- 中文名:陳作志
- 職務:農業部南海漁業資源開發利用重點實驗室副主任
- 職稱:副研究員
- 性別:男
1、“廣東省海域漁業資源和漁業環境調查評估與可持續利用對策”(2000-2004), 2005年獲得中國水產科學研究院科技進步二等獎;2006年獲得廣東省科技進步二等獎。
2、 陳作志,江艷娥,徐姍楠. 一種頭足類耳石採集裝置. ZL 201220532549.1
3、 陳作志,江艷娥. 小型魚類的負壓式耳石採集器.專利號:ZL 20132027 4022.8
4、 陳作志,張鵬,梁沛文,江艷娥,范江濤,張俊. 一種頭足類海洋生物測量器. 專利號:ZL 201320421849.7
5、李敏,陳作志,梁沛文. 一種深海漁業生物海上收集箱. 專利號:ZL201420213172.2
6、李敏,陳作志. 一種動物胸廓骨骼標本製作輔助裝置. 專利號:ZL201420362107.6.
Zuozhi Chen, Yongsong Qiu, Shannan Xu. Changes in trophic flows and ecosystem properties of the Beibu Gulf ecosystem before and after the collapse of fish stocks. Ocean & Costal Management, 2011, 54:601-611.
Zuozhi Chen, Shannan Xu, Peimin He. An ecological model of the artificial ecosystem (northern Hangzhou Bay, China): analysis of ecosystem structure and fishing impacts. Helgoland Marine Research, 2011, 65: 217-231.
Zuozhi Chen, Shannan Xu, Yongsong Qiu, Zhaojin Lin, Xiaoping Jia. Modeling the effects of fishery management and marine protected areas on the Beibu Gulf using spatial ecosystem simulation. Fisheries Research, 2009, 100: 222-229.
Zuozhi Chen, Yongsong Qiu, Xiaoping Jia, Shannan Xu. Using an ecosystem modeling approach to explore possible ecosystem impacts of fishing in the Beibu Gulf, northern South China Sea. Ecosystems, 2008, 11: 1318-1334.
Zuozhi Chen, Yongsong Qiu, Xiaoping Jia, Shannan Xu. Simulating fisheries management options for the Beibu Gulf by means of an ecological modelling optimization routine. Fisheries Research, 2008, 89: 257-265.
Zuozhi Chen, Yongsong Qiu, Xiaoping Jia. Quantitative model of trophic interactions in Beibu Gulf ecosystem in northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2006, 25(3): 116-124.
Shannan Xu, Zuozhi Chen, Chunhou Li, Xiaoping Huang, Shiyu Li. Assessing the carrying capacity of tilapia in an intertidal mangrove -based polyculture system of Pearl River Delta, China. Ecological Modelling, 2011, 222: 846-856.
Shannan Xu, Zuozhi Chen, Shiyu Li, Peimin He. Modeling trophic structure and energy flows in a coastal artificial ecosystem using mass-balance Ecopath model. Estuaries and Coasts, 2011, 34: 351-363.
陳作志,邱永松. 南海北部生態系統食物網結構、能量流動及系統特徵. 生態學報,2010,30(18):4855-4865.
陳作志,林昭進,邱永松. 基於AHP的南海海域漁業資源可持續利用評價. 自然資源學報,2010,25(2):249-258.