



  • 中文名:陳華兵
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學化學與化工學院
  • 性別:男 


1997.09-2001.07 華中科技大學化學與化工學院,本科;
2001.09-2004.07 華中科技大學化學與化工學院,碩士;
2005.09-2008.07 華中科技大學生命科學與技術學院,生物製藥工程博士;
2008.08-2010.12 德克薩斯大學西南醫學中心Simmons腫瘤中心,博士後;
2010.12-2012.02 東京大學材料工程系Kataoka教授研究室,特任研究員;
2012.03-至今 蘇州大學藥學院,藥劑學教授;
2013.12-至今 蘇州大學放射醫學院與防護學院,雙聘教授。


(1)用於腫瘤早期成像的多模式納米探針:通過對生物可降解高分子材料及其納米組裝體的智慧型化和功能化設計,實現納米探針(近紅外螢光、MRI、CT探針等)對腫瘤的超靈敏(ultra-sensitivity)、高空間分辨( high spatial resolution)的探測。
(2)腫瘤靶向納米藥物的研究:構建多功能、靶向性、智慧型化的納米載藥系統,實現腫瘤多模式增效治療(光熱治療、化療、光動力學治療以及放射治療等);探索納米載體的細胞內協同增效新機制(synergistic effect)。


作為課題負責人,承擔了國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金、面上項目、青年基金、以及江蘇省“雙創計畫(事業創新)”、“蘇州市高等院校、科研院所緊缺高層次人才引進資助計畫”等國家及省市項目;2016年入選教育部“長江學者獎勵計畫”青年學者。作為核心成員,參與了“雙創計畫(團隊)”項目、江蘇省“特種醫學”優勢學科、“江蘇省重大神經精神疾病診療技術研究重點實驗室”建設項目等;作為學術骨幹,曾參與了國家重大科學研究計畫、國家支撐計畫等重大項目的研究。在國外工作期間,分別參與了日本大型科研計畫FIRST項目和美國NIH納米醫學研究項目。在教學方面,承擔了《藥劑學》、《納米醫藥》、《藥學研究進展》等本科、研究生課程的教學工作。迄今為止,已發表SCI論文50餘篇,其中作為通訊/第一作者在Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Biomaterials, Theranostics, J. Control. Release等雜誌上發表論文27篇,其中影響因子大於10的論文16篇;參編教材《藥劑學》(科學出版社,並列副主編) 1本、英文專著2本,獲得中國發明專利5項、湖北省科技進步二等獎1項。
  1. 主持國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目“藥物載體”(31422021),2015-2017年。
  2. 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“用於腫瘤光熱/分子靶向雙向協同治療的聚合物膠束研究”(51473109),2015-2018年。
  3. 主持江蘇省“雙創計畫(事業創新)”項目,2015-2017年。
  4. 主持“蘇州市高等院校、科研院所緊缺高層次人才引進資助計畫”,2014-2018年。
  5. 主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“用於肝轉移瘤早期探測的可激活近紅外螢光納米探針研究”(81202472),2013-2015年。
  6. 主持湖北省科技攻關項目“鬼臼毒素微乳凝膠劑的研製”(2005AA301B10), 2005-2007年。
  7. 參與江蘇省“雙創計畫(團隊)”項目,2015-2017年。
  8. 參與“江蘇省重大神經精神疾病診療技術研究重點實驗室”建設項目,2014-2016年。
  9. 參與江蘇省“特種醫學”優勢學科項目(PAPD),2013-2016年。
  10. 參與國家重大研究計畫課題“新型導向性納米藥物載體的構建及表征” (2006CB933301),2006-2008年。
38. Y Wang, Y Deng, H Luo, A Zhu, H Ke, H Yang, H Chen*. Light-responsive nanoparticles for highly efficient cytoplasmic delivery of anticancer agents,ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05214, In press.
37. Y Tang, T Yang, Q Wang, X Lv, X Song, H Ke, Z Guo, X Huang, J Hu, Z Li, P Yang*, X Yang*, H Chen*. Albumin-coordinated assembly of clearable platinum nanodots for photo-induced cancer theranostics,Biomaterials,2018, 154, 248-260.
36. T Yang, H Ke, Q Wang, Y Tang, Y Deng*, H Yang, X Yang, P Yang, D Ling, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Wu*, H Chen*. Bifunctional tellurium nanodots for photo-induced synergistic cancer therapy,ACS Nano,2017, 11, 10012-10024.
35. H Luo, Q Wang, Y Deng, T Yang, H Ke, H Yang, H He, Z Guo, D Yu, H Wu, H Chen*. Mutually synergistic nanoparticles for effective thermo-molecularly targeted therapy,Adv Funct Mater,2017, 27, 1702834.
34. J Li, K Wei, S Zuo, Y Xu, Z Zha, W Ke, H Chen*, Z Ge*. Light-triggered clustered vesicles with self-supplied oxygen and tissue penetrability for photodynamic therapy against hypoxic tumor,Adv Funct Mater,2017, 27, 1702108.
33. R Wen, X Lv, T Yang, Y Li, Y Tang, X Bai, H Ke*, J Shen*, H Chen*. Albumin nanoreactor-templated synthesis of Gd2O3/CuS hybrid nanodots for cancer theranostics,Sci China Mater,2017, 60, 554-562 (Invited paper).
32. T Yang, L Liu, Y Deng, Z Guo, G Zhang, Z Ge*, H Ke*, H Chen*. Ultrastable near-infrared conjugated polymer nanoparticles for dually photoactive tumor inhibition,Adv Mater,2017, 29, 1700487.
31. M Zhang, L Xing, H Ke, Y He, P Cui, Y Zhu, G Jiang, J Qiao, N Lu, H Chen*, H Jiang*. MnO2-based nanoplatform serves as drug vehicle and MRI contrast agent for cancer theranostics,ACS Appl Mater Interfaces,2017, 9, 11337-11344.
30. H He, S Ji, Y He, A Zhu, Y Zou, Y Deng, H Ke, H Yang, Y Zhao*, Z Guo*, H Chen*. Photoconversion-tunable fluorophore vesicles for wavelength-dependent photo-induced cancer therapy,Adv Mater,2017, 29, 1606690.
29. T Yang, Y Tang, L Liu, X Lv, Q Wang, H Ke, Y Deng, H Yang, X Yang, G Liu, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Size-dependent Ag2S nanodots for second near-infrared fluorescence/photoacoustics imaging and simultaneous photothermal therapy.ACS Nano,2017, 11, 1848–1857.
28. L Zhou, T Yang, J Wang, Q Wang, X Lv, H Ke, Z Guo, J Shen, Y Wang*, C Xing*, H Chen*. Size-tunable Gd2O3@albumin nanoparticles conjugating Chlorin e6 for magnetic resonance imaging-guided photo-induced therapy.Theranostics,2017, 7, 764-774.
27. Y Deng, L Huang, H Yang*, H Ke, H He, Z Guo, T Yang, A Zhu, H. Wu*, H Chen*. Cyanine-anchored silica nanochannels for light-driven synergistic thermo-chemotherapy.Small,2017, 13, 1602747.
26. Z Guo, Y Zou, H He, J Rao, S Ji, X Cui, H Ke, Y Deng, H Yang, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Bifunctional platinated nanoparticles for photo-induced tumor ablation.Adv Mater,2016, 28, 10155-10164.
25. T Yang, Y Wang, H Ke, Q Wang, X Lv, H Wu, Y Tang, X Yang, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Protein nanoreactor-assisted synthesis of semiconductor nanocrystals for efficient cancer theranostics.Adv Mater,2016, 28, 5923-5930.
24. X An, A Zhu, H Luo, H Ke, H Chen*, Y Zhao*. Rational design of multi-stimuli-responsive nanoparticles for precise cancer therapy.ACS Nano,2016, 10, 5947-5958.
23. Y Ma, J Huang, S Song, H Chen*, Z Zhang*. Cancer-targeted nanotheranostics: recent advances and perspectives.Small,2016, 12, 4936-4954.
22. X Ai, C Ho, J Aw, A Attia, J Mu, Y Wang, X Wang, Y Wang, X Liu, H Chen, M Gao, X Chen, E Yeow, G Liu, M Olivo, B Xing*. In vivo covalent cross-linking of photo-converted rare-earth nanostructures for tumor localization and theranostics.Nat Commun,2016, 7, 10432.
21. Y Li, Y Deng, X Tian, H Ke*, M Guo, A Zhu, T Yang, Z Guo, Z Ge, X Yang, H Chen*. Multi-pronged design of light-triggered nanoparticles to overcome cisplatin resistance for efficientablation of resistant tumor.ACS Nano,2015, 9, 9626-9637.
20. A Zhu, K Miao, Y Deng, H Ke, H He, T Yang, M Guo, Y Li, Z Guo, Y Wang, X Yang, Y Zhao*, H Chen*. Dually pH/reduction-responsive vesicles for ultrahigh-contrast fluorescence imaging and thermo-chemotherapy-synergized tumor ablation.ACS Nano,2015, 9,7874-7885.
19. Y Wang, T Yang, H Ke, A Zhu, Y Wang, J Wang, J Shen, G Liu, C Chen, Y Zhao, H Chen*. Smart albumin-biomineralized nanocomposites for multimodal imaging and photothermal tumor ablation.Adv Mater,2015, 27, 3874-3882.
18. J Huang, M Guo, H Ke, C Zong, B Ren*, G Liu, H Shen, Y Ma, X Wang, H Zhang, Z Deng, H Chen*, Z Zhang*. Rational design and synthesis of γFe2O3@Au magnetic gold nanoflowers for efficient cancer theranostics.Adv Mater,2015, 27, 5049-5056.
17. M Guo, J Huang, Y Deng, H Shen, Y Ma, M Zhang, A Zhu, Y Li, H He, Y Wang, X Yang, Z Zhang*, H Chen*. pH-responsive cyanine-grafted graphene oxide for fluorescence resonance energy transfer-enhanced photothermal therapy.Adv Funct Mater,2015, 25, 59-67.
16. J Li, Z Lyv, Y Li, H Liu, J Wang, W Zhan, H Chen*, H Chen*, X Li*. A theranostic prodrug delivery system based on Pt(IV) conjugated nano-graphene oxide with synergistic effect to enhance thetherapeutic efficacy of Pt drug.Biomaterials,2015, 51, 12-21.
15. H Chen, L Xiao, Y Anraku, P Mi, X Liu,H Cabral, A Inoue, T Nomoto, A Kishimura*, N Nishiyama*, K Kataoka*. Polyioncomplex vesicles for photo-induced intracellular delivery of amphiphilic photosensitizer.J Am Chem Soc,2014, 136, 157-163.
14. M Guo, H Mao, Y Li, A Zhu, H He, H Yang, Y Wang, X Tian, C Ge, Q Peng, X Wang, X Yang, X Chen, G Liu*, H Chen*. Dual imaging-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy using micelles.Biomaterials,2014, 35, 4656-4666.
13. Z Wan, H Mao, M Guo, Y Li, A Zhu, H Yang, H He, J Shen, L Zhou, Z Jiang, C Ge, X Chen, X Yang, G Liu, H Chen*. Highly efficient hierarchical micellesintegrating photothermal therapy and singlet oxygen-synergized chemotherapy forcancer eradication.Theranostics,2014, 4, 399-411.
12. H Yang, H Mao, Z Wan, A Zhu, M Guo, Y Li, X Li, J Wan, X Yang, X Shuai, H Chen*. Micelles assembled withcarbocyanine dyes for theranostic near-infrared fluorescent cancer imaging and photothermal therapy.Biomaterials,2013, 34, 9124-9133.
11. G Huang#, H Chen#, Y Dong#, X Luo, H. Yu, ZMoore, E Bey, D Boothman*, J Gao*. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles:amplifying ROS stress to improve anticancer drug efficacy.Theranostics,2013, 3,116-126.
10. H Chen, H Zhu, J Hu, Y Zhao, Q Wang, JWan, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. Highly compressed assembly of deformable nanogelsinto nanoscale suprastructures and their application in nanomedicine.ACS Nano,2011, 5, 2671-2680.
9. H Chen, C Khemtong, X Yang, X Chang, J Gao*. Nanonization strategies for poorly water-soluble drugs.Drug Discov Today,2011, 16, 354-360.
8. H Chen, L Xiao, D Du, D Mou, H Xu, X Yang*. A facile construction strategy of highly stable nanoparticles for drugdelivery using a hydrogel-thickened microemulsion system as a template.Nanotechnology,2010, 21, 015101.
7. H Chen, H Zhu, J Zheng, D Mou, J Wan, J Zhang, T Shi, Y Zhao, H Xu, X Yang*. The iontophoresis-driven penetration oflecithin-based nanovesicles through microneedle-induced skin microchannels for transdermal delivery of insulin.J Control Release,2009, 139, 63-72.
6. H Chen, J Wan, Y Wan, D Mou, H Liu, H Xu, X Yang*. A facile nanoaggregation strategy for oral delivery of hydrophobicdrug by utilizing acid-base neutralization reaction.Nanotechnology,2008, 19, 375104.
5. D Mou, H Chen*, D Du, C Mao, J Wan, H Xu, X Yang*. Hydrogel-thickened nanoemulsion system for topical delivery of lipophilicdrugs.Int J Pharm,2008, 353, 270-276.
4. H Chen, D Mou, D Du, X Chang, D Zhu, J Liu, H Xu, X Yang*. Hydrogel-thickened microemulsion for topical administrationof drug molecule at an extremely low concentration.Int J Pharm,2007, 341, 78-84.
3. H Chen, X Chang, D Du, W Liu, J Liu, T Weng, Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. Podophyllotoxin-loaded Solid lipid nanoparticlesfor epidermal targeting.J Control Release,2006, 110, 296-306.
2. H Chen, X Chang, D Du, J Li, H Xu, X Yang*. Microemulsion-based hydrogel formulation of ibuprofen for topicaldelivery.Int J Pharm,2006, 315, 52-58.
1. H Chen, X Chang, T Weng, X Zhao, Z Gao,Y Yang, H Xu, X Yang*. A study of microemulsion systems for transdermal deliveryof triptolide.J Control Release,2004, 98, 427-436.


