[51] Zhang Qida, Peng Yinghu, Chen zhenxian, et al., Conformity design can change the effect of tibial component malrotation on knee biomechanics after total knee arthroplasty[J]. Clinical Biomechanics, 2023. 105: 105985. (SCI)
[46] Yanwei Zhang, Zhenxian Chen*, Hongmou Zhao, et al. Comparison of joint load, motions and contact stress and bone-implant interface micromotion of three implant designs for total ankle arthroplasty[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 223:106976.(SCI: 3A0XU)
[43] Zhang, Y., Chen Zhenxian*, et al., Articular geometry can affect joint kinematics, contact mechanics, and implant-bone micromotion in total ankle arthroplasty. J Orthop Res, 2022;1-11. doi:10.1002/jor.25381 (SCI: 7W0JG)
[42] Zhang, Y., Chen Zhenxian*, et al., Anatomic ankle implant can provide better tibiotalar joint kinematics and loading. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2022. 103: 103789. (SCI: 0W2OU)
[41] Wu X, Zhang Z, Ma D, et al. Influence of Al2O3 platelets addition on ceramic slurry and local flow induced platelets alignment in ceramic mask stereolithography process [J]. Ceram Int, 2022. (SCI: 0O1SJ)
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[39] Hu Jiayu, Xiong Ran, Chen Xiaofei, Chen Zhenxian, Jin Zhongmin, Effect of components mal-alignment on biomechanics in fixed unicompartmental knee arthroplasty using multi-body dynamics model during a walking cycle. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2022. 100: p. 103747.(SCI: 6F0ND)
[38] Li Pengyu, Tang Hao, Liu Xiaoyu, Chen Zhenxian, Zhang Xiaogang, Zhou Yixin, Jin Zhongmin.Reconstruction of Severe Acetabular Bone Defects with Porous Metal Augment in Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Finite Element Analysis Study [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 2021. (SCI: PIHMEQ)
[36] Chen Zhenxian, Fan Xunjian, Gao Yongchang, et al. Effect of Rotator Cuff Deficiencies on Muscle Forces and Glenohumeral Contact Force after Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Using Musculoskeletal Multibody Dynamics Simulation[J].Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Biomechanics, 2021:9. (SCI: TK7PE)
[35] Zhang Qida, Chen Zhenxian, Jin Zhongmin, Muratoglu Orhun, Varadarajan Karti.Patient-specific musculoskeletal models as a framework for comparing ACL function in unicompartmental vs. bicruciate retaining arthroplasty. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine.2021: 235(8):861-872. (SCI: TJ3YV)
[32] Weijian Lin, Qingen Meng , Junyan Li , Zhenxian Chen* and Zhongmin Jin. The effect of highly inhomogeneous poroelastic properties on mechanical behaviour of articular cartilage. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2021. (SCI: SU8XR)
[31] Zhang Yanwei, Chen Zhenxian, Peng Yinghu, et al. Predicting ground reaction and tibiotalar contact forces after total ankle arthroplasty during walking. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2020.234(12):1432-1444. (SCI:OT0QZ)
[30] Zhang Qida, Chen Zhenxian, Zhang Zhifeng, et al. Leveraging subject-specific musculoskeletal modeling to assess effect of anterior cruciate ligament retaining total knee arthroplasty during walking gait. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2020: 234(12):1445-1456. (SCI:OT0QZ)
[29] Gao YongChang, Zhao Xuan, Chen ShiBin, Zhang Jing, Chen Zhenxian, Jin Zhongmin. Effects of Daily Activities and Position on Kinematics and Contact Mechanics of Dual Mobility Hip Implant. Journal of healthcare engineering. 2020; 2020: 12.(SCI:KY1QY)
[28] Yinghu Peng, Duo Wai-Chi Wong, Yan Wang, Tony Lin-Wei Chen, Qitao Tan, Zhenxian Chen, Zhongmin Jin, Ming Zhang. Immediate Effects of Medially Posted Insoles on Lower Limb Joint Contact Forces in Adult Acquired Flatfoot: A Pilot Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17. (SCI: LK3LI)
[26] Zhang Yanwei, Chen Zhenxian*, Zhao Hongmou, Liang Xiaojun, Sun Cheng, Jin Zhongmin. Musculoskeletal modeling of total ankle arthroplasty using force-dependent kinematics for predicting in vivo joint mechanics [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine. 2019. (SCI: KE3QQ).
[24] Zhang Jing, Chen Zhenxian, Gao Yongchang, Zhang Xuan ,Guo Lei ,Jin Zhongmin .Computational wear prediction for impact of kinematics boundary conditions on wear of total knee replacement using two cross-shear models[J]. Journal of Tribology.2019.(SCI:KC0SN).
[22] Chen Zhenxian, Zhang jing, et al. Effects of interference assembly of a tibial 1nsert on the tibiofemoral contact mechanics in total knee replacement. Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2019. 233(9): 948-953. (SCI:IM0DE)
[21] Zhang, Z.F., Zhang, Q. D., Zhao, G. H., Huang, J., Chen, Zhenxian.et al., Morphological Measurements of the Normal Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese in a Healthy Chinese Population. International Journal of Morphology, 2019. 37(2): p. 664-670. (SCI: HW9BA)
[20]Liu Xiaoyu, Chen Zhenxian*,Gao Yongchang, et al. High Tibial Osteotomy: Review of techniques and biomechanics.Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2019. (SCI:IF9MX)
[19]. Zhang Qida, Chen Zhenxian*,Zhang Jing, et al. 1nsert conformity variation affects kinematics and wear performance of total knee replacements.Clinical Biomechanics.2019;65:19-25.(SCI:IB3UF)
[18].Hu Jiayu, Xin Hua, Chen Zhenxian et al. The role of menisci in knee contact mechanics and secondary kinematics during human walking[J]. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 2018, 61: 58-63. (SCI:HO1ZY)
[17].Chen Zhenxian, Gao Yongchang, et al. Biomechanics and wear comparison between mechanical and kinematic alignments in total knee arthroplasty[J]. Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2018: 232(12): 1209–1218 (SCI: HE7HN)
[16].Hu Jiayu; Chen Zhenxian*; Xin Hua; Zhang Qida; Jin Zhongmin. Musculoskeletal multibody dynamics simulation of the contact mechanics and kinematics of a natural knee joint during a walking cycle[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine.2018. 232(5):508~519 (SCI:GH0LK)
[15].Gao Yongchang, Chen Zhenxian, et al. Effect of inclination and anteversion angles on kinematics and contact mechanics of dual mobility hip implants[J]. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2018, 57: 48-55. (SCI:GP3TG)
[14].Peng Yinghu, Zhang Zhifeng, Gao Yongchang, Chen Zhenxian*, et al. Concurrent prediction of ground reaction forces and moments and tibiofemoral contact forces during walking using musculoskeletal modelling[J].Medical Engineering and Physics, 2018. 52: 31~40. (SCI:GC1BB)
[13].Chen Shibin, Ma Jingcun, Yao Yunshi, Gao Yongchang, Chen Zhenxian, Ping Lin. Investigation of combining dipole antennas with three dimensional photonic crystals[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 1053: 012082. (SCI)
[12].Zhang Jing, Chen Zhenxian*, Wang Ling, Li Dichen, Jin Zhongmin. A patient-specific wear prediction framework for an artificial knee joint with coupled musculoskeletal multibody-dynamics and finite element analysis[J]. Tribology International, 2017, 109: 382-389. (SCI: EM9DM)
[11].Zhang Jing, Chen Zhenxian*, Wang Ling, et al. Load application for the contact mechanics analysis and wear prediction of total knee replacement[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2017, 231:444-454. (SCI:ET3RX)
[10].Fan Xunjian, Chen Zhenxian*, Jin Zhongmin, et al. Parametric study of patient-specific femoral locking plates based on a combined musculoskeletal multibody dynamics and finite element modeling[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 2017. 232(2):114~126. (SCI:FV2KB)
[9].Chen Zhenxian, Zhang Zhifeng, Wang Ling, et al. Evaluation of a Subject-Specific Musculoskeletal Modeling Framework to Predict Load in Total Knee Arthroplasty [J]. Medical Engineering & Physics, 2016. 38(8): 708–716 (SCI:DR7KV )
[8].Chen Zhenxian, Wang Ling, Liu Yaxiong, et al. Effect of Component Mal-rotation on the Knee Loading in Total Knee Arthroplasty using Multi-body Dynamics Modelling Under a Simulated Walking Gait[J]. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2015, 33(9): 1287–1296. (SCI:CO60E)
[7].Chen Zhenxian*, Jin Zhongmin. Prediction of In-vivo Kinematics and Contact Track of Total Knee Arthroplasty during Walking[J]. Biosurface and Biotribology, 2016, 2:86-94.
[5].Zhang Xuan, Chen Zhenxian, Wang L, et al. Prediction of hip joint load and translation using musculoskeletal modelling with force-dependent kinematics and experimental validation[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2015. 229(7):477-490. (SCI:CL9LI)
[4].Chen Zhenxian, Zhang Xuan, Ardestani MM, et al. Prediction of in vivo joint mechanics of an artificial knee implant using rigid multi-body dynamics with elastic contacts[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine, 2014, 228:564–575. (SCI:AJ9NA)
[3].Ardestani MM, Chen Zhenxian, Wang L, et al. Feed forward artificial neural network to predict contact force at medial knee joint: Application to gait modification[J]. Neurocomputing, 2014, 139: 114-29. (SCI:AJ4QV)
[2].Ardestani MM, Chen Zhenxian, Wang L, et al. A neural network approach for determining gait modifications to reduce the contact force in knee joint implant[J]. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2014, 36: 1253-65. (SCI:AR5ML)
[1].Ardestani MM, Chen Zhenxian, et al. A real-time topography of maximum contact pressure distribution at medial tibiofemoral knee implant during gait: Application to knee rehabilitation[J]. Neurocomputing, 2014, 154:174–188. (SCI:CC1DR)
2.Chen zhenxian, zhang jing, Zhang xiao, Jin zhongmin. Chapter 7 Biomechanics and Tribology of Artificial Knee Joint (In book: UHMWPE Biomaterials for Joint Implants)[M]. Springer Science+Business Media Singapore. 2019:191-240.
3.Jin Zhongmin,Li Junyan, Chen Zhenxian. Computational Modelling of Biomechanics and Biotribology in the Musculoskeletal System[M]. Elsevier Ltd. 2020.
1.《Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine》
2.《Computers in Biology and Medicine》
3.《Medical Engineering & Physics》
4.《Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine》
5.《Applied Bionics and Biomechanics》
6.《Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research》
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