



  • 中文名:阿布都克熱木·阿吉
  • 民族:維吾爾族
  • 出生日期:1963年7月
  • 畢業院校:德國蒂賓根大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:運算元理論;運算元半群理論;可靠性分析
  • 職務:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院碩士生導師
  • 任職院校:新疆大學數學與系統科學學院
  • 職稱:教授



2005.11 至 2007.12,德國蒂賓根大學,數學系,博士,導師:Rainer Nagel,教授;
2004.11 至 2005.11,德國蒂賓根大學,數學系,訪問學習,導師:Rainer,Nagel 教授;
2001.2 至 2002.2,同濟大學,德語培訓部,學習德語;
1985.9 至 1988.2,新疆大學,數學系,碩士,導師:陳德黃教授;
1980.9 至 1985.7,新疆大學,數學系,理學學士。


2012.12 至今,新疆大學,數學與系統科學學院,教授;
1996.6 至 2016.12,新疆大學,數學與系統科學學院,副教授;
1990.6 至 1996.6,新疆大學,數學系,教師;
1988.4 至 1990.6,新疆大學,數學系,助教。




1. 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目:修理工可休假的退化可修復系統動態解的
研究;批號:11761066;起止時間:2018.1.1 至 2021.12.31.
2. 國家自然科學基金地區基金項目:邊界擾動法在修理工可休假的可修系統可
靠性分析中的套用;批號:11361057;起止時間:2014.1.1 至 2017.12.31.
3. 自治區自然科學基金項目:休假可修復系統可靠性指標的研究;批號:
2014211A002;起止時間:2014.1.1 至 2017.12.31.
4. 自治區高等學校科研計畫項目科學研究重點項目:廣義馬爾可夫型各類可修
系統的穩定性的研究;批號:XJEDU2010I02;起止時間:2011.1.1 至
5. 新疆大學博士啟動基金項目:泛函分析在可修系統中的套用;批號:
BS080108;起止時間:2009.1.1 至 2010.12.31.
1. Mahsut Rozi, Abdukerim Haji and Abdugeni Osman, Well-posedness 0f the
Gnedenko System with Multiple Delay Vacations of a Repairman, 2017 International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, 2017,3:345-348, CPCI-S 收錄.
2. Adukerim Haji and Bilikiz Yunus,Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of aseries-parallel repairable system consisting of three-unit with multiple vacations ofa repairman,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,2016,4, 1585-1591.
3. Abdugeni Osman, Abdukerim Haji, Well-Posedness of an N-unit series systemwith finite number of vacations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,2016,4, 1592-1599.
4. Abdukerim Haji, Semigroup method for a system consisting of a reliable Machine,an Unreliable Machine and a storage buffer with Finite Capacity with FiniteCapacity , International Journal of Applied Mathema-tics and Statistics,2015,53(6): 275–287.
5. Abdukerim Haji, Asymptotic Stability of Gaver’s Parallel System Attended by aCold Standby Unit and a Repairman with Multiple Vacations, World Journal ofEnginee-ring and Technology, 2015, 3, 277-283.
6. 阿不都克熱木·阿吉,關於連續函式零點定理在排隊論中的套用,新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2015, 36(2), 15-21.
7. 阿不都克熱木·阿吉, 卡哈爾·沙木薩克等,由軟體和硬體構成的串聯可修計算機系統的的適定性及漸近穩定性,數學的實踐與認識,014, 44(2), 87-97.
8. Abdukerim Haji , Agnes Radl, A semigroup approach to the Gnedenko systemwith single vacation of a repairman, Semigroup Forum, 2013,86(1): 363–386,SCI收錄.
9. Abdulla Hoxur, Abdukerim Haji, Stability Analysis of the Gnedenko System withMultiple Vacations of a Repairman, Proceedings of International Conference onAdvances in Physics and Engineering Mathematics, 2013, 526-531, SCI收錄.
10. Abdukerim Haji, Asymptotic stability of a parallel maintenance system with twocomponents, Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Industrial Controland Electronics Engineering, 2012,1684-1687, SCI收錄.
11. 阿不都克熱木· 阿吉, 白麗克孜·尤努斯,一類可修復計算機系統的定性分析,套用數學學報,2012,35(6): 1003-1017.
12. Adukerim Haji, Asymptotic stability of a parallel maintenance system with twocomponents, American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011,11(9): 2292-2297, EI收錄.
13. Adukerim Haji and Bilikiz Yunus,Semigroup method for a parallelmaintenance system with two components, Analysis and Applications, 2010, 8(4):363–386, SCI收錄.
14. Adukerim Haji and Agnes Radl, A semigroup approach to queueingsystems,Semigroup Forum, 2007,75: 609-623, SCI收錄.
15. Abdukerim Haji and Agnes Radl, Asymptotic stability of the solution of thequeueing model, Computers Math. App., 2007, 53: 1411-1420, SCI收錄.
16. Abdukerim Haji(阿不都克熱木·阿吉),A semigroup approach to thesystem with primary and secondary failures,International Journal ofMathematics and Mathematical Sciences,2010, ID 201682: 1-33, 國際核心期刊.
17. Abdukerim Haji and Bilikiz Yunus, The stability analysis of the solution ofparallel repairable system with two identical units under three states, 2010,11: 46-48.
18. Abdukerim Haji and Geni Gupur, Asymtotic Property of a Reliability Model,International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2004, 3(1): 161-195.
19. Abdukerim. Haji and Agnes. Radl, A semigroup approach to a reliability ofsystems, Tuebinger Berichte zur Funktional- analysis, 2005, 14: 191--202.
20. Abdukerim Haji, N. Sulayman, Asymptotic property of the solution of the systemconsisting of two repairable unit, J. of Xinjiang Uni. , 2006, 21(3): 14-20
21. Abdukerim Haji, N. Sulayman, Asymptotic property of the solution of the systemConsisting of Two Repairable Unit, J. of Xinjiang Uni. , 2004, 21(3): 267-271.
22. Abdukerim Haji, Muyidin Helil, Existence and uniqueness of the solution of thesingle-channel queueing model, Proceedings of the 5th Xinjiang Youth cademicAnnual Conference, 2004.
23. Abdukerim Haji, Bilikiz Yunus, Infinite regular matrix and regular sequence offunction in Banach algebra, and its application, China Contemporary EducationalMagazine, 2004, 69 (4): 62-63.
24. 阿不都克熱木·阿吉, 數學分析中幾個重要概念之間的關係,新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2003, 24(2): 9-12.
25. 阿不都克熱木·阿吉, Banach空間中正則函式列, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 2000, 21 (2): 11-15.
26. 阿不都克熱木·阿吉 ,阿布都熱合曼·吾買爾,檢驗矩陣及其套用,新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 1998, 10 (2): 12-15.
27. 阿不都克熱木· 阿吉, 白麗克孜·尤努斯,弱 Banach 空間中的弱 RiemannStieltjes 積分,新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 1996, 13 (2): 23-28.
28. 阿不都克熱木· 阿吉, 白麗克孜·尤努斯,Banach 空間中的 Stolz 定理,新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 1995, 11 (1): 14-17.
29. 阿不都克熱木· 阿吉, 微分中值定理中值點的漸近性質,新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 1994, 11 (2): 29-35.
30. 阿不都克熱木· 阿吉, 廣義求和法的幾種推廣,新疆大學學報(自然科學版), 1993, 10 (3): 22-33.


1. 第十三屆新疆維吾爾自治區自然科學優秀學術論文獎;三等獎;排名第一;頒獎單位:新疆維吾爾自治區科學技術協會新疆維吾爾自治區科學技術廳;新疆維吾爾自治區人力資源與社會保障廳。


