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在Academy of Management Journal、Academy of Management Review、Journal of International Business Studies、 Journal of Applied Psychology、 Human Relations等學刊發表過多篇論文,並出版過學術專著,關於美中合資企業的研究獲全美管理學會的最佳論文獎。在企業全球戰略管理方面,被Journal of International Management列為“最多產”、同時“最具學術影響力”的全球9位學者之一。任Journal of International Management、Journal of Management and Organization、哈佛商業評論(中文版)編委。


  1. Faraj, S. & Yan, A. 2009. Boundary work in knowledge teams.Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(3): 604-617.
  2. Manev, I.M., Yan, A. & Manolova, T.S. 2005. Toward a model of governance and legality of firms in transforming economies: Empirical evidence from China.Thunderbird International Business Review, May-June: 313-334.
  3. Yan, A. & Duan, X. Interpartner fit and its performance implications: A four-case study of U.S.-China joint ventures.Journal of Asia Pacific Journal of Management,December, 20(4): 541-564.
  4. Johnson-Cramer, M., Cross, R., & Yan, A. Sources of fidelity in purposive organizational change: Lessons from a reengineering case.Journal of Management Studies, 40(7): 1837-1870。
  5. Yan, A., Zhu, G., & Hall, D.T. 2002. International assignments for career building: Agency relationships and psychological contracts.Academy of Management Review. 27(3): 373-391.
  6. Shenkar, O. & Yan, A. 2002. Failure as a consequence of partner politics: Learning from the life and death of an international cooperative venture.Human Relations. 55(5): 565-602.
  7. Manolova, T.S. & Yan, A. 2002. Institutional constraints and strategic responses of new and small firms in a transforming economy: The case of Bulgaria.International Small Business Journal. 20(2): 163-184.
  8. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 2001. Negotiating control and achieving performance in international joint ventures: A conceptual model.Journal of International Management, 7: 295-315.
  9. Hall, D.T., Zhu, G., & Yan A. 2001. Developing global leaders: To hold on to them, let them go!Advances in Global Leadership, 2: 327-349.
  10. Yan, A. 2001. US-China Joint Ventures: An Interview with Professor Aimin Yan of Boston University.Journal of American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, May: 8-9.
  11. Manev, I.M., Yan, A., & Manolova, T.S. 2001. The evolution of the organizational landscape in transforming economies: A four-country comparison.Global Focus, 13(1): 65-78.
  12. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 2001. Antecedents and effects of parent control in international joint ventures.Journal of Management Studies, 38(3): 393-416.
  13. Cross, R., Yan, A. & Louis, M. 2000. Boundary activity in boundaryless organizations: A case study of a transformation to a team-based structure.Human Relations, 53(6): 841-868.
  14. Yan, A. & Zeng, M. 1999. International joint venture instability: A critique of previous research, a reconceptualization, and directions for future research.Journal of International Business Studies, 30(2): 397-414.
  15. Yan, A. & Louis, M.R. 1999. The migration of organizational functions to the work unit level: Buffering, spanning and bringing up boundaries.Human Relations, 52(1): 25-47.
  16. Yan, A. 1998. Structural stability and reconfiguration of international joint ventures.Journal of International Business Studies, 29(4): 773-796.
  17. Yan, A. & Manolova, T.S. 1998. New and small players on shaky ground: A multicase study of emerging entrepreneurial firms in a transforming economy.Journal of Applied Management Studies, 7(1): 139-143.
  18. Yan, A. 1995. The formation dynamics of U.S.-China manufacturing joint ventures.China Business Review, December: 31-49.
  19. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 1995. Reconceptualizing the determinants and measurement of joint venture performance.Advances in Global High Technology Management. 5B: 87-113.
  20. Yan, A. & Gray, B. 1994. Bargaining power, management control, and performance in U.S.-China joint ventures: A comparative case study.Academy of Management Journal, 37(6): 1478-1517.
    Reprinted, 1996, in K. Chatterjee & B. Gray, (Eds.), Interorganizational joint ventures: Economic and organizational perspectives. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Reprinted, 1997, in P.W. Beamish, (Ed.), Strategic Alliances, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham, U.K.
  21. Gray, B. & Yan, A. 1992. A negotiations model of joint venture formation, structure and performance: Implications for global management.Advances in International Comparative Management, 7: 41-75.
  22. Sharfman, M., Gray, B., & Yan, A. 1991. The context of interorganizational collaboration in the garment industry: An institutional perspective.Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 27(2): 181-208.
  23. Dai, M. & Yan, A. 1985. A study of management education programs in China's technology and engineering schools.Journal of High Education Research in Machine-Building Industries, 3-4: 70-86.


