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* 2009.09~至今
北京交通大學, 岩土工程系副教授;
* 2008.8~2009.8
新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore), 博士後訪問學者;
* 2007.10~2008.8
史蒂文斯理工學院(Stevens Institute of Technology), 新澤西,美國,博士後訪問學者;
* 2005.10~2007.10
新加坡吉奧軟體公司(Geosoft Pte. Ltd.), Singapore, 高級岩土工程師、主任程式師;
* 2002.8~2005.10
新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore),岩土工程專業, 獲博士學位;
* 1999.9~2002.3
天津大學, 固體力學專業, 獲碩士學位;
* 1995.9~1999.7
天津大學, 土木工程專業, 獲學士學位。


* 岩土工程中大規模線性方程組的疊代預處理技術
* 岩土工程高性能計算(如GPU計算技術)
* 工程中的多尺度隨機有限元方法
* 凍土與管道的相互作用
* 邊坡穩定
* 非飽和土滲流
* 結構-土的相互作用.


1. Chen X, Phoon KK, Toh KC. Performance of Zero-Level Fill-In Preconditioning Techniques for Iterative Solutions with Geotechnical Applications, ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, Accepted for publication.
2. Chen X, Cheng Yong-gang. On Accelerated Symmetric Stiffness Techniques for Non-associated Plasticity with Application to Soil Problems, Engineering Computations, Accepted for publication.
3. Chen X, Phoon KK. Numerical Evaluations of Convergence Criteria for Iterative Solvers in Finite Element Analysis, Computers and Geotechnics, 36(8):1272-1284, 2009.
4. Xu X. Frank, Chen X, Shen L. A Green-Function-Based Multiscale Method for Uncertainty Quantification of Finite Body Random Heterogeneous Materials, Computers and Structures, 2009.
論文獲得2010年度K.J. Bathe 獎,The 2010 K.J. Bathe Award for the Best Paper by a Young Researcher in the Field of Computational Engineering.
5. Xu X. Frank, Chen X. Stochastic Homogenization of Random Multi-phase Composites and Size Quantification of Representative Volume Element. Mechanics of Materials, 41(2): pp.174-186, 2009.
6. Chen X, Phoon KK, Toh KC. Partitioned versus global Krylov subspace iterative methods for fast FE solution of 3D Biot’s consolidation problem. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196: pp.2737–2750, 2007.
7. Chen X, Toh KC, Phoon KK. A Modified SSOR Preconditioner For Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Linear Systems Of Equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65(6):pp.785–807, 2006.
8. Phoon KK, Toh KC, Chen X. Block Constrained Versus Generalized Jacobi Preconditioners For Iterative Solution Of Large-Scale Biot’s FEM Equations. Computers & Structures, 82:pp.2401–2411, 2004.


1. The Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 美國,麻省理工學院,Jun., 14-17, 2005 (報告題目: Partitioned versus global Krylov subspace iterative methods for FE solution of 3D Biot's problem);
2. 第一屆中國水利水電岩土力學與工程學術討論會, 雲南,昆明, 11月11-14, 2006 (報告題目: 三維高性能岩土工程有限元軟體GeoFEA);
3. Workshop on Advances of Finite Element Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, 北京, 清華大學,1月25, 2007, (報告題目: 直接和疊代求解器及其在岩土工程中的套用);
4. 第三屆中國水利水電岩土力學與工程學術討論會, 陝西,楊凌, 9月18-19, 2010 (報告題目: 岩土工程問題的快速數值求解);


1. Finite Element Workshops, IES, Institution of Engineers Singapore, 新加坡工程師協會IES, 新加坡, Sep.05, 2007, (講座: The latest development of FEA solver technologies).
2. 北京交通大學,土木建築工程學院,12月2日,2010. (講座:中俄原油管線漠大段有限元分析評價系統的研發)。


【學術團體】:美國土木工程師協會 ASCE, Associate Member
* "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (The Baltic Journal)"
* "Transport in Porous Media"
* "International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE"
* "Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering";
* "Geotechnical and Geological Engineering (an international journal)";
* "Multiscale and Stochastic Modeling of Porous Media" in The Fourth Biot Conference on Poromechanics", Columbia University, NYC, 2009;
* "International Symposium on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories (ISG09)", 9-11, December 2009, Singapore;
* GeoShanghai2010, International Conference in Shanghai, China on June 3-5, 2010.


