by integration of antagonistic yeast with salicylic acid. Int J Food Microbiol. 2007 May 30;116(3):339-345。
4. Zeng Rong, Feng Junli, Jishuang Chen. Synergy Between Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus on Cucurbitaceae Hosts Tested by Real-Time Reverse Transcript-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (6):431-437。
5. Du Zhiyou, Jin Bo, Liu Wenhong, Chen L, Jishuang Chen*. Highly Sensitive Fluorescent-labeled Probes and Glass Slide Hybridization for the Detection of Plant RNA Viruses and a Viroid. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (5): 326–334。
6. Liao Qiansheng, Zhu Liping, Du Zzhiyou, Zeng Rong, Peng Wu, Jishuang Chen. Satellite RNA-mediated Reduction of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Genomic RNAs Accumulation in Nicotiana tabacum. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2007, 39 (3): 217-223。
7. Chen Yanfei, Jishuang Chen*, Huarong Zhang, Xiangshan Tang, Zhiyou Du. Molecular evidence and sequence analysis of a natural reassortant between Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup IA and II strains. Virus Gene, 2007,35(2):405-413。
8. 胡秀芳, 應飛祥, 陳集雙. 膠質芽孢桿菌突變株021120的培養條件及發酵工藝最佳化. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2007, 27 (9) : 58-62。
9. 陳斐斐, 杜志游, 劉歆, 謝禮, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒2b蛋白對寄主光合速率和葉綠素結構的影響. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 889-896. SCI收錄。
10. 廖乾生, 杜志游, 張華榮, 朱麗萍, 吳鵬, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒CB7株系引起心葉煙壞死反應與RNA2相關. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 824-829. SCI收錄。
11. 陳紹寧, 陳集雙, 吳鵬, 朱為民. 引起番茄植株壞死病的病毒研究. 植物病理學報, 2007,37 (4): 377-382。
12. 何煜波, 胡秀芳, 陳海敏, 陳集雙, 高必達, 應飛翔. 半夏細菌性軟腐病原菌的分離及鑑定. 植物病理學報, 2007, 37(4):337-342。
13. 郎秋蕾, 陳集雙, 傅天珍, 杜志游. 馬鈴薯S病毒的分子鑑定與檢測. 植物病理學報, 2007, 37(2):217-220。
14. 劉莉, 陳集雙. 利用Taq聚合酶直接從雙鏈RNA模板中擴增靶序列. 微生物學通報, 2007, 34(1):57-60。
15. 李松華, 薛國新, 陳集雙. 加拿大一枝黃花製漿研究(系列報導之四)鹼—蒽醌化學漿漂白性能的研究. 中華紙業, 2007, 28(1):48-51。
1. Xiwu Zhu, Xiaohan Zhang, Jishuang Chen*, Haixiang Chen, Fanghao Wan. Chemical Composition of Leaf Essen tial Oil From Solidago decurrens Lour. J. Essent. Oil Res. 21。
2. Cai Cheng-gang, Ji-shuang Chen Qi Jiong-Jiong, Yu Ting, Yin Yun and Zheng Xiaodong. Purification characterization of keratinase from a new Bacillus subtilis strain. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 9(9):713-20。
3. Feng Junli, Kai Wang, Xin Liu, Chen Shaoning, Jishuang Chen. The response of tomato microRNAs to virus infection quantified by stem-loop real-time RT-PCR. Gene. 2009 437(1-2):14-21。
4. Xiufang Hu, Qionglou Fang, Shixiao Li, Jinguang Wu, Jishuang Chen, Isolation and characterization of endophytic and rhizosphere bacterial antagonists of soft rot pathogen from Pinellia ternata. FEMS Microbiol Lett 295 (2009) 10–16。
5. Ting Yu, Jishuang Chen, Huangping Lu, and Xiaodong Zheng .2009. Indole-3-Acetic Acid Improves Postharvest Biological Control of Blue Mold Rot of Apple by Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology 99 (3): 258-264。
6. Xiufang Hu, Shixiao Li, Qionglou Fang, Jinguang Wu and Jishuang Chen. Transfer of Bacillus mucilaginosus and B. edaphicus to the genus Paenibacillus with emended descriptions of P. mucilaginosus comb. nov. and P. edaphicus comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 60 (2010), 8-14。
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8. Li Liqiang, Tian Qinghua, Jishuang Chen, 2009. A novel double-stranded RNA virus detected from Primula malacoides is a plant-isolated partitivirus closely related to partitivirus infecting fungal species. Arch Virology 154(4):565-72。
9. Weixia Liu , Jishuang Chen, 2009. A double-stranded RNA as the genome of a potential virus infecting Vicia faba. Virus Gene 39(1):126-131。
1. Feng Jun-li, Jishuang Chen Determination suppressive effect of satellite 369 on accumulation of Cucumber mosaic virus by real-time reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction.proceedings 2nd international Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008.pp 402-406。
2. Zhiyou Du, Feifei Chen, Zhijing Zhao, Qiansheng Liao, Peter Palukaitis, Jishuang Chen.The 2b protein and the C-terminus of the 2a protein of cucumber mosaic virus subgroup I strains both play a role in viral RNA accumulation and induction of symptoms. Virology 2008,380(2):363-370。
3. Zhang Jian-Guang , Rong Zeng1, Jishuang Chen. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets from Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Gene 2008,423(1):1-7。
4. Jiang Feng, Xiaodong Zheng, Jishuang Chen. Microarray analysis of gene expression profile induced by the biocontrol yeast Cryptococcus laurentii in cherry tomato fruit. Gene 2008,423(2):71-77。
5. Feng Jun-Li, Rong Zeng, Jishuang Chen. Novel Methods for Data Processing of Quantitative Real-time PCR Using a Tripartite Plant Virus as Model. Biotechniques. 2008, 44(7):901-912。
6. Weixia Liu, Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Genomic characterization of a novel partitivirus infecting Aspergillus ochraceus. Virus Genes 2008, 37(3):322-327。
7. Sun Haohua, Susu ShenTu, Feng Xue , Greg Duns, Jishuang Chen. Molecular characterization and evolutionary analysis of soybean mosaic virus infecting Pinellia ternata in China. Virus Genes (2008) 36:177–190。
8. Hu Xiufang, Ying Feixiang, He Yu-Bo, Yuan-Yuan Gao, Chen Haimin, Chen Jishuang*, 2008 Characterization of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum causing soft-rot disease on Pinellia ternata in China. Eur J Plant Pathol. 120(3): 305-310。
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10. 胡秀芳, 高圓圓, 方瓊樓, 吳金光, 陳集雙.離子束注入技術選育膠質芽孢桿菌KNP414的解磷突變株.核農學報, 22(4):420-425。
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1. Du Zhiyou, Chen Feifei, Liao Qiansheng, Zhang Huarong, Chen Yanfei, Jishuang Chen*. The 2b ORFs encoded by subgroup IB strains of Cucumber mosaic virus induced differential virulence on Nicotiana species. J. Gen. Virol., 2007, 88 (9):2596-2604。
2. Ying Feixiang, Hu Xiufang, Jishuang Chen. 2007 First Report of Soft Rot Caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum on Pinellia ternata in China. Plant Disease.91 (10): 1359。
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4. Zeng Rong, Feng Junli, Jishuang Chen. Synergy Between Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus on Cucurbitaceae Hosts Tested by Real-Time Reverse Transcript-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (6):431-437。
5. Du Zhiyou, Jin Bo, Liu Wenhong, Chen L, Jishuang Chen*. Highly Sensitive Fluorescent-labeled Probes and Glass Slide Hybridization for the Detection of Plant RNA Viruses and a Viroid. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39 (5): 326–334。
6. Liao Qiansheng, Zhu Liping, Du Zzhiyou, Zeng Rong, Peng Wu, Jishuang Chen. Satellite RNA-mediated Reduction of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Genomic RNAs Accumulation in Nicotiana tabacum. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 2007, 39 (3): 217-223。
7. Chen Yanfei, Jishuang Chen*, Huarong Zhang, Xiangshan Tang, Zhiyou Du. Molecular evidence and sequence analysis of a natural reassortant between Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup IA and II strains. Virus Gene, 2007,35(2):405-413。
8. 胡秀芳, 應飛祥, 陳集雙. 膠質芽孢桿菌突變株021120的培養條件及發酵工藝最佳化. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2007, 27 (9) : 58-62。
9. 陳斐斐, 杜志游, 劉歆, 謝禮, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒2b蛋白對寄主光合速率和葉綠素結構的影響. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 889-896. SCI收錄。
10. 廖乾生, 杜志游, 張華榮, 朱麗萍, 吳鵬, 陳集雙. 黃瓜花葉病毒CB7株系引起心葉煙壞死反應與RNA2相關. 生物化學生物物理進展Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2007,34 (8): 824-829. SCI收錄。
11. 陳紹寧, 陳集雙, 吳鵬, 朱為民. 引起番茄植株壞死病的病毒研究. 植物病理學報, 2007,37 (4): 377-382。
12. 何煜波, 胡秀芳, 陳海敏, 陳集雙, 高必達, 應飛翔. 半夏細菌性軟腐病原菌的分離及鑑定. 植物病理學報, 2007, 37(4):337-342。
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15. 李松華, 薛國新, 陳集雙. 加拿大一枝黃花製漿研究(系列報導之四)鹼—蒽醌化學漿漂白性能的研究. 中華紙業, 2007, 28(1):48-51。
1. 江蘇省勞動模範 (2011年)。
2. 浙江省農業科技先進工作者(2006年)。
3. 外來物種環境風險評估和控制技術套用(2011年),環保部科技進步二等獎(第三完成人)。
4. 新型果實生物防腐保鮮技術的研究與開發(2010年),教育部科技進步二等獎(第三完成人)。
5. 抗病毒番茄種苗工廠化生產技術研究(2007年),浙江省科技進步三等獎;浙江省人民政府,第1完成人。
6. 浙江省外來有害生物控制現狀與對策研究(2005年),浙江省科技進步三等獎;浙江省人民政府,第1完成人。
7. 天南星科植物病毒檢測和特色芋頭無公害栽培技術研究(2005年),浙江省高校優秀科技成果一等獎; 浙江省教育廳,第1完成人。
8. 有機磷降解菌的構建與新型微生物肥料的開發(2007年),浙江省高校優秀科技成果一等獎; 浙江省教育廳,第2完成人。