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  • 中文名:陳禮清
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校東北大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:金屬材料及熱處理
  • 任職院校:東北大學







(1) 《金屬學報》編委(2009~);
(2) 《複合材料學報》編委(2012~);
(3) 《材料科學技術》(英文版)編委(2006~);
(4) 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica》(English Letters)編委(2009~);
(5) 《Composite Materials and Engineering》編委(2019~);
(6) 《Advances in Materials Research, An International Journal》編委(2012~);
(7) 日本塑性加工學會會員(2002~);
(8) 中國金屬學會軋鋼分會理事(2016~);
(9) 遼寧省機械工程學會塑性工程分會理事(2011~);
(10) 中國金屬學會軋鋼分會塑性加工理論與新技術學術委員會主任委員(2016~)。









已在國內外主要學術期刊發表論文200餘篇,被SCI、EI收錄140餘篇;被國內外學者引用超過2000次,H指數16。由美國Nova Science Publishers, Inc.出版英文合作專著1部(Progress in Materials Science Research), 獲4次省部委級科技獎勵,獲13項國家發明專利;培養畢業碩士、博士研究生50餘人。
(1) Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao and Xiaomei Qin. Some aspects of high-manganese twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel, A review, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),
(2) Yao Yantao and Chen Liqing. Processing of B4C particulate-reinforced magnesium-matrix composites by metal-assisted melt infiltration technique, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,
(3) Xin Li, Jun Shu, Liqing Chen and Hongyun Bi. Effect of cerium on high temperature oxidation resistance of 00Cr17NbTi ferritic stainless steel, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),
(4) Hejia Zhang, Liqing Chen, Jing Sun, Wenguang Wang and Quanzhao Wang. Influence of deep cryogenic treatment on mechanical properties and microstructures of an ultra-fine grained WC-12Co cemented carbide, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),
(5) Liqing Chen, Yantao Yao. Processing, microstructures and mechanical properties of magnesium matrix composites, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters),
(6) Liqing Chen, Jianguo Huang, Yang Zhao, Hongshuang Di and Fuxian Zhu. Processing, microstructures and mechanical properties of ultra-high strength steel sheet, Procedia Engineering,
(7) Xiaoyun Yuan, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, Hongshuang Di and Fuxian Zhu. Dependence of grain size on mechanical properties and microstructures of high manganese austenitic steel, Procedia Engineering,
(8) Xiaoyun Yuan, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, Hongshuang Di and Fuxian Zhu. Effect of annealing temperature on mechanical properties and microstructures of a high manganese austenitic steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology,
(9) Hejia Zhang, Liqing Chen, Jing Sun, Wenguang Wang and Quanzhao Wang. An investigation of cobalt phase structure in WC-Co cemented carbides before and after deep cryogenic treatment, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials,
(10) Chen Liqing, Zeng Zhouyu, Zhao Yang, Zhu Fuxian and Liu Xianghua. Microstructures and high-temperature mechanical properties of a martensitic heat resistant stainless steel 403Nb processed by thermo-mechanical treatment, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
(11) Junjun Cui, Liqing Chen. Microstructures and mechanical properties of a wear resistant alloyed ductile iron austempered at different temperatures, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,
(12) Yantao Yao, Liqing Chen. B4C/Al composites processed by metal-assisted pressureless infiltration technique and its characterization, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,
(13) X. Li, J. Shu, L. Chen and H. Bi. Effect of Mo and Cu on stress corrosion cracking of ferritic stainless steel in chloride media, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology,
(14) Yantao Yao, Liqing Chen. Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Reinforced (TiC+TiB2)/Mg Composites Processed by in situ Reactive Infiltration Technique, Science of Advanced Materials,
(15) Cui Junjun, Chen Liqing. Microstructure and abrasive wear resistance of an alloyed ductile iron subjected to deep cryogenic and austempering treatments, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,
(16) Xiaoyun Yuan, Yang Zhao, Xing Li, Liqing Chen. Effect of Cr on mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Fe-Mn-C-Al-Cr-N TWIP steels, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,
(17) X.Y. Liu, W.G. Wang, D. Wang, D.R. Ni, L.Q. Chen, Z.Y. Ma. Effect of nanometer TiC coated diamond on the strength and thermal conductivity of diamond/Al composites, Materials Chemistry and Physics
(18) L.L. Wei, L.Q. Chen, M.Y. Ma, H.L. Liu, R.D.K. Misra. Oxidation behavior of ferriticstainless steels in simulated automotive exhaust gas containing 5 vol.% water vapor, Materials Chemistry and Physics
(19) Liangliang Wei, Jiahao Zheng, Liqing Chen, Raja Devesh Kumar Misra. High temperature oxidation behavior of ferritic stainless steel containing W and Ce, Corrosion Science,
(20) Junjun CUI, Liqing CHEN. Influence of austempering process on microstructures and mechanical properties of V-containing alloyed ductile iron, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International,
(21) Xing Li, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, Xiaoyun Yuan, Raja Devesh Kumar Misra. Influence of original austenite grain size on tensile properties of a high-manganese transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, Materials Science and Engineering
(22) Xing Li, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, Raja Devesh Kumar Misra. Influence of manganese content on epsilon/alpha-prime martensitic transformation and tensile properties of low-C high-Mn TRIP steels, Materials and Design,
(23) Xing Li, Liangliang Wei, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, Raja Devesh Kumar Misra. Work hardening behavior and tensile properties of a high-Mn damping steel at elevated temperatures, Materials Characterization,
(24) Chen Wang, Beibei Wang, Quanzhao Wang, Liqing Chen, Peng Xue, Bolv Xiao, Zongyi Ma. Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Al-36Si Composite via Friction Stir Processing and Subsequent Heat Treatment, Materials Transactions,
(25) Mingyu Ma, Chunlin He, Liqing Chen, Liangliang Wei, Raja Devesh Kumar Misra. Effect of W and Ce additions on the electrical corrosion behavior of 444-type ferritic stainless steel, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology,
(26) 陳禮清, 隋鳳利, 劉相華. Inconel 718合金方坯粗軋加熱過程晶粒長大模型, 金屬學報,
(27) 陳禮清, 趙 陽, 徐香秋, 劉相華. 一種低碳釩微合金鋼的動態再結晶與析出行為, 金屬學報,
(28) 秦小梅,陳禮清,邸洪雙,鄧 偉. 變形溫度對Fe-23Mn-2Al-0.2C TWIP鋼變形機制的影響, 金屬學報,
(29) 袁曉雲, 陳禮清. 一種高錳奧氏體TWIP鋼的高溫熱變形與再結晶行為研究, 金屬學報,
(30) 崔君軍,陳禮清,李海智,佟偉平. 等溫淬火低合金貝氏體球墨鑄鐵的回火組織與性能,金屬學報,
(31) 袁曉雲, 陳禮清. 晶粒及晶界特徵對高錳奧氏體TWIP鋼抗腐蝕能力的影響, 金屬學報,
(32) 姚彥桃, 陳禮清, 王文廣. 原位反應浸滲法製備(B4Cp+Tip)混雜增強Mg及AZ91D複合材料及其阻尼性能, 金屬學報
(33) 劉曉雲, 王文廣, 王 東, 肖伯律, 倪丁瑞, 陳禮清, 馬宗義. 片層石墨尺寸對鋁基複合材料的力學性能和熱導率的影響, 金屬學報,
(34) 王 晨, 王貝貝, 薛 鵬, 王 東, 倪丁瑞, 陳禮清, 肖伯律, 馬宗義. SiCp/6092Al複合材料攪拌摩擦焊接頭的疲勞行為研究, 金屬學報
(35) 劉後龍, 馬明玉, 劉玲玲, 魏亮亮, 陳禮清. 熱軋板退火對19Cr2Mo1W鐵素體不鏽鋼織構與成形性能的影響, 金屬學報,
(36) 秦小梅, 陳禮清, 鄧 偉, 邸洪雙. 應變速率對TWIP鋼Fe-23Mn-2Al-0.2C力學性能的影響,材料研究學報,
(37) 王文廣,張賀佳,王全兆,馬宗義,陳禮清. 碳化物抑制劑對WC-2.5TiC-10Co超細晶硬質合金微觀組織及力學性能的影響,材料研究學報
(38) 李 鑫,劉後龍,畢洪運,陳禮清. 中鉻鐵素體不鏽鋼18CrNb高溫氧化行為研究,材料研究學報,


(1) 陳禮清, 趙 陽, 徐香秋, 劉相華, 曹 正, 喬 兵. 一種低碳貝氏體型Nb-V複合微合金化非調質鋼及其製備方法,中國發明專利,
(2) 陳禮清, 張賀佳, 孫 靜, 王全兆, 王文廣. 一種提高WC-Co硬質合金力學性能的深冷處理方法,中國發明專利, 第1發明人;
(3) 陳禮清, 姚彥桃. 一種陶瓷顆粒增強鎂基複合材料及其製備方法,中國發明專利,第1發明人;
(4) 陳禮清, 崔君軍, 何亞民, 李海智, 佟偉平, 左 良, 魏 勇, 徐智平. 一種高壓輥磨機的合金貝氏體球墨鑄鐵輥面及其製備方法,第1發明人;
(5) 陳禮清, 曾周燏, 姚彥桃, 趙 陽, 劉後龍, 李 興. 一種提高403Nb耐熱葉片鋼高溫蠕變性能的工藝方法,中國發明專利,第1發明人。


(1) 教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計畫(2006);
(2) 遼寧省“百千萬人才工程”百人層次(2007);
(3) 遼寧省“百千萬人才工程”創新團隊(2008);
(4) 東北大學材冶學院首屆“我最喜愛的科技創新指導名師”(2010);
(5) 東北大學“學生科技創新活動優秀指導教師”(2011);
(6) 中科院金屬所2013年度《JMST傑出貢獻獎》(2014);
(7) 江蘇省“雙創計畫”人才(2014);
(8) 東北大學第11屆“我最喜愛的老師”(2015);
(9) 東北大學2014-2016年度“三育人”先進個人(2016);
(10) 2016年度“東北大學招生宣傳先進個人”(2017)
(11) 瀋陽市高層次人才支持計畫-領軍人才(2017)。


