



  • 中文名:陳凡
  • 外文名:laofan
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:江西省
2003年 個展 Avant-Garde gallery ,Shanghai
2006 Art Paris ,Galerie Levy
New China,pablo's birthday,New York
個展--China Pop.Galerie Levy,Hamburg
2007 爪--中青年藝術聯展 上海談是藝泓畫廊
2008 聯展 kunstaus schill斯圖加特
Pop absurdity
Chen Yufei
Chen Fan re-constructs historical and fashion symbols like trendy beauties and political leaders in his paintings, while adopting exaggerating pop style, reflecting the multi-layered social changes in China since the mid 1900s.
Familiar political and fashion figures are borrowed and juxtaposed, forming fictive illusions, reflecting the time flow and changes in the public Weltanschauung, from ``God worshiping'' to ``materialism'', ``ideology-centred'' to ``practicalism and Hedonism'', ``strong moral sense'' to ``no judgement''. Chinese people went through drastic changes in social values and life roles in quite short historical period. The former unified ideology is replaced by open free economical life. Historical evolution and rapid social development overthrow the traditional or permanent value system. Someone/something previous considered perfect may turn to its opposite in a different space-time. Such subversion resulted from historical changes, fictive or realistic, can be found in Chen Fan's paintings: spiritual and material, nobility and banality, right and wrong. The ridiculous, funny, and frivolous images contained the artist's witty thinking and personal account of history and life. These paintings carry powerful satire to authorities, creating a beautiful heaven where nobility dances with banality.


