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  • 中文名:陳克兵
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:系統最佳化
  • 性別:男
  • 任職院校:南京航空航天大學經濟與管理學院


1. 擔任中國運籌學會隨機服務與運作管理分會理事;
2. 擔任中國運籌學會對策論分會理事;
3. 擔任國際學術雜誌International Journal of Engineering and Industries (IJEI) 編委成員;
4. 擔任Automatica;European Journal of Operational Researches;
International Journal of Production Economics;
International Journal of Production Research;
Computers & Industrial Engineering;
Applied Mathematical Modelling;
Transportation Research Part E 等20餘個SCI雜誌的審稿工作。
2006.7-2018.8 南京航空航天大學理學院數學系--運籌學專業(講師,副教授,教授);
2015.2-2016.2 美國匹茲堡大學KATZ 商學院學術訪問;
2001.9-2006.6 武漢大學數學與統計學院--套用數學專業(碩博連讀)。


1. 系統最佳化;
2. 醫療服務運作管理;
3. 經濟與管理中的博弈分析;
4. 供應鏈管理


[1]Yang Lei,Ji Jingna, Chen Kebing. Advertising Games on National Brand and Store Brand in a Dual-channel Supply Chain. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2018(1): 105-134.(SCI)
[2]Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Pricing and replenishment policies in a supply chain with competing retailers under different retail behaviors. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017, 103: 145-157.(SCI)
[3]Chen Kebing, Feng Meiling, Yang Lei.Information sharing for competing supply chains with demand disruption. RAIRO-Operations Research, 2017, 51(3): 779-804. (SCI)
[4]Chen Kebing,Xu Renxin,Fang Hanwei. Information Disclosure Model Under Supply Chain Competition with Asymmetric Demand Disruption. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 33(6): 1650043. (SCI)
[5]Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Outsourcing strategy and production disruption of supply chain with demand and capacity allocation uncertainties. International Journal of Production Economics, 170, 243-257, 2015. (SCI,SSCI)
[6]Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Production planning and backup sourcing strategy of a buyer-dominant supply chain with random yield and demand. International Journal of Systems Science, 46(15), 2799-2817, 2015. (SCI,SSCI)
[7]Chen Kebing, Yang Lei. Random yield and coordination mechanisms of a supply chain with emergency backup sourcing. International Journal of Production Research, 52(16), 4747—4767, 2014. (SCI, SSCI)
[8]Chen Kebing, Shen Jiulong, Feng Meiling. Disruptions management of a supply chain under strategic subsidy policy for the demand-stimulating inventory. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 169—182, 2014. (SCI, SSCI)
[9]Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Reordering policy and coordination of a supply chain with a loss-averse retailer. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 9(4),827—853, 2013. (SCI, SSCI)
[10]Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Ordering policy and coordination of a supply chain with two-period demand uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 215(2): 347—357, 2011. (SCI, SSCI)
[11]Yang Lei, Tang Ruihong, Chen Kebing. Call, put and bidirectional option contracts in agricultural supply chains with sales effort. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 47: 1-16.(SCI)
[12]Chen Kebing. Procurement strategies and coordination mechanism of the supply chain with one manufacturer and multiple suppliers. International Journal of Production Economics, 138(1): 125—135, 2012. (SCI, SSCI)
[13]Chen Kebing, Yang Lei, Liu Yanxia. An analysis of supply chain decisions with asymmetrical retailers: effects of disruption and static service cost on coordination mechanism. RAIRO-Operations Research, 46(2): 159-187,2012. (SCI)
[14]Chen Kebing, Liang Jun, Li Jianbin. Information structures and pricing decisions in competing supply chains. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 21(2), 226—254, 2012. (SCI)
[15]Chen Kebing, Zhuang Pin. Disruption management for a dominant retailer with constant demand-stimulating service cost. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61(4), 936—946, 2011. (SCI, SSCI)
[16] Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun. Demand disruption and coordination of the supply chain with a dominant retailer. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(1), 225—234, 2009. (SCI, SSCI)
[17]Yang Lei, Ji Jingna, Chen Kebing. Game Models on Optimal Strategies in a Tourism Dual-channel Supply Chain, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016. (SCI)
1、國家自然科學基金(面上): “基於後備供貨應對不對稱供應風險的最優訂購策略研究” 2016.1-2019.12,49.3萬,主持人
2、國家自然科學基金(青年): “突變信息非對稱情況下的供應鏈信息披露模型研究” 2013.01-2015.12,
3、江蘇自然科學基金(青年):“擾動信息不對稱情形下的供應鏈系統應急與最佳化研究”. 2012.07-2015.6,20萬,主持人




