Textbooks: Econometric Analysis / William H. Greene
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
在中文權威學術期刊《中國社會科學》、《經濟研究》、《經濟學季刊》、《世界經濟》、《金融研究》以及英文SSCI/SCI學術期刊Journal of Forecasting、Quantitative Finance、TheWorld Economy、China Economic Review、Energy Economics、Economic Systems、Review of Development Economics、Computational Economics、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Computational Statistics、Energy Policy、Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics等上面發表學術論文數十篇,多次被轉載和引用。學術專著先後榮獲第五屆張培剛發展經濟學優秀成果獎、入選首屆《國家哲學社會科學成果文庫》、榮獲首屆劉詩白經濟學獎。學術論文先後榮獲上海市第十屆哲學社會科學優秀成果一等獎、第四屆中國軟科學專業研究獎、《經濟學季刊》年度最佳論文獎等。學術觀點和訪談文章登載於《人民日報》、《文匯報》、《解放日報》、《中國社會科學報》、《第一財經日報》、《東方早報》、《新民周刊》等。陳詩一教授是國家社會科學基金重大項目“霧霾治理與經濟發展方式轉變機制研究”的主持人,同時主持國家社科基金重點項目、國家自科基金面上項目、教育部重點基地重大項目以及省部級研究課題多項,並主持三項上海市“十三五”規劃前期重大研究課題。
The Estimation of Environmental Kuznets Curve in China: Nonparametric Panel Approach, Computational Economics, 2015, 46, 405-420
Recurrent Support Vector Regression for a Nonlinear ARMA Model with Applications to Forecasting Financial Returns, Computational Statistics, 2015, 30, 821-843
Environmental Pollution Emissions, Regional Productivity Growth and Ecological Economic Development in China, China Economic Review, 2015, 35, 171-182
Dynamic Activity Analysis Model-based Win-Win Development Forecasting under Environment Regulations in China, Computational Statistics, 2014, 29, 1543-1570
'Green' productivity growth in China's industrial economy, Energy Economics, 2014, 44, 89-98
Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York, 2013, February (page 264)
What's the potential impact of taxation system reform on the carbon abatement and industrial growth in China? Economic Systems, 2013, 37(3), 369-386
Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission Based Industrial Productivity in China: A Sustainable Development Analysis, Review of Development Economics, 2013, 17(4), 644-661
Energy consumption restricted productivity re-estimates and industrial sustainability analysis in post-reform China, Energy Policy, 2013, 57: 52-60
The Abatement of Carbon Intensity in China: Factor Decomposition and Policy Implications, The World Economy, 2011, 34(7): 1148-1167
Structural Change, Productivity Growth and Industrial Transformation in China, China Economic Review, 2011, 22(1): 133-150
Modeling Default Risk with Support Vector Machines, Quantitative Finance, 2011, 11(1): 135-154
Forecasting Volatility with Support Vector Machines Based GARCH Model, Journal of Forecasting, 2010, 29(4): 406-433
Empirical Research on Fiscal Expenditure Efficiency of Local Governments in China, Social Sciences in China, 2009, 30(2): 21-34
Engine or Drag: Can High Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Drive the Sustainable Development of Chinese Industry? Frontier of Economics in China, 2009, 4(4): 548-571