
陰彩霞,女,理學博士,教授,博導。 "山西省優秀青年學術帶頭人"、 "山西省優秀青年科技工作者"、“太原地區青年科技拔尖人才”、 "山西大學十大傑出青年" 。曾獲"首屆中國青少年科技創新獎",第九屆"挑戰杯"飛利浦全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽一等獎。


  • 中文名:陰彩霞
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教授,博導


陰彩霞,女,理學博士,教授,博導。 "山西省優秀青年學術帶頭人"、 "山西省優秀青年科技工作者"、“太原地區青年科技拔尖人才”、 "山西大學十大傑出青年" 。曾獲"首屆中國青少年科技創新獎",第九屆"挑戰杯"飛利浦全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽一等獎。2005年7月獲得山西大學理學博士學位,2005年12月晉升為副教授。2009年10月晉升教授。2006.8-2007.8 台灣大學彭旭明院士課題組博士後研究員。2007年9月榮獲第五屆"山西省青年科技獎";發表論文50餘篇,獲國家發明專利授權7項,申報7項。主持國家自然科學基金兩項項目(No. 20081032,21072119),山西省青年科學基金(No.2009021006-2)及山西省回國留學人員科研項目(No.200815,2012-007),山西省留學擇優基金。
現為The Journal of Organic ChemistryCrystal Growth & DesignTalanta, Chem. Commun., Tetrahedron Lett., Analytica Chimica Acta, Dyes Pigments, Open Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Sensors,高等學校化學學報,化學研究與套用,分子科學學報,科技論文線上的審稿人。





  1. 霍方俊, 陰彩霞, 楊頻, "一種基於瓜環的核酸切割劑" 專利證書號:416475.
  2. 陰彩霞, 楊頻,霍方俊,"一種檢測血液中磷酸根的方法",專利證書號:304601.
  3. 陰彩霞, 楊頻,霍方俊,"一種檢測目視檢測尿液中無機磷的方法及其試劑盒",專利證書號: 322243.
  4. 楊頻, 陰彩霞, 霍方俊, "一種檢測尿液中磷酸根的方法",專利證書號: 326221.
  5. 陰彩霞, 霍方俊, 孫遠強, "一種檢測水溶液中草酸根的方法的方法", 專利證書號:603723。
  6. 霍方俊,陰彩霞, , 孫遠強, "一種檢測水溶液中半胱氨酸的方法", 專利證書號:645906。
  7. 陰彩霞, 霍方俊, 孫遠強, "快速檢測水溶液中無機磷的方法"


  1. Fang-Jun Huo,Cai-Xia Yin*, Yu-Tao Yang, Jian-Bin Chao, Dian-sheng Liu, Ultraviolet-Visible Light (UV−Vis)-Reversible but Fluorescence- Irreversible Chemosensor for Copper in Water and Its Application in Living Cells”,Anal. Chem, 2012, 84, 2219−2223
  2. Fang-Jun Huo, Jing-Jing Zhang, Yu-Tao Yang, Jiang-Bin Chao, Cai-Xia Yin, Yong-Bin Zhang, Ting-Gui Chen, A fluorescein-based highly specific colorimetric and fluorescence probe for hypochlorites in aqueous solution and its application in tap water, Sensors and Actuators B chemica, 2012, 166-167, 44-49.
  3. Yutao Yang, Fangjun Huo, Jingjing Zhang, Zhihui Xie, Jianbin Chao, Caixia Yin,* Hongbo Tong, Diansheng Liu,* Shuo Jin, Fangqin Cheng, Xuxiu Yan, a A novel coumarin-based fluorescent probe for selective bisulfite anion detection in water and its application to sugar, Sensors and Actuators B chemica, 2012,166-167, 665-670.
  4. Fang-Jun Huo, Yu-Tao Yang,Jing Su, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Cai-Xia Yin*, Xu-Xiu Yan. Indicator approach to develop a chemosensor for the colorimetric sensing of thiol-containing in water and its application for the thiol detection in plasma, Analyst, 2011, 136, 1892-1897.
  5. Fang-Jun Huo, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Su, Yu-Tao Yang, Cai-Xia Yin,* Jian-Bin Chao. Chromene “Lock”, Thiol “Key” and Mercury(II) ion “Hand”: A Single Molecular Machine Recognition System, Org lett, 2010, 12, 4756-4759.
  6. Fang-Jun Huo, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Su, Jian-Bin Chao, Hai-Juan Zhi, Cai-Xia Yin. Colorimetric detection of thiols using a chromene molecule. Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 4918-4921.
  7. Jing Su, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Fang-Jun Huo, * Yu-Tao Yang,Cai-Xia Yin, * Naked-Eye determination of oxalate anion in aqueous solution with copper ion and pyrocatechol violet, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2918-2923.
  8. Caixia Yin, Gin-Chen Huang, Ching-Kuo Kuo, Ming-Dung Fu, Hao-Cheng Lu, Jhih-hong Ke, Kai-Neng Shih,Yi-Lin Huang, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Chen-Yu Yeh, Chun-Hsien Chen, Shie-Ming Peng. Extended Metal-Atom Chains with an Inert Second Row Transition Metal: [Ru5(μ5-tpda)4X2] (tpda = tripyridyldiamido dianion, X = Cl and NCS). J. Am. Soc. Chem., 2008, 130, 10090-10092.
  9. Fang-Jun Huo, Caixia Yin, Pin Yang. The crystal structure, self-assembly, DNA-banding and cleavage studies of the [2]pseudorotaxane composed of cucurbit[6]uril. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17(4), 932-936.
  10. Caixia Yin, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang. UV-Vis spectroscopic study directly detecting inorganic phosphorus in urine and our reagent kit. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2006, 384, 774-779
  11. Caixia Yin, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang. An ion-based chromogenic detecting method for phosphate-containing derivatives in physiological condition. Sensors and Actuators B chemica, 2005, 109, 291-299.
  12. Caixia Yin, Fei Gao, Fang-Jun Huo, Pin Yang. Applying Yb Ion as a Simple and Sensitive Probe to Detect Phosphate-contaning Derivatives in Aqueous Solution.Chem. Commun., 2004, 934-935.


