



  • 中文名:陳柳鑫
  • 出生日期:1975年3月
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 教學職稱:教授 




供應鏈管理、 庫存控制與定價決策管理。




  • 綜述
在國際一流期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering、Transportation Research Part E、Computers and Industrial Engineering等發表多篇學術論文。近年來主持國家自然科學基金、江蘇省哲學社會科學重點項目及中央高校基本科研業務費總計5項, 作為主要骨幹成員參與國家社科基金重大項目、國家社科基金一般項目、江蘇省創新團隊等多項國家及省部級項目。獲評2020年度江蘇省本科畢業論文優秀團隊(排名第二)。
  • 科研項目
江蘇省哲學社會科學重點項目:數據賦能江蘇製造業綠色轉型研究(NO: 21GLA001,2021.12-2023.12,主持)
國家社科基金重大項目:綠色發展下我國水資源-能源-糧食協同發展與安全戰略研究。(NO: 19ZDA084, 2019.12-2024.12,主研)
國家社科基金一般項目: 命運共同體視域下瀾湄流域水安全一體化調控機制研究(NO:19BGL181, 2019.07-2022.12,主研)
國家自然科學基金項目:不同類別銷售渠道下備貨型生產系統的庫存決策及價格機制研究(NO: 71502049,2016.01-2018.12, 主持, 已結題(後評估為優秀))
  • 期刊論文
[1] Ding Janpeng, Chen Liuxin, Ke, Ginger Y., Li Yuanbo and Zhang Lianmin.
“Balancing the profit and capacity under uncertainties: a target-based distributionally robust knapsack problem”. International Transactions in Operational Research,2022,29(2),760-782, (SSCI、SCI, JCR二區)
[2] 陳柳鑫, 黃 磊, 馬利軍。“運費成本共擔下 TPL 參與的農產品供應鏈收益共享契約研究”。管理工程學報,2021,35(6),218-225(CSSCI)
[3] 陳柳鑫, 孫振花,徐聰, 馬利軍。“考慮雙渠道努力因素的三級供應鏈聯合契約協調機制研究”。珞珈管理評論,2021,39 (4): 165-186。 (CSSCI)
[4] Ruixiao Kong, Li Luo, Liuxin Chen(通訊作者), Matthew F. Keblis. “The effects of BOPS implementation under different pricing strategies in omnichanne retailing”. Transportation Research Part E, 2020(141),102014 (SSCI、SCI, JCR一區)
[5] Chen Liuxin, Chen Xian, Matthew F. Keblis, Li Gen. “Optimal pricing and replenishment policy for deteriorating inventory under stock-level-dependent, time-varying and price-dependent demand”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019,135:1294-1299(SCI, JCR一區)
[6] Chen Liuxin, Matthew, F. Keblis, “Joint pricing and production control for a manufacturer with volume flexibility”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2016,61(12):4247-4252. (SSCI、SCI, JCR一區)
[7] Chen Liuxin, Feng Youyi , Hao Gang, Matthew, F.Keblis, “Optimal pricing and sequencing in a make-to-order system with batch demand”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(6): 1455-1470.(regular paper, SCI, JCR一區)
[8] Chen Liuxin, Hao Gang, Wang Huiming, “Optimal control of a make-to-stock system with a outsourced production and price-sensitive demand ”.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Science . Volume 2014, Article ID 301309. (SSCI、SCI)
[9] Chen Liuxin, Chen Youhua and Pang Zhan, “Dynamic pricing and inventory control in a make-to-stock queue with information on the production status”. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,2011,8(2):361-373. (regular paper, SCI, JCR一區)
[10] Chen Liuxin, Feng Youyi and Ou Jihong, “Coordination batch production and pricing control of a make-to-stock product”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2009, 54(7): 1674-1680. (SSCI、SCI,JCR一區)
[11] Chen Liuxin, Feng Youyi and Ou Jihong, “Joint management of finished goods inventory and demand process for a make-to-stock product: a computational approach, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2006,51(2): 258-273. (regular paper, SCI,JCR一區)
[12] Chen Liuxin, Li Junping, “Non-homogeneous (H,Q)-process: The forward and backward equations”. Journal of Southeast University,2002, 18(2): 180-183.


